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Qingdao oil pipeline explosion accident was identified as accidents

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/26 9:04:44 Browse times: 352 Comment times: 0

Qingdao oil pipeline explosion accident was identified as accidents(青岛输油管线燃爆事故被认定为责任事故)

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Qingdao oil pipeline explosion accident was identified as professional indemnity | | pipeline Qingdao | blasting _ news

Xinhuanet, Qingdao, November 25 (reporters Liu Baosen and and Su Wanming)-25th East has caused 55 deaths and yellow oil pipeline leakage and explosion accidents were identified as accidents, there are 49 victims identities was able to confirm that.

The morning, Qingdao City, Shandong province, State "11·22" Sinopec East oil pipeline leakage and explosion Huang a particularly serious accident investigation group plenary meeting held in Qingdao. Investigation team leader, Director of the State administration of safety supervision pillar Yang pointed out that this was a very serious accident.

Pillars at the meeting pointed out that Yang, the accident toll, exposed prominent problems is that unreasonable and planning layout of urban drainage pipe network of oil pipelines, and fail to fulfil the responsibility of safe production, pipeline management, resulting in an oil spill, and improper leakage after emergency treatment, fails to set the warning zone, by preventive measures such as closed roads, alerts, evacuation of personnel.

As of 25th, the accident has killed 55 people remained hospitalized 136 people were injured, 9 missing.

The morning of 25th, reporters in the zhaitang worst accident Street to see the island, started clearing the scene cement debris, broken cars are now being pulled away, repair work is being carried out. Hit by the explosion many more severe North Sea Garden housing began to install glass.

Xinhua learned from the Qingdao Health Bureau, 25th dispatched 3 experts to the mental health center, Qingdao, Huangdao, on deceased people's Hospital of zone 1, 1 amputees in hospitals on the West Coast, and his family carried out psychological intervention.

From 22nd to 24th, the Center sent out 3 batches, 14 psychological intervention expert, rushed to the West coast of Qingdao Fuyuan branch people's Hospital, hospital in Huangdao, Qingdao development zone, three hospitals, on oil pipeline explosion accident of psychological crisis intervention and injure personnel.

Qingdao City Public Security Bureau transferred 60 60 police and forensic identity confirmation the casualties involved in the work. Integrated, portable DNA detection methods such as valid ID, relatives identified, grass-roots organizations to confirm, as at 24th, has 49 confirmed the identities of the casualties, of which 42 men.

Regions affected by the explosion of hydro-thermal supplies will resume. According to the Qingdao economic and technological development zone, 25th, the fifth Press Conference informed the ground affected by the Sinopec pipeline explosion accident of power supply has been restored, 85% recovered the heating area.

Datang Qingdao is responsible for repair of heating heating Ltd Chief Economist, Ji Kaishi told reporters that 41 heat stations reopen, plus some interim measures, that evening the entire damaged area is expected to resume all heating.

As of 25th, local governments paid to resident Trojan 20yuwanfen convenience food, mobilization of large water barrel 1100 barrels, 3,100 cases of mineral water, bring water, living water to water district. Government forces also mobilized 20 field cooking vehicle, opened food supply officers to concentrate on community station, providing hot meals to the public over more than 10,000 passengers. The vast majority of the school day began reopening.

According to the Shandong Maritime Affairs Bureau news, Shandong maritime sectors to mobilize forces and spare no effort to work cleaning up the Organization, and take effective measures to reduce oil pollution on the sea, currently spilled oil has been effectively controlled, significantly reduced the oil slicks at sea.

Around 22nd and zhaitang Island Road and is located in the Qingdao economic and technological development zone, Qinhuangdao road intersection of the Sinopec pipeline storage and transportation company Weifang branch pipeline rupture, some of the oil spewing into the Bay. 10:30, Huangdao and zhaitang, haihe River Road road intersection conflagration, deflagration occurred simultaneously on the mouth of oil-contaminated sea. (Participation in the interview and the reporter: Shi Shouhe, and Yuan Junbao and the Xi Min, and Chen Shangying)

(Edit: SN077)November 25, 2013 The website(青岛输油管线燃爆事故被认定为责任事故|输油管|青岛|燃爆_新闻资讯















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