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Poor village land party members travel in Guangdong, had asked their superiors

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/26 9:04:03 Browse times: 299 Comment times: 0

Poor village land party members travel in Guangdong, had asked their superiors(广东贫困村用征地款请党员旅游,称请示过上级)

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Impoverished village land party in Guangdong tourist village cadres says superior travel | | | superiors _ news

Renhua poor land for village tourism yantoucun more than the families of the village cadres of party members involved. Village branch supervisor

Southern rural News (reporter Wang Wei) as a provincial-level poor villages, Renhua County in Shaoguan city, Guangdong Town Dong yantoucun collective annual income of less than 10,000 yuan, low, there are still many villagers live in mud-brick houses. However, the village cadre has flagrantly violated the Central this year under eight, using land organization more than 30 visits to the families of party members and cadres, respectively, to Tianjin, Beijing, Thailand, and Singapore, and Malaysia or other destinations. Village branch said that tourist activity supervisors, and spent public funds for a total of eighty thousand or ninety thousand Yuan.

  1500 You Jinjing and South-East Asia

Since last year, Renhua County levy on yantoucun more than 400 acres of land, intended to be used for a landfill. Despite the land without the approval of higher authorities, but the land had been distributed to more than 4.6 million yantoucun in the Authority's accounts. A few days ago, Xie Xingmin yantoucun party members (a pseudonym) told the southern countryside newspaper journalist, in March this year, village cadres and asked him, "traveling to Beijing, Tianjin, go or not", said Xie Xingmin would like to go.

As with other party members in the village, 500 Yuan Xie Xingmin costs on March 25 this year, zhibao villagers ' Committee under the leadership of Director Xie Shougang, rail ride to a 17-member delegation from Shaoguan, Changsha, Hunan, fly to Tianjin from Changsha to play after a long day, take a bus to Beijing for three or four days, visiting the forbidden city, the great wall, the Ming tombs and other places of interest, and from Beijing by train back to Shaoguan. 7 days before and after the whole trip, travel, accommodation and tickets as soon as they are not required to pay. Xie Xingmin, told reporters, including 5 village, yantoucun over a total of more than 20 members, 17 out of the tour to Beijing, Tianjin, and most of them are members in the village, as well as some families of the village, village Committee Director of the women's husbands.

Xie Youfang (not his real name) yantoucun party members, he had just returned from Beijing a few days later, invited by village officials, tour in Southeast Asia. On April 23 this year, still under the leadership of Xie Shougang, a 16-member delegation to take a bus to Shenzhen from Shenzhen to Hong Kong by boat in Hong Kong to fly to Thailand, Thailand play after three or four days, will fly to Singapore for a day, then take a bus to Malaysia for two days, from Malaysia to fly back to Hong Kong, then take a bus back to Renhua County, the whole trip is 7 days.

Rural news reporters Xie Youfang told the South, traveling to Southeast Asia, each "symbolic" way to make 1000 Yuan, go through passport and visa, do not have to be paid. Xie Youfang said their Thailand cabaret, "touch shemale also gives us a tip" tip out. According to Xie Youfang introduction, the 16 people traveling to Southeast Asia, in addition to party members in the village, and two committees, including 3 village cadres, namely zhibao, Director of women officers and clerical, village Party Secretary and village Director Xie Guochang's wife was among them.

Xie Xingmin and Xie Youfang and several other yantoucun members told reporters that yantoucun as a provincial-level poor villages, had never organized such activities, "for the first time in 50 years." Village Committee spent eighty thousand or ninety thousand Yuan on November 8, yantoucun Mr Zhang Xie Guo has come to be known, yantoucun is poor villages, had never organized tours, because garbage dumps will be built this year, there is a land requisition, to thank the village party members support for the construction of landfill, to organize their travel. Xie Guochang stressed that travel is not yantoucun of original, others had a similar situation, and "I'm not so much power, we consult with the town's leadership." Xie Guo said his wife's travel expenses were at their own expense. He admitted that activity as a whole village cost eighty thousand or ninety thousand million. November 7, southern rural reporter asked Tung town official about related matters, for the time being has not been answered.

  900,000 land acquisition for debt service and Office

Southern rural reporters check out yantoucun finances publicly, in yantoucun's "statement of cash receipts and disbursements", southern rural reporters saw January 2013, have shown that "current several free", and in May this year in the cash income and expenditure details, yantoucun 426,000 yuan cash expenditure. Yantoucun bank balance of payments schedules also show that in January of this year, yantoucun's bank balance was 44,000 yuan, January-April balance of bank deposits "no". But in May of this year, Bank is an amount of $ 4.8486 million of revenue coming in, as well as a sum of more than 680,000 yuan "other expenditures". Yantoucun "village Affairs Oversight Committee announced financial results table" shows that in January-April this year, yantoucun movements in cash and bank accounts-no budget, and in May, yantoucun cent of cash income and 445,000 income from bank deposits, two incomes amounted to 5.2936 million dollars. At the same time, yantoucun May also be 426,000 yuan and more than 680,000 yuan of bank deposit cash expenditure, both spending a total of 1.106 million Yuan.

Daily news reporter learned from relevant departments in rural areas of the South, and yantoucun as a poor village, village collective usually earn less, village Committee and Renhua County earlier this year, the Government departments concerned a land acquisition agreement was signed, government departments then paid more than 4 million Yuan to yantoucun ha of land expropriation. Yantoucun in land distribution programmes Committee announced on October 30, land revenue amounted to 4.6 million dollars, of which 600,000 dollars for compensating athletes, 2.5 million Yuan for the stake in investment, allocate 600,000 dollars to the villagers and the remaining 900,000 "to pay down debt and office costs". Many villagers, including Xie Youfang questioned this so-called 900,000 dollar expenditures for pay and office expenses is likely to be used for cadre unreasonable expenses, such as travelling abroad. In fact, according to yantoucun authority's bank account shows that cadres in March or April of this year after two organization cadres of tourism May, happen to have around 1 million expenditure.

Source: Southern rural news

(Edit: SN091)November 26, 2013 Xinmin(广东贫困村用征地款请党员旅游 称请示过上级|旅游|村干部|上级_新闻资讯


  南方农村报讯(记者 王伟正) 作为一个省级贫困村,广东韶关市仁化县董塘镇岩头村集体全年的收入尚不足1万元,仍有不少村民居住在低矮的泥砖房中。然而,该村村干部今年却公然违反中央八项规定,用征地款组织党员及村干部的家属30多人次,分别到天津、北京、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚等地旅游。村支书表示,旅游活动请示过上级领导,共花费公款八九万元。












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