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Li keqiang: against maritime supremacy, and is willing to work with the parties to build a sea of peace

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Li keqiang: against maritime supremacy, and is willing to work with the parties to build a sea of peace

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Li keqiang: against maritime supremacy is ready to work with parties concerned to build a sea of peace | | maritime supremacy _ Li keqiang news

  Greek maritime cooperation forum held in Athens

  Li keqiang, with Greece's Prime Minister Antonis Samaras attended and delivered a speech

Xinhuanet, Athens, June 20 (reporters Ming Jinwei and Yuan Zhenyu)-Premier Li keqiang 20th morning local time in Athens with Greece's Prime Minister Samaras, Greek maritime cooperation in jointly attended the Forum and delivered a speech.

Li said, the ocean is closely related to human development. Evolving maritime traffic, provided strong support for economic globalization and trade liberalization. Development and utilization of ocean space and marine resources, has become the vital underpinning of coastal States. Under the new situation, whether it is to maintain maritime security, or the protection of the marine ecosystem, the task is very difficult.

Li stressed that China is ready to work with all parties to build a sea of peace, unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development, firmly opposed to maritime supremacy, is committed to respecting historical facts and international law on the basis of resolving maritime disputes through direct dialogue and negotiation by the parties. China firm maintenance national sovereignty and territory full, is committed to maintenance area of peace and order; China may and parties build cooperation of sea, active building marine cooperation partners relationship, common construction sea channel, and development marine economic, and using marine resources, and exploration marine mystery, for expanded international marine cooperation made contribution; China may and parties build harmony of sea, in development marine of while, good stay marine ecological, protection marine environment, let marine forever became different civilization between open compatible, and exchange mutual mirror of bridge and ties, Humans can be relied upon, Habitat, can be attributed to a better home.

Li said that at present, Greece has established a comprehensive strategic partnership, is the Ocean as a link to deepen bilateral cooperation and broad prospects and good future. Between to Office good next year of in the Greek marine years, established in the Greek Government between marine Cooperation Committee, strengthened in marine technology, and environmental, and disaster mitigation and sea law enforcement, field cooperation; put Piraeus playing caused in the Greek cooperation highlights, makes of became China to European of important portal, planning around than Hong Kong development repair ship industry, and ship manufacturing, and from than Hong Kong began gradually transformation from Greece to European hinterland of railway route, efforts put than Hong Kong construction into European and world Shang most with competitiveness of port; advance in the Greek shipping industry cooperation, Gradually to the manufacturing, design, marketing, transportation, logistics, warehousing, finance, insurance, and other industry-wide chain.

Li said construction of modern civilization needs to wind and waves of the sea. All rivers run into sea, countries should also be compatible with one another, carry out dialogue, Exchange and mutual learning. China is willing to work with Greece walk hand in hand, with sea-like bosom and timeless wisdom, ancient Chinese civilization and Greece civilization bloomed age of glory, for shaping the modern ocean civilization rooted tradition, facing the future make a special contribution to the two countries.

Samaras said Greece and China are countries with ancient civilizations, cherish peace and stability and made important contributions to human civilization. Oceans are connected to the two great civilizations of Greece-and also connected the two markets, is the important stage of cooperation of the two countries. Greece people cherish sincere friendship towards the Chinese people, will never forget China Greece provides valuable support to overcome the crisis. Li keqiang, Prime Minister of Greece for a landmark visit and contributed to the friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. Greece would like to become a portal and hub for Chinese products to enter the European, enhancing cooperation with China to jointly promote the 21st century maritime silk road-building, promoting the Greek neutral EU-China cooperation bears more fruit.

Greek marine, maritime, trade representatives from all walks of life, such as more than 400 people attended the Forum, participants responded to Li's speech several times with applause.

(Edit: SN098)03:24 on June 21, 2014 Xinhua NET

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