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Foreign mining investment in China must fail, miners out to sea into a period of sustained

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/26 9:01:00 Browse times: 279 Comment times: 0

Foreign mining investment in China must fail, miners out to sea into a period of sustained(中国海外矿业投资八成失败,矿企出海进入持续期)

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China overseas mining investment failure probably miners out to sea into a period of sustained investment | | e | mining _ news

The China economic weekly reporter Xie Wei | Tianjin reported

Chinese mining companies, gold rush to sea, there seems to be not a good time.

Under the influence of the world economic situation, global mining growth slowed. Since 2011, research on mineral commodities prices continued lower. A few days ago, PWC said in a report, last year alone, Canada mining sector on the Toronto Stock Exchange's market capitalisation has dropped the top 100 44%.

Data from the China Mining Association show, 2013, during the first three quarters, small decline in Chinese enterprises ' overseas mining investment. On November 3 at the opening of the 15th session of the China international mining Conference in Tianjin, more than 50 countries and regions, more than 5,000 delegates, many from Russia, and Australia, and Argentina, the Sudan and the mining sector said in Greenland and other countries and regions, and look forward to working with China to further strengthen cooperation in the field of mining, out of the doldrums.

"While the current global mining at depth adjustment period, but in the long run, a new round of development of mining industry ' Super-cycle ' still continues. "Jiang Daming, the Ministry of land and resources Minister, said, the current global industrialization and urbanization in developing countries and emerging economies is continuing to advance, for quite some time in the future, mineral resources will maintain strong demand for power.

Overseas investment slid miners entered a period of sustained

At the 15th session of the China international mining Conference, the China Mining Association (hereinafter referred to as mine), issued by the Ministry of land and resources and the Ministry of Commerce commissioned the Chinese enterprise in the year 2013 foreign mining investment analysis reports of the first three quarters. Ore international and head of the geology and mineral resources Ministry of finance projects developing the analysis report, said that 2013 during the first three quarters, Chinese enterprises ' foreign mining investments are small in amount and quantity decline: mine dealt with 103 cases of overseas mining investment projects in China, down 8%; 3.136 billion dollars the total investment of the project agreement, fell 10.9%.

Mine opinion, miners in China's overseas investment has been from the exploration period, a period of consolidation, rapid development period and entered a period of sustained and contradictions with more time. "In the future, (mineral) prices shocks, market trend downward is a more general consensus, this period how long do not necessarily. "Often Xingguo said.

Ministry of land and resources information Center Director Chen Liping told China economic weekly, mining worldwide has more than 180 countries, including more than 100 mines opening, of whom more than 60 countries mining accounted for an important position in the national economy. Huge amount of information to which countries to invest, investment, investment in what way, what risks, for businesses are highly complex decision-making.

China Gold group said Tong Junhu, overseas development Ministry, mineral resources have "industrial food" said, for the insurance industry "food security", mining enterprises "going out" is very important. Chinese companies "started going out", was not very satisfactory, but as a Chinese company, it is necessary to "go out" one.

  Failure rates as high as 80%, not "the stones"

Mining Executive Vice President Wang Jiahua told the China economic weekly, the previous "mining fever", a large number of non-mining enterprises of geological prospecting units have "go" to invest overseas, lessons, however painful.

2013 only during the first three quarters, there are a lot of big miners deal ended in failure.

In January, the world's largest gold miners Barrick ending Africa's stake in the company owned by China Gold Group on its bid, the Ministry of Commerce website, the differences between them are mainly concentrated on issues such as pricing and revenue-sharing to purchase. In April, hanlong group with up to 1.4 billion Australian dollar takeover of Australian iron ore company Sundance stopped, Sundance's announcement said that because of the financial terms of the deal reached, the wholly-owned acquisition plan was terminated.

Some media reported that the "Eleven-Five" Chinese companies access to the sea during the success rate of less than 20%, including many large projects are from mining.

"China's investment in overseas mining, about 80% of the failure rate. "Wang Jiahua blunt China international mining Conference in the year, many firms are still in the" stones ".

XING Guo believes that inadequate specialization are important constraints for Chinese enterprises to invest abroad. He said lay mainly in businesses across industries, across mine, trans-national investments in the process. In addition, financial institutions to invest in mining, although the finance is very good at, but there is a lack of mineral industry knowledge.

Pan Guocheng, hanking China Holdings Limited Chief Executive also said that is the key to business success going localization of development of Internationalized talent team and operations team. Pan Guocheng alert other private enterprises, overseas investments must not gamble-style adventure, especially the initial overseas mergers and acquisitions business, to hire a mergers and acquisitions Adviser, conducted a detailed investigation and feasibility study, "in a very mature way out of developing ideas and strategies to carry out overseas mergers and acquisitions. ”

Yan Zhang, managing partner of blue ocean mining Fund believes that because of the mining market bubbles are no longer "practical" to investors that sales growth is expected to fall short in the way of the future and, more importantly, is a professional level. He said now funds only invest in listed companies, and require a large project pre-feasibility study report or feasibility study.

