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Original system reform Committee official suggested deepening reform leading group to be adopted

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Original system reform Committee official suggested deepening reform leading group to be adopted(原体改委官员建议建深化改革领导小组被采纳)

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Former officials of the Commission for restructuring the suggested reform leading group adopted | continue | sub | leadership _ deepening reform news

Reporter Yang Yuze intern Liu Chen from Beijing

Chinese research society for restructuring economy "invisible" in Haidian District, Beijing only one yard, yard full of winter sunshine. In a small meeting room, hanging on the wall of a number of successive head of society of Central leading comrades and the photo. Reporter here and China's economic system reform research reputation GAO Shangquan, President of the China economic reform designed course--

  From "basic" to "decisive"

Epistemic: you participated in 6 central document drafting of major conferences, including 3 plenary session?

GAO Shangquan: I took part in the drafting of the 6 major Central, including 3 plenary decision on economic reform. An October 1984 third plenary session, adoption of the decision of the CPC Central Committee on economic system; the second is November 1993 plenary session, adopted the CPC Central Committee decision on several issues of establishing a socialist market economic system; and the third is the October 2003 plenary session, adopted the CPC Central Committee decision on the several problems of perfecting socialist market economy system. 3 decision of the CPC Central Committee on the economic system, to promote has played a key role in China's reform.

Knowledge: 18 plenary session on "market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources", in the discourse about the market economy is portrayed as a landmark?

GAO Shangquan: all previous plenary session is the time to make important decisions. 1978 third plenary session is not required in detail and its historical contribution was for China to shift from class struggle as the key link to taking economic construction as the Center. Per cent in 1984 third plenary session, proposed to develop socialist commodity economy. In 1993, third plenary session for the first time raised the issue of institutional framework for the Socialist market economy. 2003 16 the third plenary session of the party put forward the strategic task of perfecting socialist market economy system.

A plenary session on "let the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources", is the further deepening of the understanding of the role of the market mechanism, reform for the next several years is a programmatic role landmark.

Learning: let the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, it is not a theoretical discussion of the role of the market is complete?

GAO Shangquan: April 23, 2003, at 16, prior to the convening of the third plenary session Premier Wen Jiabao presided over the meeting of the drafting group of the General Assembly, I proposed "reform endlessly, perfecting the endless". File "by 2020, establish and improve a socialist market economy system", I was quite bold. Productive forces and the relations of production, requires constant adjustment between economic foundation and superstructure. Economic system more mature, but not completely perfect.

Learning: where were you when the Central School for "provincial" lecture, spoke of was the castle of the city plus markets, urban planning called cities, and would not call it a "trap". Now we are building a market economy, including let it play a decisive role, is returning to the market?

Noble: social division of labour, there will be a market. A market economy is not our creation, but the achievements of human civilization. Played a decisive role in the market, which is a general law of the market economy, we must follow this general rule. We have in the past planned economy, is a subjective approach. Government with rigid allocation of resources by administrative means, proved unworkable.

Epistemic: you raised it in a book published in 2003, to "establish and perfect a unified, open, competitive and orderly modern market system", you don't have direct reference to allow the market to play a decisive role, but the meaning is not the same?

GAO Shangquan: let the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, to establish and perfect a unified, open, competitive and orderly modern market system; only by letting the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, and markets are competitive. This is to establish a unified, open, competitive and orderly modern market system basis.


  From a planned commodity economy

Knowledge: September 1984, you were in Beijing Xiyuan Hotel to a group of economists, we can talk about socialism commodity economy in question. It was instructed, or was it your idea?

GAO Shangquan: when the Central Government was drafting of the decision of the CPC Central Committee on economic reform, I have repeatedly written draft recommendations "commodity economy" concept, but was rejected, it was felt that can write no more than "commodity production and Exchange." I then serving as Director of the State Commission for restructuring the economic system reform Institute, in this case, with regard to China's economic system reform Institute recommendations to Chinese research society for restructuring economic system, and the identity of Chinese restructuring economic system on behalf of the convening of a symposium, with the participation of more than 20 experts and scholars.

Seeking knowledge: the pros and the cons of the percentage?

GAO Shangquan: at the meeting, let me first express, should be clearly articulated concept of socialist commodity economy. After the discussion, a consensus was, come up with some ground-breaking ideas, such as "only socialism can save China, and only the development of commodity economy in Chinese".

Seeking knowledge: the prevailing economic system, is called "dominated by planned economy, market forces, supplemented by"?

Noble: the top 12 party proposed that "planned economy, market forces, supplemented by". Concept is a bit confusing. "Planned economy" is a socialist system, and market regulation is one way. Two aspects are not on one level.

Curious: in May of that year in the Taihu Lake has organized a "value" seminar, Mr Sun yefang participated in and say that the law of value. It is said that "value" is a sensitive word?

