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18 the third plenary session through disclosure in jingxi hotel experience

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18 the third plenary session through disclosure in jingxi hotel experience(十八届三中全会亲历者披露在京西宾馆经历)

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18 third plenary session provides a gathering in the jingxi hotel experience | the third plenary | jingxi | Guo Mingyi _ news

Chang an Street, West end, opposite the CCTV building, a new Soviet-style hotel has a blue glass-walled dense poplar set off. Here is the famous jingxi hotel.

35 years ago, held the third plenary session of the Communist Party, began a journey of reform in China. For decades, numerous important meeting held here, the fate of China is changing as a result. On November 9, 2013, 18 the third plenary session of the Chinese Communist Party held in the jingxi hotel, grass-roots delegates gathered here from all over, participate in discuss reform plans.

Five days and four nights at the jingxi hotel, delegates spent the thrill and excitement of sleepless nights. With "reform" finally came out, these annals of the Republic will load witnessed by representatives of important meetings, they are also witnesses to history.

  "Speak in freedom, free speech, discuss the rhythm is very tight"

On November 9, security tight West Chang an avenue, the police guards outside the jingxi hotel looking serious. Over the next few days, focused around the world here, eagerly watched the jingxi hotel in the forthcoming reforms of the outgoing signal.

Inside the hotel, but calm as usual. There is no basket, no banner, only printed with orchids and white porcelain cup, soaked with ordinary tea. In less than a hundred square metres of conference rooms, from Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and some units more than more than 50 delegates seated around a church, express their opinions.

18 following the third plenary session of the first meeting, jingxi Hotel started a group discussion about several elements of the reform. 39 years old, the Zhejiang daily reporter Yu Jiayou sitting in the Conference room, in the interview, recorded on the statements by the representatives of.

This Conference was Yu Jiayou participated in one of the warmest, even with the central leadership, nor does it affect the atmosphere of the discussions of the Conference. Yu Jiayou recalled, sitting at his side after the end of the floor to the representative, representatives stood up and got on the other side, speak in freedom, discussed plans are very compact, the presence of a majority of delegates did not use speech.

Yu Jiayou dense wrote more than 80 pages of notes, with half the interview.

Yu Jiayou is Alibaba staff Wu Juping on the right. The participants, Yu Jiayou and Wu Juping special status – neither a member or alternate, Comrade nor the Central Commission for discipline inspection, but the party's grass-roots representatives.

Wu Juping is the most sensational two years ago "the most beautiful mother". She had her two hands from accidentally falling on the 10 floor of a 2 year old girl Niu, comminuted fracture of the arm.

Participating representatives of the grassroots, in addition to those touched by people outside of China, there are grass-roots dry out a career "village officials", "post" XING Lei was one of the three. After graduating in 2009, RA in yongxin County village of sanwan, Jiangxi province XING village official, he helped villagers develop special breeding industry to become rich, and raised national attention, as representative of the country's 18 largest only 4 bits in "college students village officer".

In addition, among the representatives of the grass-roots level there are some prominent figures, experts and scholars. CCTV senior anchorwoman Li Ruiying and explaining the Analects, famous scholar Yu Dan took part in this meeting.

Plenary session delegates who diversified media surprise and surprise. The Beijing Youth daily reported, to the plenary session Communique, only 17 show with grassroots party representatives to attend the third plenary session, the plenary session attendance is only associated with agriculture. And the attendance of representatives of grass-roots party came from multiple industries, in addition to experts and scholars there are many grass-roots people.

  "Simple is best"

In this meeting, was impressed by Yu Jiayou, also is the General Secretary XI Jinping visited their discussion group. General Secretary XI Jinping, who was not wearing a formal suit and no tie, but a casual dress, warmly shook hands and was present on behalf of. Yu Jiayou recalls: "when studying General Secretary went to the front, I identified myself as a reporter in Zhejiang daily, approachable clerk smiled and looked me in the eye and said: ' good '. "

Yu Jiayou said, encouraged everyone to speak up more after XI Jinping, seated, on behalf of the statements made from time to time during reviews, also bowed to write notes. XI Jinping, reference was made to deepen reforms, "Qiantang River tide of worldwide attention, a lot of people to see it, we should as the tide of the Qiantang River, it become the pioneer of this era. "

In another discussion group, representatives from units in the three provinces in Northeast China and are hotly debated. ACFTU Vice Chairman Guo Mingyi was among them.

