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Medicare offsite claims little trouble, national network of settlement is difficult

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/23 17:22:04 Browse times: 412 Comment times: 0

Medicare offsite claims little trouble, national network of settlement is difficult(医保异地报销又少又麻烦,全国联网结算尚有难度)

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Offsite claims Medicare trouble nationwide network and less difficult clearing offsite healthcare reimbursement | | | _ news

With the increase of floating population, offsite have received more and more attention to the issue of Medicare reimbursement. Families especially those suffering from serious illness, chronic disease, offsite reimbursement of health care has become a broken heart. Recently, the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision made, "settled in fully integrating farmers into urban social security system in town", "the perfect social insurance relationship transfer and renewal policy". Organization of the work in accordance with the health care reform, this year in some provinces have started to pilot the inter-provincial offsite medical clearing facility.

Why so tangled hearts offsite health care reimbursement? What is to keep health insurance in place? Achieving national interoperability still has a long way to go? Journalists and research.

To a foreign doctor, claims little trouble

China's floating population of nearly 300 million, while non-insured medical reimbursement level differences, or simply not reported

Ever since over a year ago found daughter with cerebral palsy, in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province kuen do express services, began with the kids every day to do the rehabilitation. High cost of rehabilitation, to spend tens of thousands of dollars each month. Kuen in Shaoguan, Guangdong province's rural areas, are part of new-style rural cooperative, so she went home to her to pay the costs of participating, sent medical documents to back home each month aunt aunt make claims on their behalf. Claims not much, at most, only 20%, waiting time is very long. "If Shenzhen Shenzhen claims it would be nice to see a doctor. ”

Jiangsu Xuzhou in Grandpa suffering from uremia, because the county can't do dialysis, he follows his son living in Beijing, and prescribes a drug to hospitals on a regular basis, review. Spent seven thousand or eight thousand Yuan a month, his wife, tends to lay up to twenty thousand or thirty thousand Yuan to send money home. In Uncle are part of urban residents on health care, according to the rules, leaving the County doctor belongs to register for medical treatment, while in the big cities of Beijing, is across the province to register for medical treatment, only hospital reimbursement. In Uncle waiting for a reimbursement back home can play back, but often have to wait for about half a year, to get some 20% expense.

As the floating population increases, more and more people have similar experiences. Statistics show that floating population in China has reached nearly 300 million, these include migrant workers and their children, elderly people living with their children or to a foreign pension, there are many who treat people in uncle had to go to the big city.

Today, the new rural cooperative medical care, basic medical insurance for urban residents, basic medical insurance for urban workers basic medical insurance system for the three, has covered more than 95% of urban and rural residents, up to 1.3 billion. Compared to 10 years ago, the concept can claim to see a doctor, have been involved.

But people notice, insurance and the participants to see the doctor, handy expense ratio is relatively high. And non-insured, even closer to home in the County, city, reimbursement levels vary, even the doctor in the clinic cannot be reimbursed, on health care won't be using it. Many young migrant workers, to see a doctor or go to the big city of participants who simply are not reported, usually to see a doctor as little. For many families with major diseases, chronic diseases, Medicare reimbursement issues in different places has become a broken heart.

 Treatment of regional disparity to be the biggest obstacle

Enter as much of the population in developed areas, high levels of health care treatment, fearing that immigrants raises funds for reimbursement on the ground risk

Why different reimbursement levels so different? When do as the locals do so much?

Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Professor Yao Lan explained that Medicare imposed territorial management and regional institution-building in terms of groups, rural/urban area, and urban workers ' medical insurance introduction combines social pool and personal accounts of financing methods, residents ' medical insurance and new rural cooperative medical financing of local financial benefits and personal contributions. Medicare, ncms levels commensurate with the level of local social development, Central, provincial and municipal finance on insurance, benefits the participants who, in General, means much more developed regions make up some, less of the Midwest. Different geographical different, means different, causing around medical security levels vary considerably. Based on premium income, set their own list of claims, capping pay line, line and proportion of the reimbursement classification.

Residents of workers ' health insurance, health insurance in order to coordinate efforts at the municipal level, ncms in most parts of the County are planning regional, leaving co-ordinating City doctor, issues related to offsite health care claims.

"If all of off-site medical treatment costs reimbursed by the inflow, even developed areas can hardly afford. So, every region, every insurance through careful calculation, avoid the risk of cost overruns, guarantee funds are running well. "Yao Lan said.

