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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs:Etim exposed the essence threatened to attack the territory of China

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/26 9:06:09 Browse times: 299 Comment times: 0

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs:Etim exposed the essence threatened to attack the territory of China(外交部:“东伊运”扬言袭击中国境内暴露其本质)

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "Dong Yun" threatened to attack Chinese territory exposed its essence Donghai | | foreign | air-defense _ news

November 25, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang 25th by the regular press conference, China designated sea air defense identification zone, Iran nuclear issue, "Dong Yun" terrorist organizations, answering a reporter's question.

Following is a question and answer session released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website record:

Qin first releases: Chinese Premier Li invited, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Prime Minister David Cameron will pay an official visit to China on December 2.

  Q: China about Iran nuclear issue in six countries with Iran Geneva, the outcome of the dialogue?

Answer: hard work pays off. Under the joint efforts of all parties, a few days ago six countries with Iran in Geneva reached a preliminary agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue, we believe that this agreement is a win-win, is also widely expected to comply with the international community. It was nearly a decade to a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue represents an important first step forward, the Chinese side expresses its welcome. My colleague told me that he had to participate in this event will bring several spare shirt, looks like he's on those shirts did not use. This agreement fully proves that no matter how complex the situation, whatever the difficulties faced, as long as all parties to proceed from the whole situation, adhere to mutual respect and adhere to the equal dialogue and consultation, we can find a solution taking into account the concerns of all parties.

This agreement is the beginning of a comprehensive solution to the Iranian nuclear issue. As I have said, this is an important first step forward. But it just took. If this fall, also need to do a good deal. We hope that the parties concerned will be able to observe and fulfil their respective responsibilities and obligations in the agreement, specific measures related to the implementation. At the same time we should see, to solve the Iranian nuclear issue or face a long road, you also need to take several steps. We also hope that all parties concerned in taking the first step to go back a few steps, continue to maintain the momentum of dialogue and negotiation, and work together to carry out the next stage of negotiations as soon as possible, for a comprehensive, long-term and thorough and the Iranian nuclear issue properly resolved to make unremitting efforts. China will continue to play a constructive role, active mediation.

  Q: some people fear that China East air defense identification zone has caused tensions between China and Japan rose again, Chinese comment on this?

Answer: I have already set out the Chinese Government designated purposes air defense identification zone in the East China Sea. Cause regional tension not with China. If you review the Diaoyu Islands issue throughout the history of longitude and the status quo, we can draw the conclusion that, creating tension and instability in the region is not Chinese. China East air defense identification zone in order to defend the country's sovereignty and territorial airspace security, but also for maintaining flight order. We hope that the countries concerned stop vexatious and hype, respect for international law, respect the fact, to stop all actions against China's national sovereignty and interests, creating conditions for properly solve the relevant problems through dialogue and negotiation.

  Q: the United States expressed concern about China's designated air defense identification zone, adding that China is unilaterally changing the status quo to bring instability, increased tension, China's comment on this?

A: we have noted the remarks made by the United States.

I would like to underline once again, the Chinese Government has designated sea air defense identification zone in conformity with the UN Charter, international law and international practice, aimed at safeguarding China's State sovereignty and territorial airspace security, is not directed against any specific country and destination, does not affect the freedom of overflight of the air space.

I would also like to stress that, of the Diaoyu Islands and affiliated Islands are Chinese territory, the Chinese side firmly defend the territorial sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands. Current tensions on the Diaoyu Islands was entirely caused by the improper acts. On the issue of sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, the United States should earnestly promised, which does not take sides queued, no longer made inappropriate remarks. In recent days, the Chinese side through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of defence has made solemn representations to the us, respectively, requested the US side correct its mistake immediately, stop criticizing China.

  Q: first of all, Japan entered China in civil aircraft designated sea air defense identification zone, China will use its armed forces? Second, China designated identification zone on what basis?

Answer: the first question, would you please read the notice issued by the Chinese Government and Defense Ministry spokesman answering a reporter's question, which clearly stated that foreign international flights in the East China Sea within the air defense identification zone of normal flight operations will not be affected.

