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Anhui “new land reform“ subject to restrictions

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Anhui “new land reform“ subject to restrictions(安徽“新土改”受制约)

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Anhui "new land reform" subject to restrictions: farmers ' worry about large financing | Anhui Xiaogang village | |-reform _ news

South reporter KOLON from Anhui "establish and improve the incentive mechanism for circulation of land contract and management rights, and guide the transfer of lands to the new agricultural enterprises" Anhui "land reform in the new" broad attention in recent days. In fact, the farmland in Anhui have existed for many years, its circulation forms have become more diversified.

The Anhui selected 20 counties (districts) of comprehensive rural reform demonstration pilot work carried out, the South reporter found in some pilot, effective treatments, such as medium, land barren land circulation illnesses, but large farmers landless worries, financing difficulties, is still unsolved problems of restricting circulation.

For the villagers of Xiaogang village in fengyang County, land was "the all-round contract" village after another transition opportunities, and Wuhe Zi Hucun some villagers said, "don't want to consider transfer of land".

Zi Hucun abortion land circulation

"According to the original plan, Zi Hucun current circulation of 3,000 acres of land, but because of objections from some villagers, only circulation of 2000 acres. "In Wuhe County double zhongmiao town, one official told the South reporter.

Zi Hu village has five thousand or six thousand acres of agricultural land, late last year, the villagers ' land transfer project involving 150 households in the village had a miscarriage. Village plans to Kwak, the land transfer to the Beach Village, by their uniform cultivated, but strongly opposed by villagers. Some villagers said the project did not hold villagers listened to their views of the General Assembly, did not vote.

Zi Hucun permanent residence for the elderly villagers, the farm has become their long-term habit. "We've worked away from older, if all land transfer out, is there anything you can do? "Several villagers have expressed similar views.

Abacus is not cost-effective. "If the circulation to each other, buy food to eat myself, life is not easy. "One has 10 acres of fields deal with reporters for the elderly at home last year when planning a transfer, the other side of the transfer fees are per acre of 800 Yuan/year, in two stages. According to this figure, he could only receive 8,000 yuan a year, down from their farm income of 13,000 dollars.

Another house in the same 10 acres and villagers said, by the party wanted to, well that is the whole even in some corners of the isolated Massif is poor circulation. He has 5 acres of land is a piece of, an additional 5 acres is isolated, "If you only have 5 acres of land, 5 acres and requires its own cultivation, harvest are not enough food to eat. ”

Because of widespread opposition, circulation projects abortive, Zi Hucun intends to transfer part of the land still in the hands of villagers. Pair of zhongmiao town, an official said, land transfer is in accordance with policy implementation, "there was more cautious. ”

"Turnover is rare against the masses", he explained, some villagers race four or five relatives, relatives are out, these do not need to pay the costs. If the land, villagers can only access their own contract land transfer fees, revenues declined by naturally against the flow.

Zi Hu worries do not only exist for landless villagers. Xuanzhou District of xuancheng city, Anhui Province September 5, 2013, mentioned in the report on the circulation of rural land work, few farmers fear land subcontracted out, loss of land ownership, no minimum life "security line", "so few farmers to migrate later, would rather land barren than subcontracted out. ”

Mass transfer is not easy, "when large scale implementation of land transfer contract, often because one or several contractor cannot be settled, making it difficult for land mass transfer is successful, resulting in a land scattered and restricts the development of economies of scale. ”

Xiaogang village, from "the all-round contract" to big business

Zi Hucun old concerns about land, but Yan Jinchang, Xiaogang village in fengyang County 70, which is out of step.

Back in 2008, Yan Jinchang, bid farewell to his many years of peasants ' role. This year, he opened a restaurant at the streets of Xiaogang village, built on his homestead. A steady stream of tourists and the mission so that restaurants maintain good business.

The demonstration pilot work on deepening the rural reform in Anhui Province late October after the introduction of the guidance to establish 20 counties (districts) as pilot reform in fengyang County is one of them, Xiaogang village once again attracted much attention.

More than 30 years ago in 1978, the 18 leaders including Yan Jinchang, pressed the Red handprint on the contract, implementation of agriculture "the all-round contract" so that the Xiaogang village world-famous. Since then, Xiaogang village's "reform" label, become the flagship of village development.

Yan Jinchang contracted 35 acres of land in that year became an individual producers. "The all-round contract" so that he solved the problem of food and clothing, land planted with rice, wheat and local specialty black beans. But 35 acres are medium, and no major economic benefits. Land is the downland of Xiaogang village, fed. Experienced drought years, food production is not high.

Time slowly changed. In 2000, Xiaogang village to usher in an important shift, began the first land transfer. Circulation of a dozen families of the village that year over 80 acres of land, for the development of viticulture. Transfer contract says, "make full use of the local land resources, speeding up economic development. ”

This year, another "the all-round contract" leader Yan Lihua flow 12.5 acres of land. At that time, "the all-round contract" became the place in his home, it was a thatched hut, now long dead. And Yan Jinchang, Yan Lihua later opened a restaurant in Xiaogang village streets.

