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To interpret the third plenary Council seminar: the highest charge 8,800 per day

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To interpret the third plenary Council seminar: the highest charge 8,800 per day(局地现解读三中全会研修班:最高一天收8800元)

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Reading plenary seminar: the highest class of the day and receive $ 8,800 million third plenary | | | agrarian reform _ news

"Read the plenary" costly workshops everywhere, maximum day pay 8,800 Yuan

"Read the Conference spirit", "accurately grasp of policy towards" as a selling point for government departments, enterprises, financial institutions to recruit students

Morning news reporter intern Li Hiu Xi Chen

8,800 Yuan day, 6,800 dollars for two days of talks. In recent days, appeared on the market a number of "reading 18 the spirit of the third plenary session" and "advanced training", most of them with "spirit of authoritative interpretation of the meeting of experts," "precise grasp of policy towards" campaign, facing government departments, enterprises, financial institutions recruited students. These "advanced training" relies on the famous platform, invited experts to government officials and academics in the field, lectures or lectures. However, the application fee is part of the class is extremely high, just a few days training courses cost thousands of dollars, the highest courses for 8,800 per day, "training" done even without the certificate.

 "Advanced seminar" learning what, if anything? And what sign up? Why is there a market?

Who do?

Universities set up the stage, everywhere?

18 third plenary session has just ended, "read the spirit of the meeting" "advanced training" is made. Currently on the market to interpret the spirit of the meeting as a selling point "" seminar on proliferation, including schools, famous institutes of workshop. Training time, short day, much of it for a week, mostly in late November to early December.

Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang alone, recently had four "advanced training" are basically "famous set up the stage, experts sing", the organizers include Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University College of. Among them, organized by Peking University School of continuing education of the in-depth study and carry out the party's 18 of the spirit of the third plenary session of the thematic advanced training and has entered the second phase of the registration phase, the Workshop consists of 12 courses, has invited 12 experts, opening date: December 7. Report 1 days, 6 days, tuition is $ 3,200 per person.

Zhejiang University of media and international culture School of continuing education centres will be in the yuquan campus, Shao yifu science building, holding 18 the third plenary session of the forum for policy interpretation and analysis of high-end, time: November 28, tickets are priced at 6,800 yuan/person, inviting 3 expert advice.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of overseas education in the afternoon of November 16, "18 the third plenary session of the new deal with macro-economic trends analysis" for conducting a high-end theme talks, the presenter is the Deputy Director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of monetary research, and Director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance Wang Guogang. The overseas education College Alumni is free, but for those who wish to participate in the non-alumni, and high need for 2.5 hours lecture to pay 500 Yuan, "fee".

40 China Finance Forum (CF40) also hosted a "read 18 third plenary session of the resolution" advanced seminar, CF40 the curriculum for the Forum members as well as the SFI (Shanghai Institute of Finance) Senior Manager Finance Director free, but provides places for foreign participation. Seminar will be held on December 1 began to speak, starting at 9 o'clock in the morning, 1-day, plenary resolution on the overall interpretation, steps and effects of fiscal reform, land reform, financial reform will focus on urbanization construction and path as the theme, invites 4 experts to interpret. In addition to experts of the Chinese Academy of social sciences, also includes two of the development research center of the State Council's authority. However, to achieve a "study" places and the rate was very high, charges up to 8,800 a day per person.

  All about?

Expert lectures, some courses have not been discharged

So "advanced training", where teachers come from? What is main Professor?

Journalists noted that the publicity seminar selling point, apart from tight "policy to the plenary" hot outside and, more importantly, is to invite experts of "weight" contest, invited experts are dominated by government officials and scholars in various fields.

For example, the experts invited by the Beijing University School of continuing education, including well-known political scientist Xin, Cao Heping, a well-known economist, the famous jurist Wang Taiyuan, a famous sociologist Su Hainan, 12 people, each an expert in their area to conduct a seminar.

Experts were invited by the continuing education centre of Zhejiang University, Director of the Economic Institute of the Ministry of construction of China's urban and rural construction policy Research Center Director Chen Huai, the national development and Reform Commission, Vice President of the Academy of macroeconomic research China's 50-Member Forum expert Chen Dongqi, Wang Xiaoguang, a researcher at the Department of China National School of Administration decision-making consultation. CF40 invited Pei Changhong, Director from the Chinese Academy of social sciences, economy, Deputy Director of the State administration of taxation, the original Xu Shanda, Deputy Minister rural economic research Department of the development research center of the State Council Liu Shouying, as well as the Financial Director of the development research center of the State Council Zhang Chenghui.

Journalists call the seminar asked the course content, he said, taught in the form of expert lectures, each expert's lecture in about 2 hours time. Some lectures will be arranged interactive questions.

