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Inventory of Central Commission for discipline inspection “micro-corruption“ ban: from membership to Fireworks

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/26 9:01:53 Browse times: 282 Comment times: 0

Inventory of Central Commission for discipline inspection “micro-corruption“ ban: from membership to Fireworks(盘点中纪委“微腐败”禁令:从会员卡到烟花)

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Inventory of Central Commission for discipline inspection "micro-corruption" ban: | discipline | corrupt | membership card to the Fireworks ban _ news

"China News week November 25 Roundup" in recent days, the Central Commission for discipline inspection issued a circular on strictly prohibiting public funds to buy gifts during the Lunar New Year Fireworks new year's day new year's circular on boxing. The notice said, new year's day, lunar new year is approaching, in accordance with central directives, we will continue to implement the eight rules, resolutely opposed "to the four winds."  Is prohibited to use public funds to buy gifts of fireworks, tobacco, alcohol, flowers, food and new year's day. Using public funds to buy gifts, such as new year's episodes without the presence in the life of a large number of very serious corruption, known to users as "micro-corruption". At the same time it is also known as "petty corruption", "Asia-corruption" or "atypical" corrupt "and so on. In fact, for the "micro-corruption" phenomenon, "the Fireworks ban" before, the Commission also issued a "ban on cakes," "ban on greeting cards".

Director of the Central Commission for discipline inspection party political wind monitoring unit said in network interviews Xu Chuanzhi November 8, as of October 7, the Central Commission for discipline inspection party political wind monitoring room had received on the Mid-Autumn Festival and national day thematic report 917. Deeply unhealthy jovial, change up and impossible to accomplish the whole task at one stroke. To important node connecting line, scratching out the Mid-Autumn Festival, national day, take new year's day, new year's day, caught in the end.

China weekly news network this year, issued by the Central Commission for discipline inspection against "micro-corruption" ban counts are as follows:

 "The Fireworks ban"

On November 21, 2013, the Central Commission for discipline inspection issued on new year's day is strictly prohibited public funds to buy gifts during the Lunar New Year Fireworks, new year's day notice requires all levels of party and Government organs, mass organizations, State-owned enterprises and financial institutions, it is prohibited to use public funds to buy gifts of fireworks, tobacco, alcohol, flowers, food and new year's Day ceremony (condolences to people subject to the employee). To strictly enforce economic discipline, strengthen audit supervision, related costs are not allowed to pass on assessment are exempt from reimbursement of public funds.

  "The ban on greeting cards"

On October 31, 2013, the CPC Central Commission for discipline inspection issued a non-notice of public funds to buy goods such as sending printed greeting cards, urged all levels of party and Government organs, State-owned enterprises and financial institutions, it is prohibited to use public funds to buy, print, mail, free greeting cards, post cards, calendars and other items ... ... Wind rules, discover, investigate, and serious responsibility, provide information on exposure case.

  "Moon ban"

On August 21, 2013, citing the meeting to issue "Moon ban": "resolutely stop send and sent moon cakes on Boxing, Mid-Autumn Festival, national day public funds irregularities such as public funds for wining and dining and extravagant, live a happy and peaceful, the wind lifts spirits of Mid-Autumn Festival and national day holiday period. ”

Since then, the central fire 3 notifications, clear focus of this ban is not allowed to use "public funds" send gift to send cakes, be read as strengthening anti-corruption efforts of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  "Check and return the membership card"

On May 27, 2013, National Conference of discipline inspection and supervision system to convene a special membership card check and return activities, requiring discipline inspection and supervision cadres system employed, until June 20, card check and return the receipt of various taxes on their own, so that "zero, zero."

(Comprehensive Central Commission for discipline inspection Inspection Department website, the people's daily, Beijing Youth Daily News)

November 25, 2013 China News weekly(盘点中纪委“微腐败”禁令:从会员卡到烟花|中纪委|腐败|禁令_新闻资讯

  【中国新闻周刊网11月25日综合报道】近日,中央纪委下发了《关于严禁元旦春节期间公款购买赠送烟花爆竹等年货节礼的通知》。通知称,元旦、春节将至,遵照中央指示,要继续落实好八项规定精神,坚决反对“四风”。严禁用公款购买赠送烟花爆竹、烟酒、花卉、食品等年货节礼。  用公款购买赠送年货等在社会生活中大量存在而情节又不十分严重的腐败现象,被网友称为“微腐败”。它同时又被称为“小腐败”、“亚腐败”、“非典型腐败”等等。其实,针对“微腐败”现象,在“烟花爆竹禁令”之前,中纪委还下发过“月饼禁令”、“贺卡禁令”等。














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