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Thousands of Chinese withdrawal failure trapped Iraq

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/26 8:02:27 Browse times: 215 Comment times: 0

Thousands of Chinese withdrawal failure trapped Iraq

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Thousands of retreating Chinese failure trapped Iraq | Iraq | | return trapped _ Chinese news

It was reported that the China national machinery and equipment engineering company limited Iraq Wiener Chinese employee set Division trapped Sarah Harding plant. On June 24, the employee failed to retreat and return to Samarra camp.

Last night, the Beijing Youth daily reporters Chinese Ambassador to Iraq Embassy to inquire about this more than the employee's position, the Embassy staff was informed that the matter, but it is not convenient to disclose any information, will be disclosed when the first disclosure of relevant information. In addition, Iraq sets Department staff said all the information published by the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the company the consolidated, but the phone has no answer to the Secretary of the Board.

In an interview, one of the families of the trapped men, said: "not currently an employee successfully retreat". Shu Lee (pseudonym) expressed on pins, they are trapped in the camp and 5 at home, many families of the subcontractor to find Iraq sets of business relevant domestic departments, inquiring about the latest developments, the reply is: "leaders were all there, you fear no, waiting for news."

A subcontractor employee families, said: "were heard that the company had arranged a helicopter on June 22 and go directly to camp close to transport personnel. But to wait for day and also not to have helicopter flying at designated places. On June 23, continued at the designated place waiting, still did not see the helicopter. ”

The morning of June 24, multiple sources confirmed, China national machinery and equipment Engineering Corporation to prepare employees 5 batches with a bus to Baghdad to evacuate. When a power plant project subcontracting business is pleased to say: "my family is back! They have reached Baghdad, June 27, will depart. ”

But the situation is moving in the negative direction. First bus from Baghdad who were evacuated were stopped not far, Iraq refused to allow the bus to continue marching to Baghdad Government forces, all of whom were forced to camps for all returned to Samarra. One family frets that "most of the construction workers on the project were eager to return home. ”

Sarah Harding project mired in Iraq between Government forces and extremist groups, "Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic State" belligerent core area of Salahuddin province, and its location is located in the roads the Tigris, in June Iraq following the deterioration of the situation in the first was "Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic State" attacks on the city, one of and surrounding areas have been in the heat of battle.

Text/reporter Yue Feifei caixin reported



  US military advisers in Iraq against terrorism

United States Department of Defense announced on 24th United States decided earlier to Iraq sending 300 military advisers, 130 people have now arrived in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Media reports, although nominally called "military advisers", but American troops sent to Iraq most of the soldiers from the army's "green beret" special forces, ranks among the elite fighting forces.

Defense Department spokesman, Navy Rear Admiral yuehan·kebi said, American troops arrived in Baghdad, including two commando teams, about 90 consultants, commanding officer, intelligence analysts and support staff, they will set up joint command center in Baghdad. The next few days, there are 4 special forces team arrived in Baghdad.

Kirby had no precise descriptions of military advisers in Iraq deadline for action, but said it "is clear, it is a limited, short-term actions."

"The Green Berets" commando of the main tasks is to evaluate as advance troops into Iraq Iraq troop command and combat situations, so as to determine how to send follow-up forces, helping Iraq Government to combat extremist groups, "Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic State."

American military adviser in Baghdad and Iraq respectively, established a joint command center in the North. In addition, Kirby said, military day on Iraq carried out as many as 35 reconnaissance missions to gather battlefield intelligence on the ground.

Kirby said that these military advisers will "2-3 week" in Iraq finds reported to us military commanders.

According to Xinhua News Agency



  Iraq mess come from?

Since the beginning of June, "Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic State" in Iraq the way rewarding, a moment of Fame. Successively took control of Iraq in Mosul, capital of Nineveh province in the North and parts of the Salah al-Din, Kirkuk, Diyala province, also vowed to take Baghdad. Iraq turmoil once again attracted the world's attention.

"Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic State" could a terrorist organization in a short time in Iraq set off such a big storm, why? Iraq today is the situation of who's to blame?

2003 United States despite strong international opposition, ignoring Iraq's unique national circumstances, openly waging war against Iraq and to "democratic transformation" Iraq. But imports of "American democracy" were met with serious endemic not only to stabilize the situation, and instead to open the lid of the sectarian and ethnic conflicts, Iraq continued turmoil were sown the seeds of the situation. 2011 in Iraq not yet under full control of the Government, the Obama administration rushed the withdrawal of all combat troops. United States rush to escape, leaving Iraq is difficult to fill the huge vacuum. United States "felony" make wine became present Iraq to clean up the mess.

"Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic State" step by step big too, and Syria is closely related to the crisis. In some countries in order to bring down Bashar Al-Assad regime, at the Tiger. Syria became a terrorist stronghold of extremist activity, "Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic State" in Syria and Iraq between "shuttle", fall strong and spell disaster for the peoples of the two countries, but also to the serious threat to the peace and stability of the region and the international community. Cultural and international observers Zhong Hai

(Original title: trapped thousands of people in Iraq to retreat into)

(Edit: SN067)04:50 on June 26, 2014 The Beijing Youth daily

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