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Second sister Ji Wenlin: I know not now let him farm

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Second sister Ji Wenlin: I know not now let him farm

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Second sister Ji Wenlin: I know better let him farm | ji-wen Lin _ news

Former Vice Governor of Hainan Ji Wenlin serious violation, has been expelled from the party and public office. Notification according to the Central Commission for discipline inspection, Ji Wenlin used his position for the benefit of others, receiving, soliciting bribes; adultery with others.

Ji Wenlin's resume shows, 36, the official Office of Deputy, 47, rose to Deputy province, these Tailwinds. But from the perspective of poor families, Deputy Governor, in front of his career, learned of the rural families in almost all of the resources, but finally fell on the official height. After his second sister had a rude awakening, "knew him, than it did at his home farm. With his head at home farm can be a good day, why not an officer? ”

When Ji Wenlin's father feared he could not resist the temptations of the outside world, has repeatedly reminded the officials must be "honest". Now, his father readily promised on his deathbed promise was just a perfunctory. Ji Wenlin has long been unable to extricate themselves mired in corruption. 4.5 months after his father's death, Ji Wenlin incident. It was planted in the once most let elderly people worried about money, sex, temptation.

 The Lok Ma

For several years, Yong XING Zhen cuthberts liangcheng, Inner Mongolia has a joy: at 7 o'clock in the evening news broadcast starts, they'll be in front of the television, waiting behind leading a bespectacled young officer appeared on the screen. Often the adults remind their children: "look, this is our yongxing go Ji Wenlin. You must study hard, and will be on TV. ”

However, from the beginning of 2014, another sound start to spread like wildfire in the County. Nobody will like to teach their children on the ground. Joy became a scandal.

Ji Wenlin's family last saw him, was on new year's day this year. In the second sister Ji Cuiyun, Ji Wenlin still Gaunt, and saw him face over the past six or seven years. New year Ji Wenlin had the breakfast of the second day and rushed off. 17 days later, on February 18, and brother-in-law after the cows back to the House, was spotted on the CCTV news channel below the scroll bar messages "Ji Wenlin, Vice Governor of Hainan Province for suspected serious disciplinary offences against the law, currently under investigation," line. "Wen Lin was wrong. "Second brother told me illiterate Ji Cuiyun.

This is the year the first "Lok" for provincial and ministerial level officials. According to previous media reports, Ji Wenlin and Lok officials have in common, Ji Wenlin is also part of this corrupt group.

February 24, County a community in a two-bedroom apartment, Ji Wenlin's mother has just been full of spirits while out strolling back her son's things without their knowledge. On the living room wall hangs a photograph taken in May 2013 family photographs of grandchildren be around when a parent was already suffering from cancer, and died five months later due to illness.

After Ji Wenlin into career, rising with the official position of, and contact with family less and less. Parents are afraid because the impact of their missing son, never dare to take the initiative and contact him. In the post after the Hainan Hebei, Ji Mu about his son every day the only way to keep the tune appears in front of the television waiting for JI-Wen Lin of Taiwan in Hainan. After the double, the family cut off lines, afraid to let 80-year old mother suffered another misfortune strikes again.

"I don't know when can keep a. I had known this when at home is better than just doing the cuthberts. "Having said that, the second sister Ji Cuiyun to sob uncontrollably.


23 km to the West is the town of liangcheng County yongxing. Ji Wenlin was born in distance 1 km west of the town of camel factory village. Locals called the brick house, and Adobe-built houses can only be called a "kiln". Later the official Ji Wenlin, Vice Governor, is growing up in a House consisting of three kiln. Ji Wenlin's parents were farmers, and "(father) brother four," "Grandma's uncle, and aunt" are farmers. First parents ' hands only 2 acres, 2 minutes, by planting corn and potatoes to feed the family.

Ji Wenlin, born in July 1966, with two sisters and a brother, the next has a younger brother, four rows at home. Childhood Ji Wenlin, gives the first impression is "good head". In the eyes of village Xiao Zhao Yongzhong, Ji Wenlin was very "slick". "When I was young, if he told anyone what happened conflicts, he will soon be able to settle, and dealing with relationships. ”

In the difficult years of food shortages, starvation, "slick" by foreign interests have been put to use. Second sister recalled, while Sandy fun Ji Wenlin, secretly potatoes stuffed into his brother's mouth, spit out things later, he turned to his brother and said, "brother playing Chase you. ”

To people back home did not think at that time, bright and smooth, and these qualities were Ji Wenlin road into the bureaucracy, and in the "secretarial" job.


