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Guangxi denied abandoned be donated 5 million has been battling for donations kept by cousin

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Guangxi denied abandoned be donated 5 million has been battling for donations kept by cousin

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Denied the outcast of Guangxi donated 5 million were battling for the contributions have been received from cousin kept boy Yang Liujin | Guangxi _ news

6 years old his father died, his mother married another man, 10 year old grandma and Grandpa died, boy Yang Liujin, Guangxi has been kept alone in an empty House for over 4 years. Every week, he led 10-meta from cousins living expenses and pocket money, he often ate wild plants to eat, homemade tools to catch the fish when meat dishes. Guangxi TV station to broadcast his story and at the end of May, followed by a school in Shenzhen in his cousin's consent will be picked up from their reading. More than half a month when, six pounds of donated 5 million in donations from Shenzhen to pick up relatives and local governments in Guangxi, causing widely questioned by the public.

  Mothers and fathers died to marry an orphan

E town boy Yang Liujin, longlin, Guangxi and Germany when he was 6, his father died and his mother remarried, Grandma and Grandpa later died, he was alone in the mountains lived hard, indomitable and optimistic.

In May this year, Guangxi TV station aired Yang Liujin alone in the mountains for the past several years. Become the outcast of Yang Liujin, over the past 4 years, living alone in the empty House of relatives, living with half a bowl of rice to eat for a day. Rice and oil, relying on neighbors came, he dug up the mountain wild vegetables and dip paprika mixed with rice. But at a press conference, Yang Liujin not to eat wild vegetables, more like a grass. No chopsticks, and Yang Liujin used branches as chopsticks. His nutritional supplements you can only rely on reservoirs to catch fish and tree cutting on birds ' eggs.

But most Miss Yang Liujin or remarriage of the mother, and her younger brother. He often went out looking for, but don't know where to go only halfway back, go home and cry alone.

Yang Liujin: bullied by the others and I have no father.

I was afraid my mother cut me off, others despise me, so keep me in your grandma's House, go when my mother didn't tell me.

  For endowment Shenzhen school

Guangxi television program was April 30, recording, broadcast on May 23, in the recording field, there are many caring people willing to contribute six pounds. After the broadcast, small six pounds but also by social concern. Until now, the television program's hotline has not stopped, a lot of people said they wanted to adopt him or help him.

In early May, Shenzhen College of Cambridge volunteers to see stories of six pounds, decided to discuss with his cousins in Guangxi, Cambridge college he received to attend summer camp. On June 6, six pound smooth to Shenzhen, and began a new life. Here, little kilograms followed classes with students learning Chinese, will arrive at the University of Shenzhen Nanshan Litchi world during the weekend to visit. In this new environment, the library became his favourite place. Here is my brother and sister, who was very good to him, he is very happy every day.

  Government grab people belonging to misrepresent

On June 19, Tak e Zhen Xin Jie, Deputy Mayor, school principals and Yang Liujin cousin Yang Qulin rushed to Shenzhen, hopes with the school to communicate with Yang Liujin. On June 20, said in an interview, Yang Liujin, eager to follow cousins back home. The Guangxi television reporters on the scene at that time, when individuals volunteer to kneel, threat warning and called for the deletion of video interviews, conflicts have occurred.

Subsequently, the media based on the strong orphan Yang Liujin tune his fate? Under the title of Guangxi Yang Liujin back a report. Fermentation by network, a "town," his "relatives" his argument, and raises suspicions.

In this regard, the Guangxi television response, "said Yang Liujin, crying and not willing to go back to Guangxi, the town Government's attempt to forcibly take away its" allegations are inaccurate, and Shenzhen College of Cambridge Jasson Han posted June 23 interview video. Jasson Han says in the video, Yang Liujin comes to visit to Shenzhen is an experience in itself, if he is satisfied, in Guangxi and the Cambridge Academy will further discuss, officially received Yang Liujin after processing.

Take back about Yang Liujin, Jasson han said that Cambridge college and Guangxi which began between guests a little misunderstanding, but then the subject of friendly communication, misunderstanding is resolved. "Yang Liujin is on leave over, come to us to learn life, Yang Liujin without going through the formal transfer formalities. Guangxi explained, they also hope that Yang Liujin can receive a good education, but need to go through formal procedures ", Jasson han said.