The second issue, China designated air defense identification zone in the East China Sea based on the Act on the National Defence Act, the Civil Aviation of China, the basic rules of flying and other domestic laws, as well as with the United Nations Charter, international law and international practice.

  Q: after reduction of sanctions against Iraq in the West, the Chinese side will increase Iran crude imports?

A: we believe that the six countries and Iran reach preliminary agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue, not only is conducive to safeguarding the international nuclear non-proliferation system, maintain peace and stability in the Middle East, but also conducive to the countries concerned with Iran conducting normal trade and energy cooperation, it will help improve Iran people's lives. Over the years, due to the Iran nuclear issue, China and Iran energy cooperation had been affected to varying degrees, for which we have expressed opposition and concern to the countries concerned. We hope that, as the Iranian nuclear issue has progressively eased, China and Iran in the field of energy cooperation can proceed without interference. China and Iran energy cooperation, not in violation of the relevant United Nations resolutions, not inconsistent with international law, is entirely justified and reasonable.

  Q: Poznań climate change Conference on 23rd and came to an end. Please introduce them to the evaluation of the results of the meeting.

Answer: under the joint efforts of all parties, climate change the Warsaw meeting has three main results achieved: 2015 a new agreement negotiated road map is identified; the other is financed commitment by developed countries to support developing countries to adapt to climate change; third, loss and damage mechanism of the adverse effects of climate change reached a preliminary agreement, agreed to open negotiations.

The other hand, the history of developed countries at the meeting tries to evade responsibility for real cash commitments to reduce emissions enough, especially individual emission reduction targets of developed countries presents a serious setback. Developed countries in the provision of financial and technical assistance to help developing countries adapt to the impacts of climate change there is a lack of political will, with no timetable, there is no specific amount, just draw a pie through their illusion, for the establishment of mechanisms for loss and damage, also initially agreed only under intense pressure by the international community, without substantive results. These are for future negotiations as well as the international community to cope with the adverse effects of climate change efforts.

China to maintain international effectiveness of multilateral mechanisms to address climate change, at the meeting fully shows the flexibility, in order to promote best efforts to the success of this meeting. China will continue to play a positive and constructive role in the climate change process, and to contribute to tackling climate change, protecting human climate.

  Q: China Japan Embassy said consular notification on registration of citizens, why does the Chinese Government issued a notice, published with the Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone about the East China Sea?

Answer: your association may be too rich. Alien registration is an international practice, Governments and institutions abroad have a responsibility and duty to protect its nationals abroad, and China is no exception. In recent years, an increasing number of Chinese nationals living abroad, we face a very difficult task and workload of consular protection, to this end, we have sought ways and with international practice. Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently new "Chinese consular service network" launched online, an important new element of which is the online volunteer registration for the Chinese diaspora, which reflects Beijing's overseas consular protection awareness, capacity and level of improvement. It is a global, not only Chinese Japan Embassy who implement, please do not do too much legend and unnecessary interpretation.

  Q: China why choose this moment to announce designation of sea air defense identification zone?

A: China announced the designation of the East China Sea to identify areas of opportunity out of China to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial airspace security needs.

  Q: "the Turkistan Islamic party" organization said in a statement on "10.28" responsible, whether the organization with the "East Turkistan" Organization?

A: China has taken note of the relevant reports. Reported in the and you by mentioned of "Turkic Stan Islamic party" actually is "East Iraq games" terrorist organization, the Organization publishing terrorist video, flagrant claimed the Organization members implementation has "10.28" violence terrorist attacks event, more threatened to continues to on China territory target implementation terrorist attacks, this full exposed has the Organization of terrorism nature, also makes those Qian a time questioned this up event nature of people see has truth.

"Dong Yun" terrorist organizations designated by the United Nations Security Council, for a long time, to the "East games" as represented by the forces of terrorism in order to achieve the purpose of splitting Xinjiang from China, and wantonly engaging in terrorist activities inside and outside, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties and property losses, the Chinese Government will continue to crack down against them.