To school age, big brother Ji Wenjun and the pair became the object of father's focus on training in the Ji Wenlin. According to the family, Ji Wenlin slowly began to "learn from" take a keen interest. Brothers often go borrow literary books to read, allegedly ' Traviata, ' red and black ', and ' the count of Monte Cristo ', ' war and peace ' Ji Wenlin's list. Books borrowed Ji Wenlin frequently after sleepless nights, in order not to disturb the rest of a Kang slept six people, he is hiding under the covers with a flashlight to see. Because the literature well, Ji Wenlin have even been head teacher in Middle School praised as "little Lu Xun".

"Good head" with diligence, Ji Wenlin has achieved nearly 490 points in the college entrance examination, ranking third in the County. When filling, because none of the people who read the whole family left ji-wen Lin eventually determines the fate of his own-to the time of the Wuhan College of geology, because think of the "graduate into the mine, to make more money to support their families."

In College, for the burden still pressing and JI Jia Ji Wenlin reading breathless: two sisters quit school and parents in the production team earns points earned to support their families, reached the age of marriage is not married, was working at home, for the brothers to go to school. Ji Wenlin before she went to Wuhan, various relatives and friends of the family are more or less brought the food stamps, as this "lack of grain producers" maximum support; the eldest sister also made several pairs of shoes, a suitcase crammed into the two brothers in order to buy a decent suit, Ji Wenlin also ran "kitayama" planing and uncle on medicines sold for cash.

After that, the family continued to beat for college students reading this war of attrition. According to big brother Ji Wenjun memories, two months before the start of each school year, parent began to help others around the House work aims in these people to do a favor. "Then, my father such a face-saving people, you'll have this by 20, that take 30, get the tuition fee for my brother. "Big brother is now remembered with deep feeling. In his mind, dad always wears a "labour are spent" would look like, and only one pair of pants in the winter, he must be kept active work to keep themselves warm.

Third brother Ji Wensheng (sound) is sacrificed because of the two brothers travelling to school. He has got the high school admission notice for the year, however, due to the family's financial resources have a serious shortfall, and catch up with the father have a cerebral thrombosis, Ji Wensheng chose to go out to work to earn money, became the workers of burned lime.


In 1985, Ji Wenlin left 7 mouths crowded with Heatable Adobe sleeping platform. At the University, Ji Wenlin, and relations are still very well. According to the family, then he election of class monitor, Ji Wenlin won 34 votes, "only he himself failed to cast their votes." In addition, the literature can be brought into full play, he had become the newspaper's pen; University for four years, Colonel also worked as Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League and students ' Union propaganda Minister.

According to Ji Wenjun heard later, at a dance in his senior year, as your brother had he a girl met a low. The girls studied at the Department of geology, later became the wife of JI. "Thiago Silva on women and children of people in Jilin city, Jilin province, born ordinary working families, two people have been feeling very good."

It is understood that the Ji Wenlin enters after Hainan, his wife had been staying with her daughter in Beijing. "Alone" lived in a duplex home in life. Ji Wenlin after the accident, there had been rumors in Hainan Ji Wenlin cognacs. This brother and sister thinks that is unlikely. "Every time Wen Lin came back a couple is at peace, he will absolutely not what the mistress on the outside. "Ji Wenjun said.

Ji Wenjun this delusion stems from his younger brother the marriage early impressions. After graduating from the University, Ji Wenlin into careers. In 1989, the then Institute of Wuhan College of geology pick. After the written test, interview and other round, eventually only Ji Wenlin and a Shanghai student in the school to be employed.

As Ji Wenjun recalled, after becoming a staff member of the Department of geology and mineral resources policy and regulations Research Centre, Ji Wenlin's rarely home, Beijing became the center of his life. Ji Wenjun said that at first, your brother, and there is no significant improvement of quality of life. "When he got married without even wedding. I once went to Beijing to visit him, they lived in a workers ' dormitory in the Ministry of geology and mineral resources, took drape when room dividers, related in the boiled cabbage is a dish of salt. ”

Later turns out, Ji Wenlin career developed after this affair was no longer hold. July 2, inform the Central Commission for discipline inspection showed that Ji Wenlin "committed adultery with others." Outside on the debauchery of his rumor was confirmed.