GAO Shangquan: Sun yefang, were critical in 1959 just as about the value and paid a huge price. In the economic field, thousands of law rule, law was the first law. But it wasn't until the late 80 early, value is also a sensitive issue. 1984 decision of the CPC Central Committee on economic reform was stressed in particular the need to follow the law of value, consciously using the law of value.

Knowledge: it was made of "socialist commodity economy", but still offered no propositions of the Socialist market economy?

GAO Shangquan: at that time, "economy" is also quite sensitive, and only referred to "Exchange". "Market economy", is considered to be capitalism. Knowledge is deepened step by step, no one knows at the outset to market economy.

Epistemic: you discuss Xiyuan Hotel results reported to the Central Government? Reports say?

GAO Shangquan: meeting lasted for two days, then I will put the results into recommendations and reported to the central decision makers. Emphasized: China's socialist economy is commodity economy of public ownership as the mainstay and the coexistence of diverse sectors of the economy, China's economic reform should be directed at: adhere to the premise of public ownership as the main body, in accordance with the requirement of the development of commodity economy and promotion of social production, and consciously apply economic laws.

Seeking knowledge: the Central adopts these views?

GAO Shangquan: central leadership attached great importance, which was absorbed into the decision of the CPC Central Committee on the economic system. The decision declared: "the full development of the commodity economy, is an insurmountable stage of socio-economic development, are essential for achieving the modernization of China's economy. "This is a major breakthrough in the history of China's reform.


  From economy to market economy

Curious: in 1992, the party's 14 major report proposes "objectives of economic reform is to establish a socialist market economic system in China" after you propose dealing with the relationship between plan and market?

GAO Shangquan: dispute between plan and market have disputed for nearly 100 years. We are "planned economy" market = capitalism = socialist planned economy, this concept deeply rooted. But Lenin in the theory of so-called market said: "where there's a division of labour and goods, where there is a market. "In 1986, a national planning meeting, I mentioned the" State regulation and market, market guide company ", want to explore planning and market internal unity mode.

Seeking knowledge: the academics was not directly raised the "market economy" concept?

GAO Shangquan: at that time the community has some scholars made a "market economy" concept, just the voice only on civil, no impact at high level. Known at the time was, a planned commodity economy market, dealing with the relationship between plan and market issues. In 1987, I have been the hope in the reform of new important breakthroughs in theory--for 13 big report (draft for soliciting opinions) relation between plan and market views and proposed "plan means and methods of regulation and market regulation is a" proposed "economic contracts with countries gradually replace combustible."

Knowledge: this is a policy proposal, but in the theoretical level, what is your real views?

GAO Shangquan: theoretical understanding is a gradual process. Not directly a "socialist market economy", cognitive issues on the one hand, on the other hand bound by various rules.

Knowledge: why 14 major report is able to propose "economic reform aims to establish a socialist market economic system in China"?

GAO Shangquan: in 1992 after Deng Xiaoping's talk in the South, breakthrough progress has been made in economic restructuring, particularly in planning and market debate that there is a scientific conclusion is actually critical in comrade Xiaoping. When southern tour of Comrade Xiaoping said: planned economy is not equivalent to socialism, capitalism also plans market economy is not capitalism, socialism also has a market. Planning and the market are economic means. On the basis of this, Comrade Jiang Zemin at the party's first in 14 major report clearly proposes that the reform aims to establish a socialist market economic system in China.

Seeking knowledge: the full deployment is really excited about establishing a socialist market economic system made 14 third plenary session.

Noble: 14 reports to achieve theoretical breakthroughs, 14 third plenary session put the institutional framework of the Socialist market economy. November 1993, 14 session plenary session considered and through has CPC Central Committee on established socialist market institutional several problem of decided under, made has socialist market institutional of basic framework: a is conversion state enterprise operating mechanism, established modern enterprise system; II is foster and development unified open of market system; three is shift government functions, established sound to indirect regulation mainly of macro-control system; four is established reasonable of personal income distribution and social security system. These areas well, standing up several columns of a market economy.

 Discusses why can't stop

Knowledge: understanding of the role of the market, why does not have in place?

GAO Shangquan: conceptually said the traditional planned economic system is to "plan" as to the underlying characteristics of the Socialist system, the "plans" to "market" is very easy to come by. Drawback of planned economy was exposed as early as in the 1950 of the 20th century, but trapped in "planned economy are fundamental characteristics of socialism" of the box, who dared to have a breakthrough.

As far as the reform of our reform aims to establish a socialist market economic system, mainly in the traditional system the new system gradually developed around it, embodies the "progressive" feature. The so-called progressive, is the intensity of reform, pace of development and people's ability to withstand the degree of unity in this guiding principle in the reform process.

Learning: your books and articles commonly used in "reform" of such a concept, seems to be less talk of "emancipating the mind", you care more about the "system" problem?

GAO Shangquan: 35 process of reform and opening up is the process of emancipating. Every major breakthrough in reform and opening up is to emancipate the mind as a guide. Only emancipate the mind, institutional innovation and innovation can be achieved.

