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Audit Commission: Maritime Bureau spend 2.6 million in non-certified Hotel baichang meeting

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Audit Commission: Maritime Bureau spend 2.6 million in non-certified Hotel baichang meeting

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Audit Commission: Maritime Bureau spend 2.6 million in non-certified Hotel baichang meeting | | maritime _ the Audit Commission news

Beijing, June 25, released today by the Audit Commission website of Ministry of transport and the 2013 budget performance and other financial income and expenditure audit results show that in 2013, the level 13 three such meetings not included in the plan; 114 meetings held in non-certified restaurant, involving 2.598 million Yuan.

According to People's Republic of China audit method of provides, November 2013 to March 2014, audit on traffic Transport Department 2013 degrees budget Executive situation and other financial payments situation for has audit, focus audit has Department this level and belongs waterway Science Institute, and Science Institute, and highway Science Institute (following respectively referred to waterway by, and AC section homes, and Highway by), 11 a units, and on related matters for has extends audit.

  A basic condition

Transportation Department budget unit at the Central Government level, departmental budgets by the Department at the same level and 27 level two consists of the budgets of the budget unit. Treasury approval 2013-the Ministry of transport sector funding budget expenditures 2 682 3.9663 million Yuan (including government funds in the budget, the same below), accounts of the Ministry of transport (draft) reflect the current year expenditures 2 525 7.3028 million yuan in financial allocations, its budget and the results of the implementation differences amounted to 156 6.6635 million Yuan.

The audit level and subordinate units of the Department of transportation fiscal year 2013 funding amounted to 477 9.6001 million, 17.82% per cent of total sector funding expenditures. The audit identified problems in budget implementation is not consistent with the financial regulations amount to 47.76 million Yuan, 42.2307 million yuan in 2013; other issues of financial revenue and expenditure is not consistent with the financial regulations the amount of 87.0315 million Yuan.

Audit results show that the levels and the Ministry of transport to the audit units in general compliance with the budget 2013 budget Act and related laws and regulations, financial management and accounting in accordance with accounting Act and related regulations, to prior year audit found problems in a positive remedy.

  Second, the audit found that problems

(A) the major problems in the implementation of the budget.

1.2007 in 2013 and, at the same level and belongs to family court, Maritime Bureau expand the scope of expenditure using funds of 35.5631 million Yuan, in 2013, 35.1 million dollars.

2.2013 and Department level to their respective Planning Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Planning Institute) passed on go abroad on business (border) charge 33,800 dollars from 2012 to 2013, Planning Institute and over-budget expenses incurred abroad by road (territory) fee of 2.0996 million Yuan, in 2013, 1.0641 million Yuan.

3. by the end of 2013, this level and the MSA ultra establishment arming with 41 car vehicles, using property rights belong to bodies corporate car service center 1, prior year acquisition vehicle 438,700 Yuan of assets not included in the financial accounts of the consolidated accounts; belongs to rescue and salvage Bureau official cars borrowed other units, 4 units.

4.2013, belongs to Maritime Bureau 5 batches of foreign guests reception banquets were held in 5 star hotels, excess 173.35 Yuan per capita.

5.2012 by 2013, belongs to corporate hospitality planning over budget spending of 2.0576 million Yuan, which 2013 615,600.

6.2013, level 13 three such meetings not included in the plan; 114 meetings held in non-certified restaurant, involving 2.598 million; 10 conferences over standard expenses 1.3215 million dollars; to other units or units shifted, assessed the meeting fee 462,200.

7. road equipment procurement in which is not urging companies to perform the contract within the term specified, has paid for equipment 2.2371 million Yuan (90% of the contract amount) cases, until the end of 2013, only receive 1.2016 million Yuan worth of equipment (over length of contract nearly 4 years) to 1.0355 million loss risks faced by metadevice.

8.201, belongs to family court in order to improve housing conditions of scientific research as an excuse to apply for a home improvement project budgets of 2.15 million Yuan, after completion of the repairs will be part of the housing leasing.

In addition, the level reported to the Treasury in early 2013 and with the approval of the 564 projects budget 355 million Yuan, is not down to the undertaker of the project.