Guo Mingyi as the country's moral exemplars, unreserved contribution others touched the nation and was elected in October this year as a part-time Vice President of ACFTU. In his view, the learned Secretary visited a lot of places after the 18, views of all reveal the direction and focus of the reform, "this task is very important", Guo Mingyi has already done a lot of preparation.

Guo Mingyi recalls in his discussion group, Zhang dejiang, Wang Yang and other Central leaders to listen to the views of the delegates were very mild, delegates also spoke, "speak enthusiastically."

4 days meeting in plenary session, lack of time and stress, participants were spent in jingxi hotel. Guo Mingyi memories, hotel staff is very polite, accommodation and common room, and without discrimination. Famous jingxi Hotel cuisine, Guo Mingyi laughs: "food is very common."

Yu Jiayou said, this year's Conference especially frugal meals, only vegetarian cover extra seats, hardly see the shadow of upscale cuisine. He also found that "provides a buffet this year on both the dish, or varieties of staple foods are reduced a bit," neither delicacies for dinner or drinks.

Yu Jiayou also noted that delegates have also been practicing "CD operation" Pan bottom not the scraps. Dinner in the jingxi hotel in previous years, and will also over a bottle of beer for people who add to the fun, and now has not seen a bottle of beer.

In this meeting, jingxi Hotel addition to the diet though, and rituals have maximum cut back. Said Yu Jiayou, which hosted former hotel clerk was not line the streets to give SB. a Weclome ritual, we simply have moved, "simple is best".

  "From the West to China"

Jingxi hotel as one of the most mysterious place in China, it is only the number and no identification. Many worked for many years in the vicinity of ordinary people don't even know that there is a high specification Conference Hotel.

According to media reports in the past, never opened to the public the jingxi Hotel lodge hanging on the wall "guest reception procedures and requirements of the living museum", written by organizational units issued by the meeting of the Conference on announcements, invitations, meeting certificate, and valid ID before entering, similar to this with the great Hall of the people.

This mysterious discreet hotel, the 40 years since it opened in 1964 to 2004, total received 29 Party Congress and the plenary session of the Central Committee for the current session, 44 time, known as "the safest hotel", is the witness of Chinese history, "venue".

In fact, the jingxi hotel's first design for the military Guest House, belonging to the military establishment, officially known as the "Ministry of the people's Liberation Army General staff management to ensure the jingxi Hotel authority." According to the Phoenix weekly reports, held third plenary session had no choice in the great Hall, because at that time, many senior military officials living in the jingxi hotel, taking into account the safety of participants, so select the jingxi hotel.

The winter of 1978, jingxi hotel within a 5-day meeting broke the "two Whatevers" chains, opens new era for China. After 35 years, held 18 plenary session again at the jingxi hotel, China's reform and move on.

Deputy Guo Mingyi, Chairman of the all-China Federation on this identity, he inherited the spirit of the third plenary session of the meeting. "35 years ago, the country's leaders meeting in the jingxi hotel, make reform and opening up policy. This here, is drawing lessons and promote reform. ”

On November 12, the third plenary session of the closing night, public opinion is boiling. Guo Mingyi after reading the news broadcast at the jingxi Hotel alone after leaving jingxi hotel. He said, different from the busy outside, jingxi hotel is quiet as a whole.

Guo Mingyi down the road when I come, walk to the Metro station, interchanging arrived at Beijing railway station. He said this back, "to help more workers to realize their dreams of China, was their small dreams. "At the same time, Yu Jiayou also embarked on the return flight to Hangzhou, ready to be next to the grass-roots preaching the spirit of the plenary session.

On the mystery of jingxi hotel, such a detail is in circulation, when the convening of the third plenary session of the Conference room, from chairs to tea glass still intact, just like meeting breaks up.

(Partial source: Xinhua, people's daily, the Beijing Youth daily, the liberation daily and other media reported)

(Edit: SN098)November 22, 2013 The website(十八届三中全会亲历者披露在京西宾馆经历|三中全会|京西|郭明义_新闻资讯






























  1978年冬天,京西宾馆内为时 5天的会议打破了“两个凡是”的枷锁,开启中国发展的新纪元。35年后,十八届三中全会重新选择在京西宾馆召开,中国改革继续前行。



  郭明义顺着来时的路,步行至地铁站,转乘一番后抵达北京火车站。他说,此次回去,“要帮助更多的职工去实现他们的中国梦,就是他们的小梦想。” 与此同时,俞佳友也踏上了返回杭州的航班,准备接下来到基层宣讲三中全会精神。




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