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News that in addition to international politics and Law Committee will no longer be involved in areas such as

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News that in addition to international politics and Law Committee will no longer be involved in areas such as(消息称除涉外等领域政法委将不再介入个案)

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News that in addition to foreign-related areas such as politics and Law Committee | foreign | cases will no longer be involved in politics and Law Committee | _ news

Our correspondent Wang Feng

Cub reporter Ma Yongtao Beijing

"Pay great attention to the quality of death penalty cases handled to ensure that death penalty cases ' zero-mistake '", which from the beginning were repeatedly mentioned the principle of the Supreme Court, again after the third plenary session of the Supreme Court in important documents.

On November 21, 2013, the ventilation will be held by the Supreme Court, announced the establishment of a sound work mechanism on preventing criminal wronged and misjudged cases (hereinafter referred to as "views"). File three times in reference to death penalty cases, including insufficient evidence of identification of the accused, the fact that application of the death penalty, death penalty shall not be imposed; hosted by experienced judges in death penalty cases; review capital cases should interrogate the defendant.

After the third plenary session of the decision made, sound single prevent, redress, accountability, torture, corporal punishment is strictly prohibited to abuse, the strict exclusionary rule.

"Opinions drafted in the first place, is to ensure the quality of death penalty cases", people close to drafting reporter told the 21st century economy. Presiding over the opinion drafted by the Department, is responsible for the death of the Supreme Court for a review of the Department of Criminal Court of three.

In the Jina has repeatedly emphasized, but not very effective, "exclusionary", six times the national working Conference stressed that a criminal trial "Audiencia", as well as auditing supervision and restriction mechanism, can be regarded as the Supreme Court against criminal wronged and misjudged cases "mix".

  Clinched the doubt from no principle

Starting from early this year, correcting wronged and misjudged cases became clear label that court system. In addition to a number of the case was vindicated, but on April 25, the pingdingshan intermediate people's Court of Henan province convicted defendant Li Huailiang is innocent and May 3, Fujian province High Court announced that the five appellants Fuqing bombing the innocent.

Direct sentences the defendant not guilty, in China's judicial trials are relatively rare, but appears more than once in the views of "not guilty". "Protecting innocent people against criminal prosecution, the criminal trial is the bottom line. For cases of unclear facts, insufficient evidence, to uphold the principle of doubt from no, the acquitted is acquitted ", the Supreme Court convicted three Chamber Vice President of Lv Guanglun said.

Series behind the case vindicated this year, often there is shadow of the Supreme Court. On May 6, 2013, the published General Shen Deyong, Vice President of the Supreme Court of the People's Court Daily articles on the how we prevent wronged and misjudged cases. Which refers to the principle of presumption of innocence, judicial independence of the Court, an emphasis on the role of lawyers, and so on, are reflected in the views and refining.

"On the application of the death penalty does not exist any reasonable doubt, conviction and sentence on the facts and evidence of where a reasonable doubt exists, determined not to apply the death penalty", Shen Deyong said in the article.

Observe the precautionary phase change of the wronged and misjudged cases by the Supreme Court, Zhao zuohai, Henan is an important juncture.

"Including Zhao zuohai homicides in Henan, Zhejiang, Zhang shuzhi rape cases, the trial court was set up at the time, to say the least, is greater than ever, otherwise the poll has landed. Face intervention and pressure from all sides, court decisions can adhere to leave room for a case of this kind, it is not easy. "Shen Deyong said in the article.

Worth noting is that "conservative" compromise law has, in the opinion of erasure. "The convicted cases with insufficient evidence, should adhere to the principle suspect no punishment, declares the defendant not guilty, and shall not be reduced to ' conservative '".

This year October 12 held of "wronged and misjudged cases of against and relief" academic symposium Shang, Henan province high homes Dean Zhang liyong disclosure has Zhao zuohai case details, "investigation personnel take with sticks hit, holding pistol knocking head, and threat, long time not let dinner, and sleeping, way illegal questioned, Zhao zuohai was forced made 9 times guilty for referred to, and let wife Zhao Xiaoqi help he found other head and limbs, posing as victims of bones".

"Zhao zuohai case directly led to has 2010 years ' two a evidence provides ' (is on handle death penalty case review judge evidence several problem of provides under and on handle criminal case ruled out illegal evidence several problem of provides under) of introduced and five sector sign", Tsinghua University criminal v law professor Zhang Jianwei told 21st century economic reported reporter, "' two a evidence provides ' was has larger resistance, highest court has prepared alone introduced, but Zhao zuohai case exposure Hou, eventually by ' two high three Department ' joint introduced".

  Exclusionary raise

Zhang Jianwei introduction, exclusionary provides for 3 years, the effect is not so obvious, "excluded cases of illegal evidence is sporadic" excluded cases of illegal evidence and had no rules to follow, even for "contingencies".

