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Li keqiang, British media published op-ed articles

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/23 17:21:38 Browse times: 296 Comment times: 0

Li keqiang, British media published op-ed articles(李克强英媒发表署名文章)

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Li keqiang, British media published op-ed articles: economy to get transcripts of Li keqiang, | | name | economy _ news

China News Agency, November 22 in Beijing Chinese Premier Li keqiang, 22nd in the United Kingdom, the Daily Telegraph published the EU will benefit from closer partnerships in a wide range of op-ed articles. Li called on the EU to seize the opportunity in the text, and allow the people of the benefits of cooperation.

16th this week in Beijing at the China-EU summit issued the Europe 2020 strategy for cooperation plan, announced the launch of EU-China investment agreement negotiations and propose 2020 target of Sino-EU trade volume reaches us $ 1 trillion. Mr Li believes that this is "jumped up to get fruit", but "fully capable of the conditions to achieve." He pointed out that China and include the United Kingdom, provide more opportunities for trade and economic cooperation in Europe.

It's official, Mr LI will be held from 25th to 27th, went to Romania to attend the China-Middle East-European leaders meeting and visit to Romania. For this visit, Li said, China has great potential in cooperation with Eastern European countries. "I look forward to working together with colleagues from these countries, and inject new vitality into the bilateral relations. ”

Article refers to the current world economic recovery and arduous, face the common challenges, it is necessary to continue to help each other, help each other, based on their own affairs well. "I am pleased to see that the shadow of some European countries are now gradually emerging from recession, the EU economy to show signs of stabilising. China's economy also got a good ' report card '. "Li keqiang said.

This year, the complex and grim environment at home and abroad, China, economic downward pressure once more. Mentioned in the article, internationally many predictions that China's economy will "hard landing," rise of the badmouthing China.

Li said that China is resisting pressure, adhere to not increase the deficit, neither easy nor tighten, but innovation and macro-control, integrated application solution. Even in fiscal revenue slowed sharply for a time and appeared in the years of the so-called "shortage of money", inter-bank overnight interest rates soaring exception cases, we also maintain constant force, not as many had expected, it's "open".

He noted that China launched a series of measures to benefit more benefits in the long run. For example, sustained release of reforming bonus, especially private capital to create a fair competitive environment for enterprises, market potential, and so on. We stimulate the endogenous driving force of economic development, improving supply through the adjustment structure, expanding domestic demand.

Li keqiang, China's series of digital "report cards". He said that through these efforts, the Chinese economy through a difficult moment, to the situation appeared stable, economic growth remained at 7.5% per cent and inflation control in 3.5% within a reasonable range, year-round jobs will be more than 12 million people.

Mentioned Communists 18 session plenary session through of series full deepening reform of decided, Li said, these decided not only will accelerated China of economic social development, also helps settlement China faced of resources environment constraint, and in urban and rural areas regional not balance, challenge and problem, to people brings more big prosperity, for China and world of relationship created new of opportunities, this which of important part that is increasingly grow of Central relationship.

Says in the article, realization of China's modernization will be more than 2 billion people in China and include the United Kingdom, offers a historic opportunity for mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation in Europe. "Let us seize this opportunity and Sino-European cooperation to benefit the people. "Li keqiang said. (End)

(Original title: Li keqiang, British media published op-ed articles: collaboration to benefit the peoples of Central Europe)

(Edit: SN098)November 22, 2013 China News Network(李克强英媒发表署名文章:中国经济拿到好成绩单|李克强|经济|署名_新闻资讯

  中新社北京11月22日电 中国国务院总理李克强22日在英国《每日电讯报》发表《中欧将从更加紧密的伙伴关系中广泛获益》的署名文章。李克强在文中呼吁中欧抓住机遇,让合作的成果惠及人民。












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