Zhejiang University Continuing Education Center workshop schedule coming out of yet, revealed that two days is three expert lectures. As for talking about the topic, how often are vague.

  How to apply?

Money can, limiting foreign

"Advanced seminar" about the identity in students enrollment limit? This reporter learned that, although "recruitment advertisement" to restrict people-oriented, but as long as the money, you can "study".

Peking University School of continuing education "advanced seminar" in admissions, indicating the target group for this course: cadres in party and Government organs, organization cadres, theoretical propaganda cadres; functions of the Government departments and leading cadres, the Council, the Commission, local party schools and administrative backbone of college teachers and the provincial Academy of social sciences researcher; researchers at the Research Office of the Party Committee and Government policy; organization, the propaganda Department of the Party Committee leaders of State-owned large and medium enterprises and so on. However, when reporters by ordinary citizens advisory, said that application is not in the present. Reporter asked the first training course registration students are mainly what people, said that he could not disclose, to student anonymity. Said stage one application is in good shape, "there are a lot of people".

CF40 open workshop, CF40 claimed mainly to the Forum members as well as the SFI financial member of senior management is free, and "opening up a small amount paid places, full House, first-served basis".

Registration Madam Wu expressed, in fact, are just a few of the free, most places are paid to enroll students mostly executives of financial institutions. Under repeated questioning, she revealed that up to now the number of applicants at around 50-60.

Forum organized by the Centre for continuing education of Zhejiang University, was responsible for the candidates said the Forum participants will be controlled at around 100, but for applicants without qualification requirements. As long as the fees in a timely manner to a specific account, you can complete the registration. To let reporters determined the application as soon as possible, as long as the application was also raised, can also personally giving held in January 2014, zheshang, President of the two-day course, and asked reporters to leave contact information.

  Are there diplomas?

Tend to be made, there are so-called "feeding"

Thousands of dollars in tuition, lecture, workshop participants may even have a certificate upon graduation. For the high cost of training, organizers said, "not bad".

CF40 organize advanced training, registration fee is 8,800 Yuan. When reporters asked how 8,800 Yuan tuition fees are calculated, head of Ms Wu explained that the fee includes tuition, teaching materials, site fees, hotel, lunch, but how she can pronounce, only highlighted the "mostly fees", the Organizer will provide students with other authorities interpret "18 third plenary session decided" to internal information. "Training" is over, do not issue certificates.

Wu said that "internal data" refers to the Chinese financial authorities of 40 Forum on "decisions" interpretation itself is not publicly available, available only on the seminar to the participating students.

Centre for continuing education of Zhejiang University fees were not low, 6,800 yuan in two days. Head said 6,800 Yuan included only two days of tuition and fees and lunch. The question of whether the charges are relatively expensive, thinks Mr is, after all, the school hosted the Forum, have been relatively inexpensive, "forum for 3 days/2 nights, rate to twenty thousand or thirty thousand. "After the end of the training, students do not have the relevant certificates.

Issue certificates only, is Peking University College of continuing education's "advanced training". Official said, the class schedule is 6 days, classes with full-time teacher and logistical support staff, class Committee will also be established, for the attendance of the student assessment. In addition, participate in a full course of study and pass the examinations, issued by Peking University unity high-end number of training completion certificate, official seal stamped with the stamp of Peking University and Peking University School of continuing education, certificate number at Peking University continuing education online.

  Public spending?

Invoicing according to individual requirements on the rise

So, so sky-high training costs, primarily for government officials, managers of enterprises and institutions, the existence of public consumption?

Xinhua learned from various courses, registration payment confirmation form. As long as the training fees to the specified account, complete the applicants identity, will be able to easily complete the registration. Training fees are invoiced, invoice line can be marked as "training fees". However, for invoicing unit and individual identity, courses have chosen to remain confidential.

Part of the course on the invoice is public private limited. Leader responded by saying, if you are an individual remittance can be invoiced according to personal requirements rise, if is a unit of remittances, only invoices issued to the public. The official assured reporters, saying formal invoices invoice is issued by the school.

One industry analysis, while some experts and scholars interested in going moonlighting lecture, a lecture and charge tens of thousands of dollars, often hurrying off. Some officials on the other hand, CEOs are also in demand. Last seminar was not only is gold-plated, can still meet the high-end people expand their circle, so although the high price of such "workshop," there is still a large market.

(Edit: SN010)November 22, 2013 Shanghai morning post(局地现解读三中全会研修班:最高一天收8800元|三中全会|研修班|土地改革_新闻资讯


  以“解读会议精神”、“精确把握政策走向”为卖点 面向政府部门、企事业单位、金融机构招揽学员

  晨报记者 李晓明 实习生 陈曦







































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