Ma Feng such as Shanxi yuncheng city suspected triad cases, Ma Feng was head of the local Commission for discipline inspection leader, long black task force held in the local resort more than 20 days. The Central discipline Inspection Commission direct investigations, found sharp outside the civil service, does not have the "two fingers" conditions, and found that more than 20 days of "illegal detention." When the trial of the case, Ma Feng at the resort held evidence obtained, treated as illegal evidence be excluded.

"Ma Feng also suggested that their confessions were forced confessions were also made, called for excluding illegal evidences and other exclusion requests made by the defendant of the case, has not been adopted by courts", Ma Feng lawyer Wang, Beijing jingdu law firm lawyers told the 21st century business Herald News.

But exclusionary played some "forced" effect, Xie Xiaojian, an associate College of Jiangxi University of finance and law introduced, their understanding of Jiangxi province in the trial made it to link illegal evidence exclusion of only 1, 2013, the Nanchang segments of the prosecutorial system in investigation and prosecution ruled out only 27 cases of illegal evidence. Nanchang Office will also be illegal to exclude evidence as a priority this year.

"Illegal evidence exclusion of prosecutors also faces obstacles on the mechanisms and ideas", Prosecutor's Office seized in Nanchang City Committee member Xiong Hongwen told the 21st century business Herald reporter, "prosecutors in investigation and prosecution stage 1.5 months longer when possible defendant in the investigation of injury is much better, not easy to find. Therefore, whether the arrest period was before found good time extorting, but this time was a bit nervous, only a 7-day period. "

"On the idea, many inspectors also want to minimize the investigation organ transfer cases to prosecute, at the expense of oversight responsibilities," he said.

On the basis of the views stated in the previous, further defined the scope of illegal evidence. "Two rules of evidence" requirement for torture and other illegal methods to collect the evidence should be excluded, views are expanded into a "torture or freezing, hungry, sun-baked, fatigue trials and other illegal methods".

"Real existence while extorting, but is not widespread, but cold, hungry, drying, roasting, fatigue hearing disguised means, compared with extorting a" College of Jiangxi University of finance and law professor Xie Xiaojian said.

This place's views on the "two provisions", on the basis also reinforces the evidence review mechanisms. Its request "for the murder should be reviewed through the victim's close relatives, identification, fingerprint, DNA identification and other means to determine the victim's identity."

Zhejiang Zhang shuzhi rape cases in the first instance and second instance, the defendants and lawyers, have said that DNA samples than not, is likely to be a third party do it again, but the Court "ignored". A few years later, police restarted DNA identification, as compared to last another on death row. The NIE Shubin, Hebei, according to case files is now open, and at trial did not conduct DNA identification.

  "Not participating in the joint investigation"

"Trials should be trial-centric", this year held in October, the sixth national working meeting on criminal trials is emphasized this principle is also found in the comments.

"Without evidence in court to show investigation, identification, examination, the Court verified, shall not be taken as a basis", the opinion provides. In addition, "testimony before the Court was unable to confirm the authenticity of the witness, shall not be taken as a basis."

Supreme Court President Zhou had also mentioned in particular the carrying out "direct verbal principle", that is to say, talking to people standing directly in court.

"Evidence in court, conviction and sentencing debated in court, referee resulted in the Court, which the trial court-centrism", Deputy President of the Supreme Court Criminal Court of three Lv Guanglun said.

The comments called to review death penalty cases, shall interrogate the defendant.

Requested by defence counsel, should listen to their views. Evidence in doubt, should be investigated to verify and, if necessary, to investigate into the incident.

In some of the concerns of the community in cases of judicial review of death sentences, such as Xia Junfeng, these requirements have been implemented. And now the attention of death penalty review cases, when the case is associated with the NIE Shubin, Hebei, Wang Shujin, 21st century business Herald reporter was informed by authorities, Wang Shujin case was sentenced to death by ne bis in idem is not currently reported to the Supreme Court for review.

The NIE Shubin's family and lawyers have in Hebei province High Court, Supreme Court and the frequent traveling between, on its appeal of the court case, but so far have not been reviewing the case. The opinion reaffirmed the provisions of the criminal procedure law, "do have a right to air their grievances complaints and appeals, should be reviewed according to the law."

Continues to stress the independent judgment of the Supreme Court. "Not because of media hype and parties appealing to visiting and local ' stability ' pressure referees violates the law", in the opinion of said.

"Maintaining stability" considerations, an important factor in local politics and Law Committee, was disturbed for a time trial, reporters from the authorities that, apart from specific areas such as Foreign Affairs, defence, the "politics and Law Committee will not intervene in the future". Views also provides that the Court "trial cases strictly in accordance with legal procedures and responsibilities, will not be allowed into the public security organs and people's procuratorates joint investigation". (This article source: 21st century economic report)

(Edit: SN091)November 22, 2013 Northeast network(消息称除涉外等领域政法委将不再介入个案|涉外|政法委|个案_新闻资讯

  本报记者 王 峰

  实习记者 马永涛 北京报道







































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