Here, I would also like to stress that fighting terrorism without double standards, international cooperation was needed to combat "East games" terrorist forces are important components of international cooperation against terrorism. We also hope relevant countries in the area of counter-terrorism in the future to strengthen communication, coordination and cooperation to jointly safeguard regional and world peace, stability and tranquillity.

  Question: Please describe the emergency medical teams, the Red Cross Society of China international search and rescue team, as well as the Chinese Government "peace Ark" hospital ship in Philippines disaster areas to carry out rescue and Chinese Filipino disaster relief supplies they update.

Answer: Beijing emergency medical teams and Red Cross Society of China international search and rescue teams in the 23rd have separately reached the worst-hit areas of the Philippines, bye and Tacloban City in Leyte province, in addition to Navy "peace Ark" hospital ship, arrived here on the evening of 24th near Tacloban City Leyte Gulf in the Philippines. Chinese rescuers arrived in the affected areas immediately after the tense rescue and treatment work, as far as I know, currently visits hundreds of wounded and sick. Chinese medical rescue force went to the Philippines with the Philippine side and other foreign medical and rescue teams to keep communication and coordination, in the Philippines active in medical relief work in the disaster area.

In addition, the Red Cross Society of China has decided to once again referred to the Philippine Red Cross worth 5.4 million Yuan, including 2000 relief supplies, including tents and medicine.

All the PLA Navy's "peace Ark" hospital ship with great interest. This is a very advanced medical ship, has more than more than more than 300 beds and more than 100 medical workers, had been in the affected areas to carry out rescue work now. It is the first foreign hospital ship arrived in the Philippines to carry out rescue work in the disaster area, fully demonstrated the Chinese Government and the Chinese army of peace, friendship, cooperation, good image.

  Q: Japan established the East China Sea as early as 1969 air defense identification zone, which was designated China Air Defense Identification Zone repeatedly expressed concern about East China Sea. China comment?

This afternoon, the head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry has been ordered to summoned Japan's Ambassador to musichang people, Japan unreasonably accused China solemnly protested designated sea air defense identification zone.

Japanese sea air defense identification zones shall not be entitled to the Chinese judge, deliberate attacks. China urges the Japanese side to immediately correct the errors, stop unwarranted charges against China, stopped making the friction and jeopardize the stability in the region, so as to avoid further damage to Sino-Japanese relations. China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of defence and the PRC in Japan has argued to dismiss the Japanese side of the Embassy unreasonably negotiations, demands the Japanese side immediately correct errors.

Once again, I reiterate, the Diaoyu Island and its subsidiary island is China's territory, China maintained the determination and will of the Diaoyu Islands sovereignty is unwavering. We demand the Japanese side to stop all actions undermine China's territorial sovereignty, make efforts for properly through dialogue and negotiation to solve the problem.

  Q: Sino-American leaders said the two countries should strengthen cooperation on the issue of the Korean peninsula. Does China understand North Korea's seizure of one United States citizen?

A: we hope that the United States and North Korea to improve relations perspective, properly handle relevant issues through contact and dialogue, to ease regional tensions and maintain regional peace and stability efforts.

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the East China Sea Air Defense identification zone, "Dong Yun" terrorist organizations such as question and answer sessions)

November 25, 2013 China News Network(外交部:“东伊运”扬言袭击中国境内暴露其本质|外交部|东海|防空_新闻资讯

  中新网11月25日电 外交部发言人秦刚25日主持例行记者会,就中国划设东海防空识别区、伊朗核问题、“东伊运”恐怖组织等答记者问。






















  答:你的联想可能过于丰富了。侨民登记是一种国际惯例,各国的政府及驻外机构都有责任和义务保护本国在海外的侨民,中国也不例外。近年来,中国公民在海外的数量日益增多,我们面临非常艰巨和繁重的领事保护任务,为此我们想了许多办法,并且与国际惯例接轨。最近外交部新版 “中国领事服务网”推出上线,其中的一项重要新增内容就是面向中国海外侨民进行在线自愿登记,这体现了中国政府对海外侨民的领事保护意识、能力和水平的提高。它是全球通用的,不仅仅中国驻日本使馆一家实施,请你不要做过多的联想和不必要的解读。



















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