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Online cross-border gambling years Jin Chao trillion, equivalent to our GDP2%

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Online cross-border gambling years Jin Chao trillion, equivalent to our GDP2%

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Online cross-border gambling years Jin Chao | trillion is equivalent to our GDP2%| online gambling network _ cross-border gambling news

Network cross-border gambling each year pulling Jin Chao Wan-

Mad money taking advantage of the World Cup gamble number into a geometric level soared

-Reporter Zhao Yufei Han Zhen Chongqing reported

With the World Cup, "war", online betting is spread rapidly across borders. The economic information daily, a recent survey found that during the World Cup gamble number into geometric level soared, offshore illegal gambling sites also occurs exponentially, even blatant touting for business.

Reporter from police organ understanding to, this class crime activities has convenient, and hidden, features, organizers General used "MLM mode" efficient operation, and rendering expansion, and low age of, and line on-line Xia combines, new features, "pumps" like annually from China mainland pumping go over 1 trillion yuan funds, not only very easy breeding various criminal, also serious threat national economic interests and financial security.

  Simple betting modes

With the advent of mobile Internet, gambler by Q Q, e-mail, SMS bet anywhere, anytime. Meanwhile, online gambling modes, in addition to "win" the "scores" beyond normal gameplay, and guess the number of set-pieces, the first replacement team, the first yellow card of a dozen kinds of gameplay.

The economic information daily, a recent search engine type "gambling" and "gambling" and other words, which show information about hundreds of thousands of online gambling, most of which are offshore gambling Web sites. Subsequently, identity and called for journalists to gamblers "Crown international network" customer service staff to get in touch. Customer service says, "Crown international network" has its headquarters in Macau, has a cash net of stable operation of the eight-year veteran, has nearly 8,000 members, membership has increased substantially during the World Cup, "now there are tens of thousands of members".

Customer service, they said, simply register on the site, get account password into cash can bet. Betting procedure is very simple, simply click on the order book, enter and click on odds, and then enter the amount, once gambling is done. At least 100 Yuan each time you wager up to a maximum of 5 million Yuan.

June 24, reporter in a name for "Yong Lee high" of outside bet ball website see, the website on Italy team and Uruguay team of "death of war" opened has multiple handicap, to Italy team let 0.5 ball for cases, that is Italy team playing flat or lost ball betting party on lost has, only Italy team NET WINS Uruguay team 1 ball above, betting just will win. Is 4 hours from the start, hang out on the Web site of "bet in honor" to show that the game's betting funds totalling more than $ 40 million dollars.

Press random unannounced visits to several overseas gambling websites found, simple network cross-border gambling bet through Q Q, e-mail, SMS can be wagered.

In addition, online gambling, the rules of many fits nicely with a gambler's "sudden wealth". In addition to "win" the "score" of four General gameplay, and even guess the number of set-pieces, the first replacement teams, first yellow card and a dozen kinds of play, its legitimate sports lottery odds well above, if a weak team upset conditions, punters could even get the return of dozens of times, could easily attract a lot of people involved.

He had been involved in online gambling, jiulongpo district, Chongqing City, he often tried to dissuade mad fan base involved in betting fans. He said that people involved in online gambling, "nine lost ten-gambling", operating gambling Web site's "House" has a very strong power of information, they tend to hire Actuaries of overseas casinos, calculate the probabilities of betting website's best interest, and take this as the basis for formulating positions. Gaming sites also often temporary withdrawal positions, changing the odds, on the face of it, money is always the banker "worth tens of millions of people around me involved in gambling, bankrupt over night, separated from their families."

Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau had been investigating a case of illegal online gambling case involving thousands of officers, carrying water for a month with billions of dollars more. Official said, according to the public security Department monitors found that online gambling phenomenon has always existed, but especially during the World Cup.

"The World Cup is football season, betting site earns more money than in the past ten days a month to earn even more. "The above said objective for network offers cross-border gambling on World Cup matches and tourists.

  "Marketing model" organizational development

With the rapid economic development in China and the residents ' income increased, some offshore gambling group has stepped up its infiltration of our country, online gambling becomes their "March" is one of the most important channels in the country. In recent years, police across the country cracked many cases of illegal online gambling, criminals without exception is the use of "marketing model" rapid development of members.

The economic information daily, Xinhua learned from the public security Department, unlike real casino in General, network cross-border gambling crimes in General is a form of internal and external collusion organization: network servers located abroad, through recruiting agents at all levels, to the internal organization of similar to the MLM model gambler gambling. In recent years, such crimes are expanding and younger age, offline with new features.

Had participation investigation more up bet ball case of Chongqing City Public Security Bureau by investigation Brigade related personnel said, network bet ball website of constitute and development and MLM activities is similar, internal by Shang to Xia General can is divided into big shareholders, and shareholders, and total agent, and agent and Member, level, big shareholders General in outside, shareholders, and total agent, and Agent General in territory, relies on agency "development referrals" of way short time within quickly expanded member team. Among them, the Member is online gambling, survival of "lifeline".

