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First migrant worker deputies to the national people’s Congress

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/23 17:20:15 Browse times: 288 Comment times: 0

First migrant worker deputies to the national people’s Congress(首位农民工全国人大代表)

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First migrant worker deputies to the national people's Congress: most wanted household registration system reform | | | deputies of peasant workers nationwide _ news

Xinhuanet, Guangzhou, November 22 (reporters Xu Jianmei and Wang Pan)-Hu Xiaoyan left impressed reporters, what is she both honors, is shrouded in the spotlight, encounters praise or invective, she has always been very clearly know where they came from, where, and where to go. She said: "I'm getting to the point, not because I did a number of things, but because I do things. ”

Reporter: from an ordinary migrant workers to the Assistant Superintendent, what makes you stand out?

Hu Xiaoyan: first, I am positive, responsible. Secondly, not only do well, is there any way to make it better. Third, I am not inclined to haggle over, not Dodge, but find a way to finish and share with colleagues and superiors.

Reporter: as the first migrant worker NPC, that 5-year harvest? Inappropriate representative ever lost?

Hu Xiaoyan: 5 years, is doing the things that he needs to do. But I learned a lot with money can't buy knowledge and perspective and many, for many of its claims were also higher. Is representative, I will do my best thing, will do his best to speak for migrant workers.

Reporter: migrant workers should change? A lot of people think it sounds like with a form of discrimination?

Hu Xiaoyan farmer was just a surrogate, the key itself in what state of mind. In my opinion, doesn't matter what, it is important to solve practical problems so that migrant workers a secure old age, a sense of. But what state impossible, is to try it on my own.

Reporter: you grew up doing what you want to do as a child? Do you think you will have today's success?

Hu Xiaoyan: farm work every day as a child, and herding cattle like martial arts and detective stories. Then had an idea: to go out and change their lives. To tell you the truth, I can't work a success, just as lucky. Fortunately, the most fundamental reason is that I do not give up, keep.

Reporter: in your opinion what counts as success? What do you think of migrant workers is the biggest dream?

Hu Xiaoyan: it seems to me, have your own House, a family reunion, even if successful. Migrant workers generally simple dream: looking for, to have a good every day of our lives. We do not want to become city dwellers, have to be integrated into the city, we're not going to set your goals high, but continue evolving, constantly changing.

Reporter: what are your expectations for reform's biggest?

Hu Xiaoyan: most look forward to is the reform of household registration system. In the Republic of China are citizens of the same, are no longer outsiders, local, farmers, members of the public in such a way. Tilt hopes more grassroots, peasant, and solve their practical problems, see things stand in the position of migrant workers.

Reporter: you call yourself the times luck, what do you think of this day and age?

Hu Xiaoyan: this big time, and best of all, the reform and opening up. As a migrant, can travel in various cities, find your own coordinates. Since reform and opening up, constantly progressing in the development of society. Peasant workers is the solid foundation of Chinese dream, our dream has come true, China's dream come true.

(Edit: SN098)November 22, 2013 The website(首位农民工全国人大代表:最期待户籍制度改革|农民工|人大代表|全国_新闻资讯

  新华网广州11月22日电(记者 徐剑梅 王攀) 胡小燕留给记者最深的印象,是她不论获得什么荣誉,被多少聚光灯笼罩,遭遇赞美或谩骂,她始终非常清醒地知道自己来自哪里,在哪里,向何处去。她说:“我走到现在,不是因为我做了多大的事情,而是因为我做好了事情。”
















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