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Liaoning Benxi committing revealed high selling low value invoices

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Liaoning Benxi committing revealed high selling low value invoices

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Liaoning Benxi committing revealed high selling low value invoices | | high buy low prices of housing development votes | committing lore _ news

Reporter Wang

Benxi citizen Zhao (not his real name) last year with nearly 4000 Yuan per square meter price in economic residence Lake xihu district, Benxi City, East new weight watchers bought the House. But then he discovered that invoice can only be opened at the limit price 3520 Yuan per square meter, as price ceilings set by the sector to contribute to the community is 3520 Yuan per square meter. Otherwise, you will not be able to pass the housing appeal trial, loans do not come down.

"Now that prices for affordable price-cap, why should developers sold and invoiced at low prices, the post where? Balance of my house about 40,000 yuan, community many people encountered similar problems and I works out is no small amount. "Zhao insisted on open invoice price changed to the actual purchase price of the invoice. But after paying out more than 200,000 heads of State housing didn't pass the ne bis in idem, loans cannot manage it, the House will buy you.

Benxi City housing affordable housing affordable housing management Office Director Liu Xiaohua said that pricing departments to the community ceiling for 3520, exceed the limit for sale, loan or in full do not approve.

To date, the community opened in nearly a year, the House sold out, while Zhao from real name this since February has been reported this year. So whether weight watchers new Lake City irregularities in the East, the relevant departments have verified, punishments? China Youth daily survey interviews with reporters in Benxi City, Liaoning province.

  Invoices for the room can buy nothing

Zhao told the China Youth daily reporter, last July, Quan street, xihu district, Benxi City shanty project weight watchers new Lake City opened in the East. This is an "affordable housing" district, Benxi, developers are Eastern properties limited. When buying a House, sales staff said that the purchase of housing and commercial property are different, on family conditions of the purchaser are defined, only fit, after a housing management office, Benxi City approval before you buy.

In January this year, Zhao's application to the municipal housing management office, and was soon down. Subsequently, Zhao made 50,000 dollars at the sale purchase deposit. In February, sales staff inform him to sales offices to sign a sales contract.

At the time of signing the contract, Zhao was told that he chose is 4158 Yuan per square meter in the House price, discounted price about 3994 Yuan per square meter, but invoice only 3520 Yuan per square meter. Why 3994 Yuan per square meter, invoices will be written as 3520 Yuan per square meter?

Zhao said that the sales office explains it is a commercial secret, and cannot be revealed. Zhao signed a purchase contract and sent the cost of loans, amounted to approximately 220,000 yuan. Since then, he has found sales offices, hope 3520 at the invoice price paid, returned post or by the actual invoice price, but this was refused.

"If the invoice prices opened lower, my house is never not to devalue it? Balance of money has gone? "Zhao less amounts invoiced to the Liaoning Provincial public network (Web site sponsored by the Liaoning Provincial Commission for discipline inspection departments) reflect the situation. Benxi, hearts net transfer tax authorities over this matter, after the tax department personnel coordinate with the sales office, demanding sales offices for its re invoiced according to the actual purchase price.

But re invoiced before long, Sales Office on telephone informed Zhao, as contained in the invoice open, Benxi City, prices exceeded the ceiling of housing per square metre, Zhao's House failed to pass the examination and approval, so the loans do not come down. If you want to solve, or pay the full amount, or check out.

"Why only at the limit price, and low prices are invoiced through loan approval? Affordable housing are not allowed to sell for high prices, sales brochure above why nobody sell it? "Zhao's opinion, more than 200,000 yuan to purchase for several months, not for a check out for someone else. "Early and loan formalities have been completed. The Bank said, if the loan formalities do not come down, have completed formalities will expire. Who bear the responsibility? Do not loan to buy the House, the contract signed by both parties, buyers check out is to pay liquidated damages. "Zhao repeatedly communicate with the sales office to no avail.

China Youth daily survey found that some buyers in the community also encounters and Zhao are similar to their actual purchase price in excess of 3520 price shown on the invoice.

Another buyer Lee (pseudonym), told reporters that last year she bought a 80 square meters of houses in the residential area, spent approximately 3900 Yuan per square meter, developer invoice only to open the 3520, in order to apply for a loan, she had to accept the developer's request.

  State regulations are not allowed to raise the price affordable houses

This reporter learned that, provided for in the regulation on affordable housing, affordable housing, is that the Government provides preferential policies, limited set area and price, in accordance with reasonable standards for construction, facing housing difficulties of urban low-income families and the housing of a security nature of the policy. Construction of affordable housing projects exempt from urban infrastructure supporting fees and other administrative fees and Government funds. Affordable housing projects outside of the infrastructure costs, borne by the Government. Construction of affordable housing units under construction as collateral for a bank loan to apply for housing. Determining affordable housing prices should be based on the principle of guaranteed profit. Affordable housing sales prices should be made, above shall not exceed the base price and sales price range, shall not charge any price besides the marked cost. After affordable housing prices should be published. Competent departments shall supervise and administer the price. Arbitrarily increasing affordable housing and funding cooperative housing sales prices and price-related violations, by the price departments shall be legally punished.