Executive Ma Jin, President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of public health, said: "the wide differences and imbalances between regions, such as the level of economic development, levels of health, diseases, cause movements of health care difficulties. Taking Shanghai for example, Shanghai's higher funding levels, lower levels of foreign financing, relatively speaking, people abroad for medical treatment back to Shanghai-Shanghai claims it is easy, but to outsiders is the opposite. ”

Research Centre Director Zheng Gongcheng of Renmin University of China's social security considered offsite enable offsite settlement lies at the heart of Medicare and gradual realization of medical insurance, medical care and treatment. The current imbalance between urban and rural economic development, a time still not eliminate the differences of the three types of health care treatment and co-ordination between regional gap. "Unrealized uniform universal health care system, the need to explore the improvement of the basic medical insurance system insurance relationship transfer and renewal measures to accommodate population movements and workers ' professional identity conversion. ”

Looking forward to the national network "schedule"

Roaming in some provinces have completed the province, introducing settlement network in regional differences between the big cities became the biggest challenge

In September this year, laian County in Anhui Province, 70, half Tower residents of Chiang's duties, due to risk of coronary heart disease came to county-level city in tianchang city people's Hospital, not far from home. Due to the experiences of new rural cooperative medical offsite instant knot settlement agreements were signed, Jiang Shouli pay only co-payments of 14,000 yuan, and prior to that, he needs a full advance medical total cost of 37843.08 Yuan.

Tianchang introduced new rural cooperative medical management Center Director Zhu Zongzhi, tianchang city and neighbouring counties to register not only settled on a real-time basis, and also close to 3 hospitals in Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province signed a settlement agreement, this 3 hospitals agreements, according to tianchang reimbursement list, cost requirements for reimbursement.

From the departments concerned, according to new farm 90% County (city, district), as well as workers and urban residents healthcare in 8 provinces (cities) has been achieved within the domain of the province to register at the doctor settled on a real-time basis. In respect of inter-provincial offsite medical clearing now ncms are Unicom, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Jilin and other 9 platforms and 29 large medical institutions at the provincial level.

Workers and urban residents ' health care 4 municipalities and Hainan, Tibet has adopted the provincial co-ordinating, achieving regional unity and the immediate benefits of total settlement. 4 municipalities and 4 provinces of Fujian, Hainan, Yunnan and Xinjiang set up provincial medical insurance information management system to achieve network settled on a real-time basis within the province; another 15 provinces of informatization platform is under construction. In "Yangtze River Delta", "Pearl River Delta" regions through regional networking, and point to point, such as different forms of settlement, accessible and timely reimbursement of medical expenses.

Remote real time service in these provinces, is generally co-ordinating service levels in the region, development of information clearing platform and sign the settlement agreement and off-site in a similar form of intermediary services for off-site settlement. Like Shanghai, networking, delegate claims, claims for reimbursement 3 modes, and Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces to enable offsite in real time.

"Twelve-Five" healthcare plan made it clear that by 2015 all planning regional and medical expenses in the province to register in real time. Starting this year in some provinces to explore the interprovincial long distance settlement trial. According to the current progress, offsite health care reimbursement has taken to be straightened out.

However, the national net settlement is difficult.

Ma Jin believes that regional differences in Medicare settlement in big city is a big challenge. Linkage only in relatively close personnel exchanges between, different insurance up to a certain size where pilot implementation. He suggested that the guidelines from the national level, from the top level design, exploring the clear cross-provincial and municipal health-care network settlement policies, operate the system of management, technical support and funding conditions, build capacity and expansion of the Medicare settlement trading platform, and ultimately settled off-site treatment nationwide health care network.

Zheng Gongcheng stressed, should as soon as possible to new rural cooperative medical insurance of urban residents and unification for unification of urban and rural residents in medical insurance, conditions are right then and the unification of basic medical insurance for the same universal health care. At the same time, improve basic health and manpower levels, the basic realization of provincial-level co-ordination, both improving the equity of health care needs, differential problem solving offsite health care, but also important condition for improving medical insurance relationship transfer and renewal mechanism.

Yao Lan we recommend, can be divided into 3 steps national network as soon as possible. "First, as far as possible people in the province for medical treatment and, secondly, concentration and massive outflow of personnel around hospital signed an agreement to settle; and, finally, for mobile personnel scattered, bridging the coverage gap, progress towards national coverage, to enable offsite health care services. "She thinks, you can start from the remote settlement within the province, gradually and neighbouring provinces to forge agreements, and finally form a national network.

(Edit: SN095)November 22, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily(医保异地报销又少又麻烦 全国联网结算尚有难度|异地|医保|报销_新闻资讯































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