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Guangdong proposes starting in 2016 renters children off-site entrance

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Guangdong proposes starting in 2016 renters children off-site entrance(广东拟规定2016年起租房者子女可异地高考)

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Guangdong proposed entrance provides 2016 renters children off-site | migrant | renters | Guangdong _ news

Express News reporter Chen Hongyan correspondent Cantonese teaching vision

Rules for the implementation of start for public comment, new programmes implemented last year, "three-step" policy

Good news over the winter to the warm sun-Guangdong off-site examination rules for the implementation of start for public comment. New programmes implemented last year, "three-step" policy, clarifying the 2016 suiqian children can register for the college entrance examination, defined the "lawful job", "legal and stable shelter" standard. Among them, legal rental housing in Guangdong Province, but also to "a legal and stable domicile", which means, renters after the rules take effect if all other criteria are met policy requirements for their children in Guangdong, sign up for the college entrance examination.

Yesterday, the Guangdong provincial Department of Education promulgated the migrant workers in suiqian children in Guangdong province to take the college entrance exam implementing procedures (provisional) (hereinafter referred to as the rules), and began to seek the views of the community.

Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Yuan official said yesterday, now, this programme is still in the comment. Than ever before, the approach does not relax the threshold. This request for comments is to implement the provincial government last year on the specific operation of the off-site examination papers, clearly what students should sign up with material such as how to do it. Next provincial education examinations will publish specific files.

Off-site entrance remains in "three-step"

The methods called, the alleged suiqian children refers to his father or mother living in southern Guangdong Province, attending non-residence of migrant workers in Guangdong Province and other non-household employment of Guangdong province's children.

On December 29 last year, forward of Guangdong provincial notice identified Guangdong Province starting from 2013 constructed step by step suiqian children's examinations in place, with work divided into three steps.

  The three-step


  Starting in 2013

By score home in Guangdong province's remote workers, highly skilled personnel, their suiqian children from the household life, schooling and other restrictions, you can enroll in college entrance examination in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province home domicile candidates equally, and can be used with admission.

  Starting in 2014

By County (city, and district) municipal people's Government competent sector finds of in Guangdong Province has legitimate stable career, and legitimate stable residence and continuous 3 years above holds Guangdong Province Live card, and by national provides in Guangdong Province participate in social security Trojan 3 years above of town workers personnel, its suiqian children has Guangdong Province in the vocational school 3 years full student of, can in Guangdong province registration participate in high career college recruiting in the vocational school graduates admissions exam (that: "3+ professional skills courses certificate" exam and high vocational school counterpart autonomous admissions exam), And can be admitted to Guangdong Hukou candidates equal.


By County (city, and district) people's Government competent sector finds of in Guangdong Province has legal stable career, and legal stable residence and continuous 3 years above holds Guangdong Province Live card, and by country provides in Guangdong Province participate in social security Trojan 3 years above of town workers personnel, its suiqian children in Guangdong Province participate in tests and in parents employment where city has high school stage 3 years complete student of, can in Guangdong Province application participate in college entrance examination, and can and Guangdong Province household registration candidates equal admitted.

  New approaches to

But new measures and the "three-step" content, the implementation did not change over time, conditionality.

In the latest of the approach of the "third-step" conditions set out, still provides: meet the University entrance examination entrance examination of conditions of access of children of migrant workers in suiqian, comply with requirements for enrollment in the University entrance examination in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Hukou candidates equal admission.

However, the methods for "suiqian child in parents ' employment cities have a complete roll high school 3 years the expression" slightly modified ", add" or "to read" suiqian fathers or mothers with children employment city senior high school 3 years where full student status ". The methods in other related articles, related titles as "father or mother", making conditions more clearly set out.

  Off-site entrance examination registration

1. the measures required, suiqian children who need to take the college entrance examination in Guangdong Province, should be studying in the college entrance examination before registration to the County (city, district) entrance examination institution to apply, and submitted to the relevant document proof.

2. at the County (city, district) entrance examination institution responsible for summary and sent to counties (cities, districts) human resources and social security, housing and urban-rural construction (real estate), public security, education and other functional departments, functional groups according to the conditions of access, audit, identified.

3. each Department review, feedback on the list of counties within the specified time (city, district) entrance examination institution by the entrance examination in accordance with the functions of audit results, and determining the list of candidates.

4. the list of candidates is determined by student school publicity, public opposition and the outcome of the validation test conditions are not met, no the entry formalities.

(Note: the rural worker participation in the program calculate deadlines of the cumulative period, college entrance examination when registration time for suiqian children. )

  Off-site students how to take exams

The rules, offsite entrance does not meet the conditions of the children of migrant workers in suiqian, domicile of provincial Admissions Office agrees that beginning in 2014 can take exams in Guangdong Province.

However, through examination candidates shall make written application to the domicile of provincial admissions, agreed by the domicile of provincial admissions, in Guangdong Province, his father or mother, take exams, employment location. When you sign up, suiqian children upon presentation of written materials relating to domicile of provincial Admissions Office agrees, within the prescribed time to the seat of his father or a working mother city Admissions Office take exams of college entrance examination procedures.

In addition, suiqian children should return to take exams in Guangdong province where the household registration (district, municipal) participate in admissions, specific admission requirements and criteria determined by the domicile of provincial admissions.

  Details of the three new programmes


  Buy a house rent are "legal and stable domicile"

Last year the "three-step" programme, many people wonder how to identify migrant workers "legitimate job" and "a legal and stable domicile", count as a legal and stable home for rent? Do you want to buy a house in order to participate in off-site examination?

The approach has clearly, migrant workers have one of the following conditions, shall be found to be legal and stable career in Guangdong Province: Guangdong Province signed a labor contract with the employer within the scope, or employment in the human resource and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province registered industrial and commercial administration departments at all levels in Guangdong Province registered license for engaging in legitimate business or other commercial activities of the individual.

And has "legitimate stable residence" of standard is: in Guangdong Province has owned housing of (has real estate warrants, and purchase contract, and housing demolition compensation agreement, one); in Guangdong Province legitimate rentals housing of "has validity within and has in County above housing rentals management sector or housing location Street (town) rental housing management center and the other authorized handle record institutions handle has registration record procedures of housing rentals contract, or housing rentals registration record proved".

  Material fraud will be allowed to apply for

The approach emphasizes, if suiqian children the relevant material and relevant documents are not complete or deception, will be allowed to apply. Suiqian children against trickery obtained qualifications, once discovered, cancellation of registration qualifications. Children of suiqian has been taking, once verified relevant documents are not complete or trickery, cancellation of admission eligibility.

  Booklet ID card to have the same name

In addition, the suiqian children enrolled in college-entrance examination, you should use the name active in the booklet (same name as the ID card) application, and as the basis for the examination, admission. Suiqian child I reveal information errors or omissions beyond examinations, admission, its responsibility by suiqian child himself at your own risk. Source: Express News

(Edit: SN091)November 22, 2013 China NET(广东拟规定2016年起租房者子女可异地高考|进城务工|租房者|广东_新闻资讯

  新快报记者 陈红艳 通讯员 粤教宣







































  另外,随迁子女报名参加高考,应使用户口簿上的现用姓名(须与身份证同名)报名,并以此作为考试、录取的依据。随迁子女因本人填报的信息错漏造成无法考试、录取的,其责任由随迁子女本人自负。 来源:新快报


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