 "Low cost" education

Then Ji Wenlin on career advancement--all the way from the Deputy Director of the Office of the Minister of geology and mineral resources, Minister of land and natural resources Secretary, Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Office of Secretary, Minister of public security, his fame started growing in poor hometown, neighborhood folks all know JI Jia had an "official", families are often cast with envy.

But in the eyes of family, admiration and honor-they taste but do not have a taste and the former JI Jia four begin gradually alienated away. She said with emotion, Man Lam "focus on getting to the people."

Ji Wenlin start rarely come home, frequencies as low as an average one, sometimes two or three spring would never come back. Calls are also often called home until two or three months, busy now with the rest of the family was increasingly confined to the surface of the greeting, and Xiao Zhao Yongzhong never've seen Ji Wenlin.

Alienation from family and folks at the same time, Ji Wenlin and corrupt circle moved closer. It was reported that Ji Wenlin and Guo Yongxiang, first in the Ministry and Sichuan provincial colleagues. During the period, Sichuan, Ji Wenlin and intersection with the Chuncheng Li, Li Chongxi successively. The three on suspicion of serious offenses being investigated. According to media reports, the Ji Wenlin sure on the official "circles". Ranks of "oil," Jiang jiemin, Li Hualin, was his circle of close friends.

Ji Wenlin is just the other side of the family to see. Second sister recalls, for the early years who struggled to support his family, Ji Wenlin's not much enthusiasm. Education of the parent who earnestly, today appears to have become a sad memory. At that time my father even though every time I hear my son promoted message will be very happy, but that is more about ji-wen Lin faint concern. JI-Wen Lin came back, the father has repeatedly said to him: I'm not greedy high, just go on the line.

Ji Wenlin's great-grandfather in accordance with old "eight virtues" (filial piety, fraternal duty, loyalty, integrity, propriety, justice, honesty and sense of shame) to name his eight grandchildren, respectively. Ji Wenlin's father, ranked seven, named JI Lian.

Ji Wenlin family memories, Ji Quanlian who didn't use their own name in the "low cost" Word to remind him. "Every father said this second brother came back, all the time. "Ji Cuiyun said. But on the other hand, Ji Wenlin said nothing about his work with the family matter's family did not know his work. Once in a while when you see, sister Ji Wenlin Haggard look on eagerly: "work hard or not? "Ji Wenlin now the common answer is:" the second sister you plant your good, life was on the line. A lot of things you don't understand, don't ask. ”

In 2012, at the behest of his father, sister Ji Cuiyun brought my parents to go to Haikou, the "tour is second, more important is that his father wanted to see Ji Wenlin becoming mayor of Haikou, after". It was recalled, and when there is upper and lower layers, where the son's big house, Ji Quanlian surprise, son later explained that this was provided by national leaders was relieved after treatment, but still worried about her son to live in such a House would not stand outside temptations.

Parents for 40 days in Haikou, Ji Wenlin almost no time with parents. "Two brothers has been very busy and tired. "The second sister Ji Cuiyun said.

Media reported that Ji Wenlin is busy at this time behind large demolition--as well as rent.


Ji Wenlin at Lok Ma Chau checkpoint had been in poor health. Second sister can't say what illness, only know it was a "migraine" and "cervical spine pain", "sleepless night". Big brother remembers: Ji Wenlin 18 years of early college entrance examination in that year, he had severe "brain nervous breakdown."

"Because too much pressure at that time, my younger brother often got a bad headache, the pain while holding his head rolled on the ground. My little brother is too strong, and that's why exam stress. Later, has not committed to this disease. ”

A dozen years later, Ji Wenlin relapse. Second husband memories: this disease is about 67 years ago started again made. "He saw in Beijing traditional Chinese medicine, has been on meds, not good. ”

Statistics: in September 2005, Ji Wenlin was promoted to Deputy Director of General Office of the Ministry of public security, Deputy Director of the Office of the Central leading group for maintaining stability, as "being Bureau Secretaries" until December 2008. And the family of "six or seven years ago," just at this time period.

Ji Wenlin's family found that after all this time in addition to distance themselves from the contact, but Ji Wenlin also was the special "low profile". It was recalled, Ji Wenlin each home, flying to Hohhot, all her own, and then by the big brother Ji Wenjun went to pick. Only once followed the Entourage around him, in addition is the basic one came back.

Less cousin Ji Fuwa met his cousin, said he was always everyone came back and informed. "A lot of people think that Ji Wenlin can take care of my family and said, ' sub-provincial brothers farm? ' But not in that way. My brother work is low profile, we are also counting on him. "Still at home farm's second sister Ji Cuiyun said.