(B) the main problems existing in other financial income and expenses.

1.2013, belongs to the Transportation Centre for international cooperation in setting standards for Passport, visa fee amounts to 253,000 yuan.

2. by the end of 2013, Department-level and its waterways, 26 of China's administrative cadre Institute of communication and information centre, was completed and put into use was not timely completion and acceptance of the project or financial accounts.

3. by the end of 2013, belongs to family court commitment of 36 research projects should be finished not finished, involving 29.0972 million yuan of special funds.

4.2013, unauthorised portions of Department Service Center office building, rent 14.7072 million yuan in 2012, belongs without approval by the waterway will be part of the research building leasing charge rent 1.92 million dollars by the end of 2013.

5.2007 years to 2013, belongs to the Marine Board without the approval of the total 53 maritime patrol boats free of cost 21.5069 million Yuan allocated to non-affiliated local Maritime Bureau and its subordinate enterprises.

6.2009 years to 2013, belongs to a cloud traffic will green base to 2.773 million yuan of income directly offset against the related costs, revenues and expenditures are not embodied in the statutory books of account, including 2013 705,200.

7.2013, final accounting report and the breakdown of assets reflected in the difference in equity in the same area 36 136.52 square ownership levels 2 houses of unrecorded accounting in asset values.

8.2013, Department Service Center in "other income" accounts, such as using expenditure directly offset revenues, resulting in less revenue and expenditure, with a value of 15.9892 million dollars.

9.2013, belongs to family court to go it alone 2 consists of public-funded research projects, formation of 2 results of computer software copyright registration is a company in the hospital.

10.2012 years to 2013, owning subsidiaries purchase of 785,000 Yuan by highway shopping card issued to Highway part of the employees, in 2013, 499,000 dollars.

  Three, audits and recommendations

On the above issues, the Audit Commission has issued an audit report, audit decisions issued according to law. On Super range spending problem, requirements future strictly according to provides uses using funds; on Super budget, and Super standard expensed due to public abroad (border) costs and corporate reception fee problem, requirements by provides corrected, future strictly Executive related provides; on passed on abroad fee problem, requirements itself bear and paid costs; on corporate with car supernumerary, and using belongs or other units vehicles problem, requirements by provides cleanup; on vehicles assets not into financial account within unified accounting problem, requirements on vehicles for inventory inventory, Timely adjustment corresponding accounting accounts and the accounts (draft); on part Conference Management not specification problem, requirements itself bear and paid conference costs; on hoax project applications funds problem, requirements will rental income surrendered financial; on government procurement project contract Executive ineffective problem, requirements recovered funds, and held related personnel responsibility; on budget funds early not refinement problem, requirements future prepared budget refinement to specific bear units; on violations charges problem, requirements be corrected; on completed acceptance or financial accounts not timely problem, Requirements timely handle; on research project not regular knot problem problem, requirements for cleanup; on without approved rental, and disposal State assets problem, requirements replacement approval procedures, by provides recovered rental of real estate, rent income strictly according to "payments two article line" provides management; on account outside accounting payments, and financial accounting not real problem, requirements will all payments into account within accounting, adjustment accounts (draft); on will achievements registration in belongs Enterprise problem, requirements recovered copyright, future strictly according to responsibilities consistent principles processing And employees ' problems on the purchase of gift cards, and requested that in future the strict implementation of the relevant provisions of the State.

According to the audit found problems, the Audit Commission recommendation: Ministry of transport should strengthen budget management, science budget, in accordance with budgetary expenditure using fiscal funds, strictly abide by the capital master plan process, increase their financial efforts in supervising the work of the unit, in accordance with the provisions governing use of various types of assets, strictly implement the Government procurement system.

  Four, the audit found that problems of rectification

The audit found problems, is organizing the Ministry of transport for rectification. Over at the same level and salvage vehicles occupy other units, related units has return seized vehicles; equipment purchases to the owned road facing the risk of loss, and recovered all the money. Results of specific corrective action by the Ministry of transport to society announcements.

(Original title: Audit Commission: Maritime Bureau held more than non-certified hotel meeting in question 2.6 million)

(Edit: SN010)16:33 on June 25, 2014 China News Network

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