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Chengdu petitioners resigned after being hired Director of letters and calls, claiming stability

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Chengdu petitioners resigned after being hired Director of letters and calls, claiming stability

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Petitioners in Chengdu was appointed Director of letters and calls to quit after claiming to be stabilizing | petitioners was appointed Director of the petition _ news

Qingyang district of Chengdu Bureau of letters and calls in October last year launched a new initiative, employment of petitioners Li Huacheng served as "petition, Director of mediation", mediation, conciliation visit to people's emotions. Letters and visits Bureau said petitions experience made him a better understanding of Lee's visit.

But this innovation lasted 4 months sense of inability to work, visit friends and realized I was a stabilisation after the object of alienation, Li Huacheng resigned from that post.

From the petitioners to "petition officials" how far is it from? At Chengdu's qingyang district, petitioners Li Huacheng, 7, 8 m.

Before 9 o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, Li Huacheng riding a breaking electric vehicles comes to qingyang district Bureau for letters and calls, complaint letters and calls reception hall lined up to register.

"According to the law to deal with my problems. "The staff towards the window to finish the sentence, Li Huacheng turned to one side of the Hall, away from the registration window 7, 8 metres small office," Li hua to petition the mediation room "after brand sat down, turned from petitioners," Director of the petition ".

This dramatic scene, lasts from October last year to January this year.

Li hua as "senior" petitioners "from 2009 to 2013 5 years, regularly appears in letters and visits Hall. The experience for him to win the "post" – qingyang district Bureau for letters and calls that he "understood petitioners mentality", and 800 Yuan a month in the "wages" to take him on.

However, after 4 months of sitting in the Office, Li Huacheng and his brand disappeared from the Office. He has continued to appear in the reception hall on Tuesday before the registration window, go back to the petitioners.

"You get a headache"

Li hua Cheng initially appealing just because the land of talk has not been reached, but contradictory in the petition process snowballs get bigger and bigger

Li hua was invited by the Bureau for letters and calls received after registration in qingyang district.

September 2013, a Tuesday, Qing Yang, petition the Secretary walked out of the reception hall of the Li Jie Yu Ying live, it is proposed that Li hua "Bureau for letters and calls work".

Li's initial response was "kidding. ”

Li hua was qingyang district, "senior" to visit. In 2007, qingyang district, expropriation of Li hua into 7 acres of land and fixtures. Because the number of trees on the land demolition and Li hua could not agree, so compensation agreement has been reached.

In June 2009, Li Huacheng contracted ground structures or fixtures have been forcibly. He began petitioning. This year, when he was Mayor of Chengdu Chuncheng Li a large advance the transformation of the old city, Tang fuzhen in Jinniu District of self-immolations.

In addition to "not remember how many times" petition to the District Government, municipal and provincial government, but Li hua into almost every year, "Beijing petition".

Initial conflicts just because the land of talk has not been reached, but contradictory in the petition process snowballs get bigger and bigger. Li Huacheng returning from Beijing petitioners, qingyang District Public Security Bureau with "unlawful possession of evidence" for their administrative detention, Li Huacheng considers it illegal; in 2011, Li hua's son apply for military school, because Li hua's petition led right through the son; he even suffered a car accident on the road as a retaliation of the relevant departments.

Self assessment for "stubborn" Li Huacheng these encounters are included into the General Ledger, and he assured the qingyang District Government out of millions of dollars in compensation. But was denied. Street leader Li hua as "dead end", "wild speculations".

Li Huacheng villagers expropriated land has been built on a thousand-acre golf course. By requesting information, Chengdu land sector, Li hua found the stadium did not get approval. He helped the media to complete the investigation.

Street Office a leader had told Li Huacheng said: "Street and the area in which a lot of people in your question, you get a headache. ”

"Special officer"

Bureau for letters and calls, said Li hua to reconcile the petitioners was chosen because his petition through his understanding of the petitioners

Li hua Cheng doesn't believe he can become a Bureau for letters and calls of "elements".

But a few days later, qingyang district Bureau of letters and calls to inform Li hua of the Council. Jie Yu and Li Huacheng talked for an hour or so. Bureau for letters and calls work requirements for Li hua is not complicated: he needs every Tuesday morning, district leader open day when the petition room sitting next to the reception hall, reception because of land requisition and relocation problems petition, petitioners have negative emotions. Flexible 4 times a month, the monthly salary of 800 Yuan.

Li Huacheng memories, Jie Yu wish him work to do three things: to the petitioners and reason against the French; persuading visiting civil judicial procedure as far as possible; to convey to the petitioners Bureau for letters and calls work hard to make trouble.

The morning of June 23, qingyang District Office of the Bureau Director Zou told the Beijing News reporter: "complaint letters and visits Bureau commissioned Li hua, felt he was familiar with the land policy, good reason, petitioning experience made him understand the petitioners mindset."

Compared with other petitioners, Hua cheng could be called "legal experts". 2009 Li Huacheng detained petitioners back from Beijing after 9th. After out of the detention facility, he spent hundreds of dollars buying law books, studied law.

He always speak out from time to time in conversation some specific provisions in a law firm. A legal name, the front must be coupled with the "People's Republic of China" 7 words, to emphasize the authority.

Li hua into considering that I usually want to go to the petition petition; you can also earn some money to support my family. He accepted the job.