And MLM as, bet ball website General used "pumping" into, general situation Xia, can for distribution of money by two part constitute, a is from member each pen betting amount in the extraction must proportions as "back helpers" distribution to levels referrals; another part is "pumping", is Casino from each field bet ball gets of profit in the, took out a pen money by big shareholders began step by step down distribution. Meanwhile, in the pyramid of gambling sites, agents at each level according to their number of referrals received referrals of bets of around 10% to 15% a cut line for the development of more gets, the greater the profits.

To in recent years Zhejiang police cracked of together network bet ball case for cases, crime suspects but Hing is "Crown bet net" in Zhejiang can stimulate the of Supreme agent, in gets this a agent right Hou, he according to outside shareholders of indicates, from friends, and acquaintances relationship in the development has large II level, and three level agent and thousands of name member, to "pumping", and Member wins into, "dividend" form obtained huge illegal proceeds.

It is understood that, in addition to the "marketing model" efficient operation, network cross-border gambling crimes in recent years has also presented three new trends, new features.

One is the continued increase in the number of people who participate in online gambling, show a tendency to expand. Data from the Tianjin municipal public security departments showed that during this World Cup, and substantial growth in the number of people involved in illegal online gambling.

In Tianjin, Xiao Liu is a veteran fan works for a public institution. He told reporters that the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup, the Internet is not yet common in our country, not many people participate in online gambling. In the 2006 Germany World Cup, began to spread on the Internet, online gambling began to flood. During this year's World Cup, smartphones, tablets can be bet, there are many friends addicted to extricate themselves.

Second, gamblers showed a younger age trend. Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau official said the Gambling crime had begun to seep into the campus, "today, students have easy access to use the network, some more money in their hands, especially primary and middle school students, resolving power is weak, strong herd mentality, curiosity, it is easy to participate in online gambling". Tianjin, a college student, told the economic information daily, reporter, own every game during the World Cup are involved in online gambling, bets 800 or 1000 Yuan at a time, but recently not so good luck, has lost more than 10,000 yuan.

Third, online organizing gambling and offline operations closely. Some sites would give credit and other method of attracting gamblers involved, some gamblers after losing money doesn't live up to their arrears, in reality, need to get debt collectors, so there will be a close combination of online and offline. A gambler who was collecting said, gambling information for gamblers in the possession of the site is very comprehensive, and are colluding with the mafia, not afraid of punters gambled away does not pay back the money. Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau police officers also told reporters that received similar reports.

  Funds siphoned trillions per year

Online gambling annually from China's mainland to withdraw more than 1 trillion yuan of gambling money, the equivalent of g d p 2% of the total, its size has exceeded the size of some pillar industries, such a huge amount of funds through various channels to go overseas, a serious threat to national economic interests and financial security.

Networks increasingly rampant cross-border gambling, poses a serious threat to national economic interests and financial security.

Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau found during the handling process, the amount of money involved is usually a huge cross-border online gambling "a regional distributor of illegal gambling sites each month and 10laigeyi water, in General, a website similar to the agent there are dozens of even more, resulting in substantial capital flow to the outside. The economic information newspaper stock in recent years, public security organs cracked cases of online gambling found that suspected cases amounting to billions of dollars or even billions of dollars are not uncommon.

Peking University's China Institute of lottery survey shows that annually flow to the outside due to online gambling the gambling money equivalent to 15 times times the total national lottery released a year, exceeded 1 trillion yuan, network cross-border gambling is like "pump", the year will exceed a trillion of funds from the Mainland, attracted the attention of interested parties urgently.

Long-term concern of gambling law professor at Southwest University of politics and law and Economics chenpengfei said about 56.8 trillion yuan in China in 2013 g d p, and online gambling each year will siphon off more than 1 trillion yuan from mainland China's gambling capital, equivalent to g d p 2% of the total in China.

Chen Pengfei said that online gambling has a natural opening, China has a huge population, resources, current online gambling have been massive penetration from outside mainland China and wantonly accumulate wealth by unfair means. For example, during the Euro 2012 soccer tournament, casino gambling amounted to 10 billion euros, of which more than 60% the incremental gambling money from mainland China.

Not only that, the territory of CANDU often suffer huge property losses, dangerously vulnerable to other forms of crime. In addition to participating in gambling, "nine lost ten-gambling," accompanied by phishing, scams that online gambling site also presents a "blowout" trend, "little house" jiancaiqiyi, "" roll the money and run "occurred, some illegal gambling website profit with integrity, lose money when it is closed, the participants a little attention would have suffered such a great loss. Which breeds corruption, theft, robbery, kidnapping for ransom and other criminal offences is not uncommon.

Due to its convenience and concealment, features, online gambling, as well as with individuals preferred way to money-laundering by organized criminal groups. For example, a money launderers for the legalization of 200,000 yuan of money laundering, he was in two separate betting website bet game of two teams, each for 200,000 yuan. No matter what the results, money launderers will be on the losing side of 200,000 yuan, on the other side to win 200,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan of money laundering is covered with a cloak of legitimacy.

