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Shenzhen 8 hours bursts of two cut-throat case, victim 1 dead and injured 1

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/26 9:05:25 Browse times: 277 Comment times: 0

Shenzhen 8 hours bursts of two cut-throat case, victim 1 dead and injured 1(深圳8小时内连发两宗割喉案,受害人1死1伤)

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Shenzhen 8-hour bursts of two slit the throat, case 1 killed and 1 wounded victims (photo) | | cut-throat in Shenzhen | woman _ news

  Respectively, Baoan district, Shenzhen Longgang District and the incident, two female victims and one wounded died, ended as of press time, there are still suspects at large

Text/photo yangcheng evening news reporter Onyx

  Case 1 female suspects were street prostitutes got serious injuries

24th, longdong, Longgang District, Shenzhen Yuansheng road commercial Street murders occurred within a rental, after a more than 30-year old woman and a man up the stairs, the man the woman tied and throats, then fled. Fortunately, the woman is now out of danger, witnesses said, the woman is a female slip. Case specific reasons are still under investigation by the police.

Yangcheng evening news reporter at 11 o'clock in the evening the same day arrived on the scene, the scene of four police vehicles parked downstairs, downstairs, pulled up a cordon, residents have been out of the House of the late prohibition went upstairs, several forensic while surveying the scene.

According to people familiar with that, at around 9 o'clock that night, a prostitute with a street woman went up to room 303 transactions, followed by clients to leave, long not seen the woman's home town, upstairs only to find that the woman legs tied up by the power cord, his neck slit, was stabbed in the chest about a knife, blood, clothes had been dyed red, dying. Woman's home town to police immediately, several neighbors upstairs and downstairs clinic rescue it. Clinic after medical personnel simply for its Hemostatic and immediately be sent to Longgang District Center Hospital.

Residents said the stabbed woman looks good, usually active in the commercial street level crossing. 25th at 1 o'clock in the morning, reporter, 5/f, Longgang, rushed to the central hospital emergency room, doctors say the woman was stabbed here in my neck while being cut, pipe pipe was cut and vein was cut, left and right are all being stabbed with a knife in her chest, trying to rescue the rescue, very serious injuries.

Reporters later learned from the tongle police station, injured woman surnamed Lee, about 30 years old, from Henan, unemployed, now that the woman had been out of danger, a suspect at large. Due to the nature of the case worse, Longgang Branch Police Brigade had been involved, reasons need to be further investigated the case.

According to the police, in September this year, the tongle police station administrative detentions on grounds of prostitution woman has been all the time. Police said the families currently being contact Lee, but could not be reached for the time being.

  2 meat stall owner in cases of suspected was thuggery

25th, Shenzhen Baoan xinan Street an assault case the deceased hospital patients whom were killed. It is understood that the woman is the owner of a meat stall, opened the shop at the time were planning to go, when you went to the staircase on the second floor of the residence, stab knife was slit the throat, and even tragedy.

The morning of 25th, reporters saw the victim dead in Baoan district people's Hospital, the deceased's clothes bloodied, 's neck was cut on the left side of a knife and cuts very deep, was stabbed in the chest. Subsequently, this reporter went to the crime scene and that police were investigation (see picture on the right).

According to the deceased husband's brother, Mr Lim introduced the dead Lai, Shanwei, Guangdong people, 29 years old, whose husband works in South Hill meat processing factory, Lai ladies and, xixiang town, a market meat stalls doing business every day at about 5 o'clock in the morning, she is going to the market will open. She left home as usual that morning, "then my brother (deceased husband) calling her, nobody answered, unusual call landlines at home again, the old man said she went out a long time ago. My brother was something, immediately take a taxi home, rental housing stairwells to see her. ”

Mr Lam said, when Madam Lai neck knife, who was also stabbed into xueren, whole person has been in a stupor. Ms Lai's husband immediately called a friend drove, sending them to Bao an people's Hospital, at the hospital three hours later and died bleeding declared.

Mr Lim introduced, when security cameras filmed the suspects, is a 20 year old male wearing a mask and hat and holding a dagger in the building rushed out and subsequently escaped from the tool down on the roadway.

According to insiders, suspects there may be money to, and you should be very familiar with the whereabouts of the deceased, deceased 30,000 incoming cash was taken after the incident. Police have set up a task force investigation is proceeding.

  Community voice: don't panic, you should solve the case as soon as possible

In less than 8 hours of your time, from two Shenzhen "cut throat" case, means cruel, bloody people to bear. Many Shenzhen residents heard that the case was surprised, but both said that they would not panic.

There are people who consider that "throat cut" means were the most brutal, its purpose is to kill each other. "These two cases are isolated, and have their own reasons, I feel no need to panic. "The respondents are of the view that police should solve the case as soon as possible, to the safety of the public

Latest news: one of the suspects was captured

25th, yangcheng evening news reporter learned from the Shenzhen police, 2 of mugging women stall owners in the above cases suspects have been arrested.

It is reported that the suspect Lin Mouqin was born in 1994, Earth people, its initial account, was fired by the boss, claiming bosses who owed him money, robbery idea of specific reasons for the police investigation.

(Original title: Shenzhen 8-hour bursts of two slit the throat case two female victims wounded to die)

(Edit: SN048)November 26, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, yangcheng evening news(深圳8小时内连发两宗割喉案 受害人1死1伤(图)|深圳|割喉|女子_新闻资讯


  文/ 图 羊城晚报记者石华





















(原标题:深圳8小时内连发两宗割喉案 两名女受害人一伤一死)


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