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The National Audit Office: 9.14 billion yuan in Central Government did not collect incoming funds _ Sina news

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The National Audit Office: 9.14 billion yuan in Central Government did not collect incoming funds _ Sina news

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The National Audit Office: no collection of incoming funds _ 9.14 billion yuan in the central budget news

Beijing, June 24, according to the National Audit Office's Web site, auditor Liu Jiayi performed at the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress Nineth "State Council for the 2013 central budget performance and other financial income and expenses audits". Reports that central financial management the audit found that cash collection and budget approval is not standard, is not collected into the Treasury Fund 9.14 billion dollars.

Report from auditing the central financial budget management, distribution and use of funds, in 2013, the Ministry of finance and the national development and Reform Commission and other departments to strictly the budget implementation, increase investment in people's livelihood and other key areas, and standardization and openness of the budget continues to increase. But budget funds allocated responsibilities have not been fully straightened out, there are still some problems in the financial management.

When referring to the collection of funds and budget approval is not standard, the report identifies the following problems:

A is not collection storage funds 9.14 billion yuan, including: development reform Board commissioned belongs enterprise management of 20 years Qian has canceled of national car parts horizontal supporting fund principal and clear collection (containing assets) 1.026 billion yuan; Treasury shares of venture investment fund proceeds 138 million Yuan; Treasury agreed ABC from trustee disposal assets income in the retained of commissioned procedures fee and overcharges award 7.952 billion yuan, grid operating enterprise from agricultural network loan funds income in the retained of procedures fee 24 million Yuan, not implemented "Two lines of income and expenditure" management.

Second, approval of departmental budgets to individual matters is not accurate and detailed. 56 departments are reply 2011 budget presentation has confirmed at the beginning balances of 1.833 billion yuan at the end of; the second is approval of the Ministry of education budget earlier this year was not divided into specific project "developed long-acting mechanism in colleges and universities grant funding" budget of 4.3 billion yuan, implemented by the Ministry of finance approved again.

Third, individual irregularities in the approval of departmental budgets. A departmental budgets are approved by the Ministry of agriculture, Forestry Bureau to arrange "pest control", such as subsidies for local spending 897 million dollars. Second reply of State administration of work safety, such as quota management of 4 departments, without subordinate units 44.9318 million Yuan, a provision in the budget maneuvering budget 11 departments, such as exceeding the scope of the CBRC spent maneuvering requirements of 203 million dollars, does not meet the mobility funds budgeted and spent regulations. Three are approved by the CSRC and CIRC, departmental budgets for Social Security Fund, based on total wages of staff and workers of 14% arrangements employee benefits over standard of Central Government departments in Beijing.

Four is a budget issue is not timely. Special transfer payments in budget of public finance, 495.046 billion yuan (26.6%) is not required before June 15 release, of which 677 million Yuan was issued until December 31. Government funds transfer payment budget, 101.176 billion yuan (71.24%) is not required before June 15 release, 2.101 billion yuan was issued only on December 25. Public finance expenditure budgeted, 92.053 billion yuan (4.5%) is not required before September 30 release, 6.685 billion yuan was issued until December 31. State-owned capital operation budget, 42.07 billion yuan (43.01%) December release.

Five is a special financial account cleanup is not in place. Until the end of 2013, the Central Government opened 41 accounts in commercial banks, of which: funds may be deposited close to the nature and purpose of the special account does not streamline the merger, involving 13 accounts; 5 has not occurred for more than a year business account does not revoke it.

(Original title: s: no collection storage 9.14 billion yuan in the central budget)

(Edit: SN063)16:26 on June 24, 2014 China News Network

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