  Cut gambling experts recommend strengthening financial supervision of circulation

-Reporter Zhao Yufei Han Zhen Chongqing reported

A few days ago, for the problem of gambling during the World Cup's crime-prone, the Ministry of public security Public Security Bureau issued a notice, requesting the strengthening of intelligence analysis, severely crack down on World Cup gambling in illegal and criminal activities. But the economic information daily, a reporter learned that online gambling a crime of concealment, transient, as well as laws and regulations are not perfect, has brought great difficulty against regulation to the Department concerned.

Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau Economic Investigation Brigade, officials say, crime in online gambling, gambling-related personnel does not need to be focused on a particular place, gamblers can conceal their identity and address, completely anonymous, often within minutes or even seconds, through the process of gambling, once the hard drive data destruction, troubleshooting history will be very difficult.

Characteristics of criminals also make full use of the network, and public security departments launched the "guerrilla warfare". Only by the method of shielding gambling Web sites often "stopgap", blocking a Web site, criminals will replace the IP addresses, Web domains to open another. For example, "Crown", "Wynn high" old gambling sites public security departments has been blocked several times, but it wasn't long before "reappearance".

Meanwhile, most of the Web servers are located in offshore, due to the different nature of national and regional laws on online gambling is different, when it encounters a transnational crime, public security authorities to apply for international assistance to combat difficult and costly. In addition, the gambling site managers are isolated from each other, between the upper and lower lines, especially links between agents and big shareholders, the banker rarely, major shareholders and bankers are often difficult to capture.

Southwest University of politics and law said Chen Pengfei, a Professor of economic law, online gambling, betting on the transfer of the money, there are two main ways, one is through bank wire, the other is through a third party payment platform. In China, the gambling site's bank account and related long-term third-party transactions for betting platform has not been effectively monitored.

Also, apply the relevant legislation imperfection lead to legal problems. Southwest University University criminal learn Professor Zhang Wuju said, currently for parameter bet personnel of punishment main according to security management punishment regulations 70th article provides: to profit for names for gambling provides conditions of, or participation gambling gambling larger of, at 5th following detention or 500 Yuan following fine; plot serious of, at 10th above 15th following detention, and at 500 Yuan above 3,000 yuan following fine. While online gambling is concerned, many people in profits, driven by desperation, against someone who wager huge amounts, in serious cases, the punishment was too lenient, and insufficient deterrent to criminals.

In addition, the crime of Chinese criminal law against gambling provides: gambling or the gambling industry, three years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention or control, and fined, casinos, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to ten years. The terms for General network bet ball participants cannot applies, unless is opened bet ball website of people can by opened Casino Sin conviction punishment, and due to network bet ball of features, other network bet ball participants basic is personal participation to gambling website betting, not meet mob gambling of requirements, while network bet ball who General is non-career bet guest, so even network bet ball participants plot, and amounts serious, gambling sin also to applies.

In this regard, the public security organs and relevant experts believe that should improve relevant laws and regulations, and in important timing to launch special crackdown, for such crimes and to maintain sustainable high-voltage situation. Perfect, and strengthening the combination of unblocking and nowhere on the Mainland illegal online gambling.

On one hand, the public security organs should increase efforts to crack down on important events node to take special action. According to reports, with periodic illegal online gambling, increased presence in World Cup and other important milestones, it's when outlaws outcrops. Launch initiatives to mobilize police forces and social forces, strengthen supervision and crackdown, improving handling efficiency. In the course of the investigation, in addition to the timely collection of declarations, statements and other written evidence in connection with the use, a more comprehensive collection of gambling-related information data on computer hard drives and other storage media.

The other hand, to strengthen financial supervision, cut off the online gambling of money circulation. Chenpengfei said, United States had for combat network bet ball of funds circulation for has active attempts to, and through has illegal Internet gambling Executive Bill, the Bill banned Bank, and financial company, and credit card management institutions to engaged in network gambling of institutions provides service, not allows financial institutions through credit card, and checks, way paid bet gold, on inhibit network gambling up to has good effect, China can reference.

In addition, to improve relevant laws and regulations, legal online gambling a crime deterrent. Multiple legal experts interviewed suggested that as the last line of Defense of the law, should play its deterrent effect of the criminal code, refer to "drinking and driving into the penalty" approach, in accordance with their severity into crimes. More specifically: added in numerous gambling crimes charged, and the amount is huge, a standard, while sentencing criteria established in view of this situation, namely, CANDU and numerous large sums constitute the crime of gambling, shall be sentenced to three years and fined. Such crimes to specifically take part in gambling frequency and funding can be ascertained by way of legal interpretation, through the conviction of the Criminal Code provides that legal deterrence.

(Edit: SN064)02:30 on July 01, 2014 Economic information daily

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