  Dominated by respected the wishes of six pounds

Small kilograms in Shenzhen College of Cambridge is healthy, happy, fulfilling life. Cousin to take him back to Guangxi and local government sparked various social questions, questioned cousins and local governments pick up six pounds was for money.

In Guangxi television reporter Chen Jingsi opinion, there is some misunderstanding of this thing. Small town, government officials and relatives of the six pounds when off to Cambridge College, had been communicating with the school, that is based on respect for the child's wishes, to Shenzhen's aim was to visit six pounds, knows his life now. Second he was at school, student, Cambridge College is just leave, not the formal transfer. At the scene, as well as interviews, six pound school headmaster, cousin said Yang Liujin personal wishes are always respected.

Local government and cousin was very smooth and pleasant communication with Cambridge School, everyone has agreed to take six pounds away.

It is reported that kilograms have now returned home, his mood is very stable and very happy, will soon be back to his old school.


  MOM you don't take me away how do I do

Six pound 6 year old of that year since childhood, his mother remarried six pounds I've never seen MOM. Go when MOM didn't tell kilograms, remarried after living conditions are not good. Under the arrangement in the media, mother and met six pounds, but it also consoled the mother only suffering, in the face of reality, says a mother who cannot afford to stay around six pounds.

MOM said she thought life was less than six pounds, but today six pounds to a, but there is no primary six pounds of Tin, no small six-pound House, he is hard to stand out there.

Yang Liujin: MOM, don't cry or I will cry. MOM did you ever think of me?

Six-pound MOM: When do you want to, want to eat, sleep, new year too.

Yang Liujin: Brother take away when you leave, and left me alone, I was bullied when I was like why don't you take me away, how do I do it?

Six-pound MOM: I'll see you later, but nobody was home, and I can't find you, and thought you were being taken away.


  More than 5 million Yuan donation who will monitor

At present, the loving contributions of more than 5 million Yuan who keep, how to use them, who is going to supervise, became a focus of public concern.

  Cousin hard taking care of six pounds

As the legal guardian, mother, because reason vacancies guardian obligations was 6 years old, stay with grandparents all six pounds, is only an expedient measure but as the 2010 grandparents passed away, how to survive, had the greatest difficulty facing six pounds.

Also at this time, cousin Yang Qulin have migrated to work with modest continued to take care of only six pounds.

Cousin in the neighborhood that left 500 Yuan to six pound reading, live on less than 500 yuan per year, on average less than 1.4 Yuan a day, cousins under the limited capacity, six pound lived strong and hard.

Cousin also had two children and left-behind children, cousins's own economic situation is not very good, has done his best to raise this child.

Yang Liujin after his father's death, his mother remarried, and six pounds living with my grandparents, when Chou died, he follows cousin Yang Qulin lives. Yang Qulin shoulder Yang Liujin guardian responsibilities and obligations can prove Xin Jie Cun Cun Wei.

  Cousins kept 5 million contribution

Yang Liujin story aired, many social contributions, but caring person but could not find him, rumor has it, he's cousin to take donations and Yang Liujin sent away.

Tak e Zhen, Deputy Mayor, Wei Qiang said that "donations currently kept by his actual guardian of his cousin, in the use of has not detailed plans on the one hand, but must be in accordance with strict rules on Yang Liujin learning life."

At present, Yang Liujin received donations of more than 5 million Yuan. Cousin Yang Qulin's handling of the contributions or detailed plans, he said, hoped that after conferring with the six pounds.

  Don't mess with donations welcomed

According to reports, the Guangxi television program is the use of transparent pattern of contributions, all donations go directly to Yang Liujin personal accounts, bank card and password are made by their own hands, without any third party intervention.

In the eyes of journalists, Xiao Liu Jin's cousin was a very simple person, before going to Shenzhen, he said, six pounds of donations has been sufficient to six pounds and needed to learn, and hope that we can help more people in need, no longer give money to six pounds. The donations received, they will be at the right time, to help more people in need of help. Please don't worry, they won't mess with donations. And all levels of society and the media, and local governments can work together to oversee the use of the donations.

According to the CCTV news in 1+1 wide nets

(Original title: Guangxi denied abandoned be donated 5 million has been battling for)

(Edit: SN098)01:59 on June 26, 2014 Beijing times

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