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Chinese Communist Party stressed the authority of the Constitution, consolidating national stability

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Chinese Communist Party stressed the authority of the Constitution, consolidating national stability(中共强调宪法权威,巩固国家长治久安)

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CPC stressed the constitutional authority and consolidate the authority of the Constitution of the country and bequeathing | | | term _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 22 (reporter Li Zhihui)-18 the third plenary session of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision to focus length stressed that upholding constitutional law authority. Experts believe that the organic unity of the Chinese Communist Party leadership and the authority of the Constitution, for the really jump out of the historical cycle of domination, consolidate the Communist Party ruling and State stability is essential.

In the Socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, heart and high command of the Constitution. Since the founding of new China, respecting the Constitution and implemented a powerful guarantee for the people, but have also suffered because of the constitutions are disregarded and even undermine countries cause serious setbacks.

Experts believe that the contemporary China in transition, complex relations of interests, social contradiction, and in this context emphasizes the maintenance of constitutional authority, and for strengthening national will and safeguarding core national interests have "vital" significance.

Constitutional Law Research Association of China, said Han Dayuan, a law professor at Renmin University, in real life, there is some uncertainty is closely associated with lack of consensus. But to reshape the social consensus, most fundamental approach is a return to the Constitution, establishing constitutional authority.

Long-term study constitutional law College in Tsinghua University political Professor Wang Zhenmin, Dean notes that the bulletin in plenary, relating to the maintenance of a constitutional law authority, deepening reform of the judiciary a separate paragraph, whereas the decision on construction of more extensive interpretation of the rule of law in China, showing the Central Government to the rule of law and legal attention.

He said that upholding the constitutional authority, administrative enforcement system needs reform, reform and improve the judicial system, ensuring the independence of the judiciary to exercise authority.

"The Constitution is the Government's ' license ', was issued by the people. "He said," anything beyond a license allows or does not meet the licensing requirements Act, was unconstitutional, and should be resolutely stopped. ”

10 years ago, 27 years of age when college student Sun Zhigang in the streets of Guangzhou were civilian police as a "three persons" custody and beaten to death, causing society to the debate on the civil rights, the State Department initiative to repeal unreasonable for urban vagrants and beggars of housing and repatriation measures, this is an iconic event in maintaining the dignity of the Constitution.

In recent years, the constitutional supremacy of the rule of law and strong rule of law and constantly demonstrate, people demand more justice. Recommended reform of the re-education through labour system for 8 consecutive years of NPC Deputy Chen Zhonglin, finally saw the decision of the response. He said, "the abolition of the word" resonates, reflects the reform drive and determination.

21st issue of the Supreme People's Court on the establishment of a sound to prevent criminal wronged and misjudged cases working mechanism, clearly pointed out that exact punishment of crimes according to law, respect for and protection of human rights, justice. China has in recent years concentrated rectified a number of injustices. Zhang shuzhi rape, Zhejiang, Henan, Li Huailiang, arrested for homicide, Xiaoshan taxi robbery to correct, reflects the increased credibility of the judiciary.

For 20 years the Beijing lawyer Li persist, apparent in recent years courts more independent, transparent and determined to eliminate the interference factors of Justice indicated in the Center, "this is a very exciting thing."

PRC a lucid awareness of shortcomings in the implementation of the Constitution, foremost one is monitoring mechanisms and procedures for implementation of the Constitution is not perfect.

In addition, some public officials, abuse of power, dereliction, break laws while in charge of their enforcement, and even the law for selfish ends, seriously damaging the country's legal authorities. Urban housing demolition, rural collective land requisition process, not in line with the spirit of the Constitution, violation of fundamental legal procedures still occur.

The Supreme People's Court Vice President Jiang Bixin recently wrote that should allow the national people's Congress and its Standing Committee and relevant authorities responsible for the supervision of the State Constitution and legal oversight responsibilities, improve the supervision mechanism and procedures; to run sound power restriction and supervision system and ensure that the powers conferred are always their benefits.

Legal experts stressed that the authority to uphold the Constitution, must adhere to the Chinese Communist leadership. Pits the constitutional authority and the Communist Party leadership, is all wrong.

"Our Constitution is in development under the leadership of the party, the Constitution is the highest manifestation of the party's line, principles and policies. "Wang Zhenmin said," without the rule of law, not power according to law, the result must be not only undermines the rule of law, also in violation of the party's basic line, principles and policies. ”

The party Constitution clearly stipulates: "must be within the scope of the Constitution and the laws of the party activities. ”

Said Wang Zhenmin, upholding the constitutional authority not introducing Western constitutional system. Today to study and address how the party's propositions become national will through legal procedures, Chinese Communist Party cadres to take the lead in the rule of law, how to improve the power restriction and supervision system.

He said: "we are confident the Communist Party leadership, the people are the masters and the organic unity of rule by law to build Constitutional Socialist Democratic politics with Chinese characteristics better than capitalism. ”

November 22, 2013 The website(中共强调宪法权威 巩固国家长治久安|宪法|权威|长治久安_新闻资讯

  新华网北京11月22日电(记者 李志晖)十八届三中全会《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》以重点篇幅强调,维护宪法法律权威。专家认为,中共领导与宪法权威的有机统一,对于真正跳出历史周期律的支配,巩固中共长期执政和国家长治久安至关重要。




















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