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Experts say East air defense identification zone regardless of the Diaoyu Island dispute

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/26 9:00:51 Browse times: 401 Comment times: 0

Experts say East air defense identification zone regardless of the Diaoyu Island dispute(专家称设东海防空识别区与钓鱼岛争端无关)

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Experts say East air defense identification zone regardless of the Diaoyu Islands dispute Donghai | | air defense identification zone | Diaoyu Islands _ news

Authorities wide nets to Beijing November 26, according to voice of the global Chinese radio network reported directed at their designated air defense identification zone in the East China Sea, Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe began as propaganda. Yesterday, his Senate meeting, said, "this was the unilateral changes in the East China Sea situation, inflame, inevitably leads to unexpected developments in the areas of sea and sky, very dangerous behaviour", and requested the Chinese authorities revoke this decision.

Accounts of the times in the morning's Senate Committee meeting to answer Members ' questions, said that the Chinese Government announced the air defense identification zone in the East China Sea initiative, is to unilaterally change the status of the East China Sea, sea air space incurred unexpected events occur, is a very dangerous act. Abe said the district will demand that China withdraw recognition. He also said, and the United States cooperated, and, together with the international community to demand that China make.

In addition to Abe, Japan's Defence Minister xiaoyesi Foreign Minister five codes, Kishida Fumio and other top officials, but also turns up, repeatedly claiming that China's so-called "dangerous actions" could lead to "unexpected events", claiming that Japan will "seriously".

Against Japan's alleged "protest", Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang said yesterday, China's Foreign Ministry, Defense Ministry and Chinese Ambassador Japan has argued to dismiss the Japanese side of the Embassy unreasonably negotiations, demands the Japanese side immediately correct errors.

Qin Gang: China East air defense identification zone, the Japanese side judge, without merit and is totally wrong, and China resolutely opposes it. China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of defence and the PRC in Japan has argued to dismiss the Japanese side of the Embassy unreasonably negotiations, demands the Japanese side to correct the error. Once again, I reiterate, the Diaoyu Island and its subsidiary island is China's territory, China maintained the determination and will of the Diaoyu Islands sovereignty is unwavering.

Despite Japan Government suddenly increased to shouting and making noise, even deliberately exaggerated and render the possibility of military conflict, however, Japan Airlines: JAL and Ana have decided to submit flight plans to the China's civil aviation sector. The Asia-Pacific region of Korea, and Singapore, and Malaysia, and Australia and other airlines also said it would submit flight plans to the Chinese Government.

It is learnt that the submission of flight, ranging from Japan to Taiwan airlines, Japan Airlines, acceptance is the only option. United Kingdom, Reuters reported Monday that Malaysia Air Asia officials said the disputed their aircraft entered the air defense identification zone will be notified after China, is also the default Chinese airspace rights.

In addition, the Korea Transport Ministry official also said that Korea aircraft entered Chinese air defense identification zone will also notify the Civil Aviation Administration of China, with the addition of Japan overlapping area, China and Korea air defense identification zone in West of Jeju Island over there few overlaps. South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported, including Yan Su reef of the Sino-Korean border demarcation dispute. Worth noting is that Yan Su reef was Japan unilaterally designated in its air defense identification zone, for which South Korea expressed regret on the overlap, and proposed that the ROK national defense strategic dialogue discussed.

In this regard, the Chinese Embassy in Korea Xu Jingming said, the two sides should strive to begin negotiations in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, Xu Jingming also confirmed the ROK national defense strategies Conference will focus on the air defense identification zone overlap. Korea media quoted the Korea military stakeholders said that differs from the Japanese air defense identification zone in large areas of overlap, the overlap between China and South Korea is negligible, and because the Korean districts have established a military hotline, sporadic conflict is unlikely.

Relative to Korea pragmatic attitude on this issue, Japan's gut reaction is a bit unreasonable, according to the report in the global times, who asked not to be named, Japan scholars believe that China suddenly announced that air defense identification zone, did not have a description, without prior notification. This tells Japan and the international community, China believed that the war could be the problem.

China set up air defense identification zone, Japan inexplicably nervous. Japan all the tough talk with a dynamite, Yin Zhuo military experts say, this is malicious speculation, even tension, the responsibility is entirely in Japanese:

Yin Zhuo: mainly defensive measures for air defense identification zone, United States, and Japan its air defense identification zone up to now more than 60 years, and Japan has 6 expanded air defense identification zone, when he was expanding, I never sought the views of China, didn't seek Korea in any other country, and it's set up, we have not lodged a diplomatic protest. Now Japan media, in particular, Shinzo Abe, saying tough things, and asked China to withdraw eventualities by China, so the air defense identification zone with us there is no causal link.

Air Defense Identification Zone overlaps in the international community is a perfectly normal thing, parties can be resolved through security consultation mechanism. Key international issues dealing with attitude. Yin Zhuo said that Japan is now a useful springboard to achieve his ulterior political purpose.

Yin Zhuo: air defense identification zone was not sovereign, if some of the aircraft to your territory and airspace for the purpose of the flight, you can, and if not to your flight that you did not have jurisdiction, that is the establishment of maritime and air security consultation mechanism. I think we talk Japan also can communicate as long as mutual trust, we do not take malicious speculation, these problems can be solved. But Japan does not seem to take this approach itself the Supreme political leader Shinzo Abe made some tough remarks, which of course is an act of malicious speculation, we study the establishment of the air defense identification zone that is now decades out, these issues already, Diaoyu Island dispute does not matter at all. Japan insists it anything to do with the Diaoyu Islands dispute, is a malicious speculation, he must have heat to maintain the Diaoyu Islands dispute, and then use the China threat to mobilize domestic opinion, help him smooth constitutional values, achieve his political ends.

We also noted that China set up air defense identification zone not only allows Japan to exploit, it also raises the United States reacted strongly. United States Secretary of State John Kerry to say: does not support so doing. Defense Minister, Hagel said: the United States in any military action in the region will not change by China Air Defense identification zone. Yin Zhuo said the United States it is "similar to a hedge" the hegemonic practices, whose political aim is "any plot which has ceased to be a secret."

Yin Zhuo: United States hegemony in the entire Asia-Pacific region has always been thinking that he can do things no one else can do, this time on China's establishment of the air defense identification zone is a hegemonic thinking, he's similar to hedge this way of thinking is very serious. He also comes with a lot of political purposes, of course, United States on the use of Chinese air defense identification zone to consult with his Asia-Pacific allies, threatened to adopt a common action against, so this scheme is very clear that any plot which has ceased to be a secret.

(Original title: experts say China Air Defense identification zone and Sino-Japanese East China Sea Diaoyu Island dispute related)

(Edit: SN017)November 26, 2013 China broadcast network(专家称设东海防空识别区与钓鱼岛争端无关|东海|防空识别区|钓鱼岛_新闻资讯

  央广网北京11月26日消息 据中国之声《全球华语广播网》报道,针对中国在东海划设防空识别区,日本首相安倍晋三 又开始喊话了。昨天,他在参议院的一次会议上声称:“这是中国单方面改变东海现状,让事态激化,不可避免地导致现场海空领域发生不测事态的非常危险的行为”,并要求中方撤销这一决定。














  我们也注意到,中国设定防空识别区不仅让日本借题发挥,还引起了美国的强烈反应。美国国务卿克里直言:不支持中国这么做。防长哈格尔则称:美国在此区域内的任何军事行动都不会因中国设立防空识别区而改变。尹卓表示,美国这是“只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯”的霸权做法,其政治目的是“司马昭之心 路人皆知”。




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