BOCI Asia Ltd, Cheng Yan, Managing Director of the China economic weekly said that when warmer in the capital markets, with the acquisition of target assets value as leverage "empty nothing for something," operation is feasible, and down in the market process, investors will focus more on the enterprise after the acquisition of assets of a going concern.

Fierce competition is affecting mineral mining enterprises overseas, one of the important reasons. Lu Qingcheng, Deputy Chief Executive of the China-Africa Development Fund, told the China economic weekly, at present Africa's most profitable and strong, tastes good mineral resources in the hands of three miners in the West (Rio Tinto Group, BHP Billiton and Brazil's Vale company) hands, but focus on grabbing high quality resources and do not focus on infrastructure "Western model" already unsustainable. At present, African countries also hope that Chinese enterprises ' investment in cooperation with local companies to speed up the development of local mineral resources and infrastructure construction. This leads to domestic companies compete with each other.

Luan Zhengming, Director of rain Beijing Ren law firm said that competition between domestic mining enterprises affected their development. Many international mining takeovers from China has been found in domestic companies raise a price competing projects.

Mining finance already exists

Wang Jiahua introduced said, currently my on overseas investment mining of enterprise roughly points four class: one is private mining enterprise, is has (economic) strength, but scale smaller; second is geological exploration class enterprise, expertise is technology support, but economic total lower; third class is large mine enterprises, has technology management advantage, forces strong; fourth class is financial enterprise, its capital volume maximum, but on and technology, and throughout mining and development of management is disadvantage. However, even so, the market has already become miners "sea" an important force.

Xingguo said the current depth through both a and h shares, financial capital is involved in mining.

According to the Federation of mining statistics, 2013, during the first three quarters, 10 publicly traded companies from the a-share market as an investment agreement the amount of $ 1.153 billion accounted for more than one-third miners overseas investment. More acquisitions and mine construction investment projects, less expansion project. In addition, since many mainland companies listed in Hong Kong, into the realm of mining capital markets through Hong Kong equities. In particular, many private equity as a strategic investor, participation on mining continue to increase.

"Mining finance already exists, rather than an advertisement. "Xingguo said.

Chinese enterprises ' overseas mining investment, "discovered" case

In June 2009 could become China's largest overseas acquisition of the Group Chinalco and Rio deal terminated. Aluminum Group intends to invest 19.5 billion dollars in Rio Tinto to outperform its 19% shares. However, the plan after several twists and turns, but ultimately failed due to a Rio Tinto break. According to the agreement, Rio Tinto to pay Chinalco $ 195 million "break fee".

In June 2010, zijin mining ended Australia equity acquisition of Indophil Resources NL. Company announcement said terminated because "several acquisitions prerequisite for difficult to reach."

April 2011 Minmetals resources limited the proposed takeover of Australian copper miner Equinox Minerals taken from them by the world's largest gold miners Barrick. Equinox Minerals and Barrick finally reached 7.3 billion Canadian dollars (US $ 7.6 billion) deal.

September 2012 because of difficulties in obtaining regulatory approval of Mongolia, Aluminum Corporation of China thoroughly terminated its takeover of southgobi resources Ltd, about 920 million-dollar deals ultimately fell through.

(Edit: SN091)November 26, 2013 China economic weekly(中国海外矿业投资八成失败 矿企出海进入持续期|企业|投资|矿业_新闻资讯

  《中国经济周刊》 记者 谢玮 | 天津报道





  海外投资下滑 矿企进入持续期










  “中国在海外的矿业投资,大概有80%的失败率。”王家华在今年的中国国际矿业大会期间直言,许多企业仍在 “摸着石头过河”。













  2009年6月 本可能成为中国海外最大并购案的中铝集团与力拓的收购交易终止。中铝集团拟向力拓注资195亿美元以增持其19%股份。然而,计划几经周折,但最终由于力拓毁约而宣告失败。依据协议,力拓向中铝支付了1.95亿美元“分手费”。

  2010年6月 紫金矿业终止了对澳大利亚Indophil Resources NL的股权收购。公司公告称,终止原因在于“若干项收购先决条件难以达成”。

  2011年4月 五矿资源有限公司拟收购的澳洲铜矿商Equinox Minerals被全球最大的金矿商巴里克夺走。巴里克与Equinox Minerals最终达成73亿加元(合76亿美元)的收购协议。

  2012年9月 由于难以获得蒙古国相关监管方的批准,中国铝业股份有限公司彻底终止了对南戈壁资源有限公司的要约收购,约为9.2亿美元的交易最终告吹。


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