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Audit Commission: water water Gage Academy 7 senior cadres in enterprises of part-time

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Audit Commission: water water Gage Academy 7 senior cadres in enterprises of part-time

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Audit Commission: water water Gage Academy 7 senior cadres in enterprises part-time part-time _ | | officials of water resources enterprises news

The Ministry of water resources of Beijing, June 25, released today by the Audit Commission website 2013 budget performance and other financial income and expenditure audit results show that in 2013, belongs to the water board General Hospital 7 Deputy Department level cadres at and above in their respective companies paid part-time 956,200 Yuan.

According to People's Republic of China audit method of provides, November 2013 to March 2014, audit on water 2013 degrees budget Executive situation and other financial payments situation for has audit, focus audit has Department this level and belongs integrated career Council, and China irrigation drainage development center, and China water hydropower science homes (following respectively referred to irrigation row center, and water section homes), 10 a units, and on related matters for has extends audit.

  A basic condition

Water budgeting units at the Central Government level, departmental budgets by the Department at the same level and 30 second level consists of the budgets of the units. Treasury approval of Ministry of water resources sector-2013 funding budget expenditures for 1 000 1.6663 million Yuan, the Ministry of water resources accounts for the 2013-(draft) reflects expenditures 866 9.4521 million yuan in financial allocations, its budget and the results of the implementation differences amounted to 133 2.2142 million Yuan.

Present audit of Ministry of water resources this fiscal year level and subordinate units in 2013 for funding expenditures amounted to 182 5.6298 million Yuan, 18.25% per cent of total sector funding expenditures. Audit identified problems in budget implementation is not consistent with the financial regulations the amount of 17 5.5118 million Yuan, 960700 Yuan in 2013, 17; other issues of financial revenue and expenditure is not consistent with the financial regulations the amount of 75.7234 million Yuan.

Audit results show that the subordinate units of the Ministry of water resources at the same level and to the audit in general compliance with the budget 2013 budget Act and related laws and regulations, financial management and accounting in accordance with accounting Act and related regulations, the prior year audit found positive were corrected.

  Second, the audit found that problems

(A) the major problems in the implementation of the budget.

1.2013, belong integrated Business Bureau exceeding the scope presentation of scenic spot planning charges to be borne by the local authorities appropriation budget project of 1.95 million dollars; Center for irrigation and drainage projects completed and access to financial resources 871,900 Yuan.

2.2013, belongs to virtual Bureau of comprehensive development by signing a false contract expenditures cash pay 640,000 yuan for water saving products test from 2012 to 2013, its virtual conference fee RMB 38,600 in the project expenditures for food and beverage consumption, in 2013, 16,500 dollars.

3.2008 years, owning water Institute, Ministry of water resources and hydropower planning and Design Institute (hereinafter referred to as water gauges Institute) 8 units without approval, the transfer on their own financial resources, expanding the scope of project expenditures expenditures expenditures expenditures has nothing to do with the project, with a value of 9.9539 million Yuan, in 2013, 5.9836 million Yuan.

4.2013 years, Department this level and the belongs water section homes, 4 home units not by provides perform government procurement program implementation procurement, involving amount 17.6789 million Yuan, which directly commissioned belongs units or community organization provides technology review service 14.7789 million Yuan; water section homes and water rules total homes 99.6089 million Yuan Government procurement budget actual not Executive; Development Research Center 8 a project actual procurement amount Super budget 299,000 yuan.

5.2011 years to 2013, belongs to water Science Institute will be invested by the Central Government delegates without qualification the company proxy bidding, companies bidding for alleged fraud, involving an amount of 25.7289 million Yuan.

6.2013, belongs to the water Institute, the haihe River basin upstream authority, 4 units in the implementation of the project, Super contract progress payments, does not set aside quality deposit, with a value of 15.2085 million dollars.

7. go abroad on business (border) problems in management.

(1) in 2013, this level of 4 go abroad on business (territory) group has been adjusted not adjusted annual plan; owning Service Bureau of illegal foreign invitation tour operators offer organized trip;

(2) in 2013, the Department at the same level and belongs to the water board Institute, Development Research Center, passed on to the subordinate units, 5 units of 16 trips abroad cost 615,200; integrated Business Bureau using substandard invoices claim the overseas 143,800 dollars.

8. the problems in the management of official vehicles.