Engels 1888-September the United States travel, written way back in the United States on travel impressions, he pointed out that innovations and breakthroughs, innovation and breakthrough ideas first, is a national, a national source of vitality and energy. In the 1880 of the 19th century United States why it's moving so fast, a very important reason, is compared with the old capitalist, they rarely have traditional ideas fetter. For today's theoretical innovation, system innovation and scientific and technological innovation has provided important insights.

Seeking knowledge: the world-wide, the suspected market does not seem to be a problem, why are we here it takes decades to get a correct understanding?

GAO Shangquan: China's reform has its own specific difficulties and problems.

Comrade XI Jinping recently said that reform was caused by issues forced, in solving problems and drill down again. For 35 years, we have solutions on the reform of the party and the State in the development of a range of issues. At the same time, in the process of understanding the world and change the world, old problem solved, new problems will arise, and always requires constant improvement of the system, thus the reforms cannot be achieved overnight, nor can once and for all.

Knowledge: we often speak of "emancipating the mind", which in the end is not liberation, is talking with vested interests?

Noble: outside a lot in the past, a stranglehold on freedom of opinion and expression. Now there are still many old thinking, old ideas tied people's hands and feet, and reform the ideological barriers still exist. While vested interests have become a formidable obstacle to reform. Now reform is necessary to emancipate the mind, must still overcome obstacles to vested interests.

  Of going private for the people by the people

People-oriented economy

Knowledge: 18 plenary session decides to let the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, count as a theoretical understanding of the complete?

GAO Shangquan: in theory, the economic base is changing and productivity is growing, and relations must be constantly adapted to the superstructure. In practice, the perfection of market economy is dynamic. As the United States such a developed market economy countries, a subprime mortgage crisis also exposed the institutional and institutional problems, also needs reforms, continues to improve. Learned or done that day.

Knowledge: you have long emphasized the transformation of government functions, set forth a shift from control to service orientation of government functions, and this was decisive for perfecting the market system?

Noble: over time the Government dominates the market in several of the most important factors such as capital, land configuration, distort the market price, resulting in negative consequences. 18 plenary session Communique said "economic restructuring is the focus of comprehensive reform, the core is dealing with the relationship between Government and market, the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, and give better play to the role of Government." Functions of Government to go to the main services, creating a good environment for the market, mainly through the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of and fair competition in the market, stimulate the enthusiasm of the members of society to create wealth, to enhance the economic development of inner motivation.

Learning: transforming government functions, and what still needs to be done now?

GAO Shangquan: firstly, decentralization. First limit, the second delegation, third Division.

Second, breaking the monopoly of the Executive. Due to the existence of administrative monopoly, make our economy actually exists, the market mechanism and administrative mechanisms are two different ways of allocation of resources, especially in basic industries and utilities lead the way of allocating administrative resources in raising the cost of running the economy as a whole.

Third, building "a Government ruled by law". Government would like to stress from the past shifting control to maintain a market equal rights, safeguard and protect the rights of market subjects as the starting point and the end of the rule of law, "allowed" to the "forbidden" provision changes.

Curious: did you adjust the ownership structure has been emphasized, seemed more inclined to develop non-State-owned economy, and advocated "people-oriented economy"?

GAO Shangquan: I have always stressed, on property rights is a core issue in the reform of economic system in China. Concept of ownership we have in the past, its distinction between advanced and backward, but ownership is advanced, not from the formal point of view, but from the perspective of actual results to see if it is not to promote the development of productive forces, is expanding employment, create tax revenue.

I speak of "people-oriented economy", entrepreneurial subjects, business and property of the people, implement, private, for the people by the people, can give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the people. Devoting major efforts to developing "people-oriented economy", may reduce the State share of the economy, but I have said many times, the party's ruling basis is not that high and low proportion of State-owned economy, but that three "people": people, people, people.

Knowledge: you have more for theoretical innovation, system innovation, and even more to look forward to?

GAO Shangquan: recent Politburo meeting also proposed that the "endless practice development, emancipate the never-ending, never-ending reform and opening up."

Knowledge: 18 decision of the third plenary session a comprehensive reform, doubts it can be left on the drawing board. Do you have confidence in the comprehensive reform?

GAO Shangquan: implementation is the key, and I am confident about this. In April of this year, I have been on the 18 themes of the third plenary session of the recommendations submitted to the Central leading comrades, one of the recommendations is the establishment of the Central leading group on comprehensive reform, recommendations were adopted. Central Government's determination to have a coordinated and comprehensive reform, there are organizational guarantee, and everyone should have confidence.

(Noble on the innovation of economic system more mature can not completely perfect)

(Edit: SN028)November 21, 2013 Chinese nets and Changjiang daily newspaper(原体改委官员建议建深化改革领导小组被采纳|体改委|深化改革|领导小组_新闻资讯

  记者杨于泽 实习记者刘晨 发自北京







































































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