First Tuesday after 2013 national day, Li Huacheng into Office after the Windows registry, started to work. Bureau for letters and calls to reflect the situation of the day Su Po Xue Mingyuan Street, district interview people remember, Hall is responsible for registering staff called Li hua to become "director Li".

A long meeting tables were nearly full with about 10 square meters of Office, surrounded by walls hung with petitioners to the Bureau for letters and calls of Red pennants, desk with "Li to petition the mediation room" red-yellow word signs. Li Huacheng sit behind the sign, Xue Mingyuan feel that his "special officers".

Li hua as receiving great: "first of all, I would listen to petitioners to talk, once again from the perspective of law, reason and emotion as they consider, according to our own experience for their advice. ”

5 was Li hua of Beijing news reporters as "mediation" the petitioners say, despite knowing that Li has no authority, some words just perfunctory, but learned that Li's visit after the identity, resistance is small, will agree with what he said.

Tan Wei Su Po Street, area, another interview people with "bullet" to describe Li's work. "He helped secure an interview mood, when receiving visitors from the leadership, petitioners had less tantrums. ”

Heal the petitioners emotions at the same time, Li hua into his own petition have not stopped. Except on Tuesday before going to work in the district registered letters and visits Office, he also from time to time, to petition petition departments in Chengdu and Sichuan province.

"Petitioners issues I care about, my problem is to care. "Li Huacheng said.


Sense of inability to work, visit friends of alienation which Li hua into "left" ideas

On Tuesday, Li hua, Chengdu will receive four or five petitioners. Li Huacheng denied there was a sense of accomplishment, on the contrary, in the absence of any power, Li Huacheng in mediation when there is always a "powerlessness".

Tan Wei at the first conciliation, Li Huacheng Tan Wei to district heads and said "as soon as possible according to the law dealing with his problems." Tan Wei has not solved the problem, until now.

When receiving people, Ju hua always lead to come equipped with a "Secretary", Li found that what he said, leaders will soon know.

Only that he is happy, he is close to receiving visits in the district leadership and the Bureau to propose, which in the past could not imagine.

Particularly Li hua become depressed is, some petitioners think he was Bureau of letters and calls "amnesty", and visits to many knew him at arm's length.

In November 2013, Wen Jia Xu E Street Office jurisdiction-Finnish letters Council petition to qingyang district. Enter the "mediation", see the sitting "director Li" is a previous petition with Li hua, Xu E Finland surprised for a long time.

Li Huacheng explains to Xu E fern related policies, suggest she take judicial channels.

"Did you solve the problem? "Xu E Finn asked.

"No". "Li Huacheng replied.

"Your own ass blood flow back hemorrhoids? "Xu E fern temper.

Sense of inability to work, visit friends of alienation which Li hua into "left" ideas. In December 2013, Li Huacheng that wages from his Street, nominal labour costs for letters and calls, "I hear that stabilisation funds." Which makes him even more frustrated, he always thought that his income was previously issued by the Bureau for letters and calls, the news that he was "so let me sit here was stabilizing. ”

On June 23, 24th, Beijing News reporter contacted through multiple channels, multiple qingyang district Bureau for letters and calls, and street, with both sides unable to respond.

Since petitioners to mediate between rooms, discovery is an old acquaintance of Li hua, feel good acquaintances, and coldly, but Li Hua said that "in fact, I am the Protector of the Horses. ”

In January this year, Li Huacheng proposes "resignation" since February, never to the Bureau for letters and calls work.

"Your question for petition"

Li Huacheng recognized after the mediation, the petition does not solve the problem of power

Following the resignation of Li Huacheng returned to familiar lives: he's in the barren hillsides to grow vegetables, or playing some odd jobs, spend their leisure time to appeal. Into the Bureau for letters and calls, no one called him "director Li".

But people who know Li hua found that "director Li" experience made him change. In the chat, Li Huacheng often referred to "national development" and "dignity" and "style" and other phrases.

Facing reporters, Li Huacheng continues to sign compensation agreements boils down to: their awareness of protecting cultivated land is very strong. Starve him frown about childhood experiences. Inadvertently, he admitted that hadn't reached a compensation agreement because they feel less compensation.

Li Huacheng says he no longer believes and appealing role, "mediation" work experience taught him, "petition for the petitioners to build a platform for communication of information to the Government, did not solve the problem of power. ”

Had advised him to "orientation", the Bureau of letters and calls to tell Li hua as "try to persuade visiting civil and judicial channels". But in reality, he attempts to resolve issues through judicial channels but often frustrating.

2012 Li hua compensation issues themselves to qingyang district people's court administrative proceedings, after being dismissed, he insisted to appeal to the provincial higher people's Court. A provincial high court staff told him, your question was for petitions.

Li hua continued to "little hope" of petitions.

Tuesday, June 24. Complaint letters and calls reception lobby is displayed on the screen, today visited qingyang District Committee United Front work Department for leadership, receiving visits from 9:30 ...

9:55, 25 minutes late head of leadership came to the Bureau for letters and calls, Li Huacheng stepped forward to say hello. "I'm Li hua, Wen Jia Jie DAO Office. ”

Doesn't stop and looked over one eye, politely tell him: Oh, all right, in line.

Wait until noon 12:30, Li Huacheng eventually were receiving visits by leadership.

Reports Beijing News reporter Zhou Qing Shu in Chengdu, Sichuan

(Original title: old petitioners was appointed Director of 4 months of letters and calls to resign)

(Edit: SN098)02:30 on June 26, 2014 The Beijing News

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