(1) in 2013, belongs to Bureau of comprehensive development of 5 vehicle official car had been unified scheduling management and failing to register their driving records; center of comprehensive development of Ministry of water resources management to non-fixed maintenance unit to pay repair costs 19,500 Yuan; Changjiang water resources Commission liaison office in Beijing and the water Research Institute enterprises occupied 13 vehicles;

(2) in 2003 and 2004, will purchase value belongs to Bureau of comprehensive development of 558,700 2 official cars, Chinese society and China water conservancy research society of free use of ideological and political work so far.

9. the problems in the management of the Conference.

(1) in 2013, this level of 8 three such meetings have been adjusted, did not adjust the annual meeting program, involving an amount of 403,800; at the same level and affiliated talent resources development center of Ministry of water resources and water regulation General Hospital: 7 meeting was not held in certified hotel, expense 580,100, which held 3 meetings at five-star hotels, to spend $ 175,300 yuan;

(2) in 2013, belongs to the water gauge 6 convened outside the General Hospital in Beijing was scene to observe the contents of the meeting, involving an amount of 337300 dollars, including 1 conferences held in scenic spots, spending 71,900;

(3) in 2013, belongs to water Institute of 4 units of excessive expenses, hospitality, accommodation expenses and arrangements for participants in the Beijing personnel 651,600; to other units shifted in belongs to water regulation General Hospital meeting 223,200.

(B) the main problems existing in other financial income and expenses.

1.2013, responsible science and technology promotion center, human resource center, International Center for economic and technical cooperation and Exchange violation charges 8.9535 million Yuan, of which 3.5284 million Yuan was scheduled budget separately.

2.2011 years, responsible for irrigation and drainage Center violation charges 2.5803 million Yuan (2013 545,600) and 1.6283 million units not included in the statutory books of account.

3.2013, belongs to water Research Institute 22.0304 million rental revenue, referred to the affiliate under the name property costs charged as business income.

4.2005, belongs to the Ministry of water resources should be determined by the Bureau of resettlement and development be used as subdivisions of 37.1 million dollars of investor assets to foreign investment, the subordinate units in 2013 from which to obtain profit share 520200 Yuan.

5.2013 whose water Institute of 4 units without approval, such as rental property, achieved revenues of 40.2437 million Yuan.

6.2013, responsible Center of irrigation and drainage and water soil and water conservation monitoring center of 2 subsidiaries and companies reimbursed using a false instrument, acquiring capital of 439100 Yuan.

7.2013, belongs to the water board General Hospital 7 Deputy Department level cadres at and above in their respective companies paid part-time 956,200 Yuan.

  Three, audits and recommendations

On the above issues, the Audit Commission has issued an audit report, audit decisions issued according to law. On budget presentation problem, requirements future strictly project review; on guise funds, and expanded spending range, problem, requirements recovered violations funds, returned original channel; on not strictly executive government procurement system problem, requirements future strictly Executive related provides, on commissioned no qualification company agent tender project for inventory; on "three public" funding and Conference fee aspects problem, requirements strictly implement Central on exercise thrift, requirements, put an end to passed on assessed phenomenon; on institution violations charges problem, requirements classification cleanup, Strict approval procedures to recover funds that are not included in the statutory books of account; using a false ticket reimbursement, demanding recovery of illegal funds and strengthening supervision; part-time remuneration issues, for the return of illegal proceeds.

According to the audit found problems, and recommendations of the Audit Commission: water budget management should be further strengthened, strict project application review, strengthen the business fee management and rationalize the business relationships and strengthen internal management.

  Four, the audit found that problems of rectification

Before the Ministry of audit to carry out self-examination, self-identified and corrected some problems. Active rectification of audit found issues, Irrigation row center, 4 home units has will guise of 1.9896 million Yuan funds returned original funds channel or recovered recorded; water Yangtze River water Committee will project construction funds 2.3722 million Yuan returned original funds channel, and adjustment for hydrological Council grass-roots units water blood anti-project; water section homes on different project between transfers using of budget funds 279,000 yuan for has adjustable account; water section homes, units has on occupy vehicles for cleanup; water rules total homes to enterprise assessed of abroad costs 453,900 Yuan has returned, 7 name leaders part-time take paid 956,200 Yuan has full returned. Results of specific corrective action by the Ministry of water resources announced to the public.

(Original title: National Audit Office: Ministry of water resources water board General Hospital 7 part-time Deputy Department level cadres at and above the enterprise)

16:41 on June 25, 2014 China News Network

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