Regulations under the affordable housing prices and Government guidance prices affordable housing prices. Develop affordable housing prices should be commensurate with the affordability of low-income urban families, to the principle of guaranteed profit and ordinary commodity housing prices remain within the same region a reasonable spread, the embodiment of preferential policies from the Government. Affordable housing prices and the floating range from the Government's Department in charge of pricing power at the approved price, fixed, float downward is not limited. Affordable housing prices by the Government Department in charge of price determined after the promulgation or approval, and no unit or individual shall be allowed to improve. Government price departments should strengthen supervision and inspection of affordable housing prices. Prices of real estate development enterprises that violate the provisions of laws and regulations and these rules, price action, by Government price departments on the basis of the People's Republic of China Law on prices and price regulations on administrative penalties against illegal acts will be punished.

Benxi stipulated in the provisional administrative measures on affordable housing, affordable housing price applies to government guidance. Municipal pricing administrative authorities should strengthen supervision and inspection of affordable housing prices.

National affordable housing so many concessions, there are specific punitive measures, why Oriental weight watchers new Lake City is higher than the limit price sell the House? Related government departments and whether it fulfilled its regulatory responsibilities? Zhao from February this year has reflected to relevant departments, why is the affordable housing community is still higher than the limit price sell?

  Should prevent "pricing not only monitor"

China Youth daily reporter on June 19 came to East Lake new weight watchers City sales office. Sales Office a staff member told reporters that Zhao's invoice prices are below their true value, because Zhao bought a House for sale, developers and other units to build. For example, there are several House is a construction company, sold by the sales department. These have informed the purchaser when the contract, invoices issued by the initial invoice, for sale at 3520 Yuan per square meter, but the actual purchase price is higher than the invoice price. Some houses for sale in the community room, but most of the houses are cheaper than 3520 Yuan/square meter, buyers can choose a cheap room. Sales offices for Zhao have been changed according to the actual purchase price of the invoice.

Zhao said the statement was the first time I heard of the sale room, if this is the case, that he bought the House a bird did not become the secondary?

For sale can be disguised in the name of increased housing prices? How many houses for sale in the community? Joint building what the terms of the agreement have been signed? Why journalists to master multiple buyers the invoice price is unified 3520 dollars? In this regard, said the exact circumstances of the staff does not reveal.

Benxi, the developer told reporters Oriental land Manager Guo, with construction companies construction company is building units, there is an agreement between, the House has been transferred to unit sales price, sold by sales office. B groups as a whole, what Zhao said the high price area, about 400 families belong to the super price of only a few decades. Government's 2011 price in 2013, House began to sell, and therefore need to be part of the price to sell it. Hypervalent does exist. For the units to sell, therefore needs a fare increase. This situation has been described very clearly when consumers purchase. At present the company is assisting the price and other sectoral surveys, reflected by the active management of the Zhao issue.

For sale Office and Mr Guo's statement, housing management office of housing Director Liu Xiaohua, Benxi City think it would be perfectly reasonable. Liu Xiaohua said the Government had imposed on the community housing 3520 price caps, even a sale does not allow more than this price. Weight watchers new Lake City is affordable housing communities in the East, the Management Office of first instance is to review the application for purchase of housing families qualify, only approved, eligible families can purchase affordable housing. Bis in idem is the purchase price to eligible families for instance inspection, on whether the developer by selling at prices set for approval. Government pricing departments granted weight watchers new Lake in the East city limit is the 3520 Yuan per square meter, if purchase price exceeds the price limit approved by the Department of the Government, whether full or merely a loan, will not be accepted, and certainly not for approval. Because the Office does not have law enforcement powers, is receiving reflected also to feedback to the Administration, by the relevant law enforcement departments to deal specifically with the price Bureau, but the Management Office has strict approval procedures.

Liu Xiaohua said Benxi municipal price Bureau issued on this side shanty approval of three affordable housing prices, have provisions for weight watchers new Lake City prices in the East. According to the administration of this file, Roly began in 2005 relocation of the East reconstruction East of shanty towns project, construction of housing. According to relevant regulations, price Bureau of engineering land resettlement compensation for pre-engineering fee, survey planning and design, construction and installation engineering fees and ancillary works budget review approved by the research community the pre-sale price is 3200 Yuan/sq m, towards the post ceiling increase to 10%, fall open, add and subtract algebra and zero. 3520 dollars is the price-cap.

Benxi City taxation Bureau told China Youth daily reporter Sun Wei, Director of the supervision Department, after receiving the hearts NET turned to Zhao's report, the Council entrusted the xihu district local taxation Bureau of investigation, and asked the Sales Office for Zhao to replace the actual purchase price of the invoice, and punished accordingly. Benxi City Bureau of citywide on illegal acts such as invoicing cleanup.

Benxi municipal price Bureau is there to orient new Lake City weight watchers suspected irregularities invoice verification or punishment? Benxi City Administration Office Director Cao told this reporter that does not know about it, please press the price Bureau informed reporting Center. As of press time, price Bureau of associated personnel did not respond to questions from reporters.

Zhao had suffered in the new Lake in the East and several Li city homeowners believe that affordable housing is "waste management" policy, applicants for housing the family was income is not high, so the Government departments only to limit, allow low-income families to enjoy discounts. If the lack of developers to sell lower-priced invoices and price-fixing regulations, what good are the so-called limit orders? They suggested pricing departments to seriously check out such incidents and prevent "pricing", not "tubes".

Staff writer, Benxi, June 23-

(Original title: Benxi committing alleged high selling low value invoices)

06:06 on June 24, 2014 China Youth daily

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