Yu Qian Vice Secretary of party Committee of Xiaogang village recalled the beginning of land circulation, "did not have the transfer policy. We called ' anti-rental packages ', initially divided the land into every household, and then will return to rent land from the farmers to the village, then leased to major scale operation. ”

Zhihou, Xiaogang village paving the way for a series of land transfer. In 2008, the circulation Center formed land in fengyang County, by standardizing the County's land. "In the process of land transfer, adhere to a principle, circulation income losses of farmers, and there was a slight increase. Land does not change the nature of agricultural land. "Yu Qian introduced.

In 2009, the peak of Xiaogang village into the land. The village agricultural land 1.90,000 acres, of which 14,500 acres of arable land is now has circulation of more than 8,400 acres of land, about 44% of agricultural land.

In 2011, Yan Jinchang is 30 acres of land out. 15 acres were leased to businesses, the transfer fee is per acre 700 kilograms of rice grain protective price. In 2012, the figure is per acre 875 Yuan. The 15 acres of land rented to companies, rental period of 15 years, were used to grow rice and honeysuckle. Circulation of an additional 15 acres of land once used as nursing homes, hotels and schools, every acre of land transfer fees are 29,000 yuan.

A dozen years of circulation to reshape the land in Xiaogang village. And Yan Jinchang, more and more people out of the farmer's identity, became owners, the self-employed and migrant workers. Xiaogang village is more like a small town, village stands inscription sociologist Fei Xiaotong, arches, roads perpendicular rows of houses on either side, turned into shops, gift shops and restaurants.

More than 2,300 acres of land in the village, circulation to the hands of an agricultural company, contract period of 17 years. Company changed the traditional of Xiaogang village, planted a calabash, cherry, Blueberry, over more than 300 peasants in the vicinity, to leave the land later became the company's casual workers.

Anhui rural areas of the new policy that "actively explore development land share cooperatives. Exploration of the soil (forest), collective construction land use right of land contract share, creating land share cooperatives. ”

Witnessed the Xiaogang village lands shifted from collective family contract, and then turned to big business, said Yan Jinchang, the village had been considering demutualization will land, but farmers fear is at your sole risk. Yu Qian said Deputy Secretary of party Committee of Xiaogang village, "land joint-stock system is the direction of rural development in the future. But we have no such intentions. ”

Zhuqiao townships contracting of large financing troubles

In the trend of the land transfer in Anhui, zhuqiao townships of Wu Wenyi acted as a "major" role.

In 2006, has not left the countryside of Wu Wenyi, xuancheng Xuanzhou District zhuqiao townships have set up a rice industry Corporation, specifically to grow rice, which requires large land. At first, the small size of the company were to turn more than 200 acres of land, is easy to change hands contract signed.

In 2009, Xuanzhou District promulgated regulations on the implementation of the views of the rural land contracting, from the policy level land, and standardized. From this year onwards, literary Wu got the land contract specification, the full name is "Xuanzhou District of xuancheng city contracting of rural land contracts".

At that time, Wu observed literary, zhuqiao town part of the production team, half of the land has been deserted. Local land contractors, each only a few acres of land, because farming was unprofitable and they went to work in the field.

Thus, rapid increase in the land of Wu Wenyi, has now reached 4,000 acres, zhuqiao townships 4 villages involved nearly 1000 households, and he therefore has been recognized on the national farming system "national of the cereal".

Wu Wenyi xuancheng city of Xuanzhou District, is one of the pilot reform in Anhui Province, as of September this year, Xuanzhou District rural land with a total area of 24.30,000 acres, 28% of total arable land.

Local farmer willing to sell land to the NG art because it is more cost-effective.

Zhujiaqiao community Hou Xuanxiang, 6 acres of land, 2011 flow out, he is currently a literary NG firms farm accounting. 1000 RMB/per acre his income in the past year, the current turnover is EUR 520 Yuan/year, and employed in the company's more than 2000 Yuan a month and total revenue growth.

But not all-payer wants to rapid expansion. Xuanzhou District of the report on the circulation of rural land work mentions that "few contract big investors fear market gloom, contract no benefit, not a large-scale agricultural development. ”

Xuanzhou District the problems faced by land, land demarcation are not clear under the household contract responsibility system. Xuanzhou District agriculture section chief Wang Lixiang in agricultural economics told the South reporter, "spatial location of the land unknown, four sites are not clear, declarative, and issue of the certificate of registration. Certificate of certification is issued to the land contract and management rights. Dividing boundary basis in the past are not working fine stone by stone draw boundaries, is currently done with the satellite aerial map in place. ”

While the plague contracted payer Wu Wenyi is financing. Companies receiving increasing land area, he is happy: includes roads, water conservancy and other infrastructure construction has already cost millions of dollars, but the land operation rights cannot be mortgaged, the company capital chain tight. Art sometimes Wu went to the Bank in an attempt to "Government has introduced preferential policies" convince them the loan, the answer is "we have not received a notice from superiors". For problems in the land transfer, Xuanzhou District end of September made a number of suggestions to their superiors, including the large circulation by virtue of contract of loan.

"By 2015, and new agricultural enterprises covers contracting 50% per cent of cultivated land", which is on deepen comprehensive rural reform, Anhui provincial government demonstration pilot work objectives of the guidance. For many regions, constantly, that number is still needed in the real world to solve it.

(Edit: SN095)November 27, 2013 The Southern Metropolis daily(安徽“新土改”受制约:农民失地忧大户融资难|小岗村|安徽|土改_新闻资讯

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