Media reported that Ji Wenlin in 2013, when he was the Vice Governor of Hainan Province, Sichuan province, and corruption within the oil system has been rolled out, along with Guo Yongxiang, Li Hualin, Jiang jiemin, who fall, Ji Wenlin became "demeanor low-key."

 The dying

In 2013, the official, Vice Governor of Hebei province, career reached its zenith. At this time, the "busy" Ji Wenlin family links becomes suddenly closer together, because his father was ill.

According to family members, parent doing surgery for gastric cancer in Beijing in 2011, and in 2013 to relapse. The "51" holidays, Ji Wenlin brought his wife and daughter returned to liangcheng's home, and brother and sister as well as home's older sister and three younger brothers join together reunion to the parents ' side, the family "finally" got together. Then they hired a professional photographer from the County for this reunion family filmed the family for the time being. Ji Wenlin standing in the back row, cheeky smile; two older sisters had changed into a respectable clothes, standing at his father's side; Ji Quanlian old man face serum leptin, cheekbones prominent. At this time have more than half a year to go before his 80 birthday.

Just five months later, however, the old man in critical condition. Ji Wenlin hearing laid down a flight home after a few days, but second sister was afraid he was too late to see his father one last time and set brother Ji Wenjun called Ji Wenlin who are abroad, push him to change the ticket to go home earlier. Ji Wenjun carefully to affected brother was afraid to call the past work on the "event", at last Ji Wenlin sent a text message:

"Death, today, come back as soon as possible. ”

Ticket failed to apply successfully, buy the October 2 flight Ji Wenlin, liangcheng back at noon the same day. After home, sister to his father Ji Quanlian said: "well, Wen Lin came back to see you again. "Father's eyes and saw Ji Wenlin, grasping his hand but did not cry tears, don't say a Word. When Ji Wenlin cried.

According to later accounts, he "seemed to know father would say something like" first, then said to his father: "don't worry, my work must be doing well. ”

Second sister cried. Old father to his younger brother's education, sound in our ears: "when doing a job, work hard, seriously. The tens of thousands of others, don't move, don't be greedy. ”

Just this one last time, Ji Wenlin continued to tell his father. "Well, something evil, corrupt officials, and others things, I didn't do it. I'm not greedy for money, if corrupt, wouldn't be walking today. Mothers can take care of me, my sister and brother and I can take care of it. ”

Second sister recalls that this talk, the father's spirit is beginning to wane. That night at three o'clock in the morning, his father Ji Quanlian's death.


The horse Spring Festival Eve, "may be the story" rumors have begun to spread through the town. The end of 2013, Ji Wenlin appeared in two sessions in Hainan Province, media reported that he was "in a trance".

New year's day, Ji Wenlin came home alone. As usual, big brother back from Hohhot, family reunion, ate a lamb dumplings at night. Two brothers drink a shot of liquor, too quickly forget about it supper. Ji Wenlin as usual said nothing, as usual, working families in unknown.

This is family last saw Ji Wenlin.

On February 14 this year, Ji Wenlin Hainan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection, attended the meeting of the Conference on clean government and anti-corruption issues discussed; 4 days later, the Central Commission for discipline inspection announced the Ji Wenlin investigations of alleged serious disciplinary violations.

On February 26, the second sister in the West camel factory three ruined kiln and weep. "Father's expectations turned out to be, reading my brother to do what all good, as long as no farm, no involvement. Knew him the outcome, it's better just to do the cuthberts, down to Earth. "Ji Cuiyun said," we are not stained with his light, it will never exist again. When we land, collecting firewood, for brother school, the sacrifice of those who have done it. ”

She returned to Office at yongxing County Cultural square, make a table for her husband. At that time, is father to daughter "gave" the very white the cuthberts. In addition to farming, and brother-in-law bricklayer, in this life have never been to Beijing. She says of her husband: "this man is a dead wood knots. I think it's quite good, stronger than my brother. ”

She said her sons and a daughter in the future even if there is a chance an officer, she refused to let them go.

Ji Cuiyun suddenly cheerfully recalls, the second brother had told her: he was not used to Hainan's seafood outside wanted sister carrot pickles, fried potato shreds.

This version of text/reporter Xue Lei

(Original title: Lok Ma Ji Wenlin, Vice Governor of the bad life)

(Edit: SN123)03:19 on July 04, 2014 The Beijing Youth daily

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