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Li keqiang, Greece presented the Sanxingdui cultural relics replicas

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Li keqiang, Greece presented the Sanxingdui cultural relics replicas

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Li keqiang, Greece presented the Sanxingdui cultural relics replicas (photo) | Li keqiang visits Greece | | Li keqiang Greece museums _ news

China News Agency, Beijing, June 22 (Xinhua Haiyan Ma) Greece 21st and visiting Chinese Prime Minister, Li keqiang local time Greece Prime Minister Antonis Samaras attended Greece Athens opening ceremony for the new Museum, became the first official visit to the Museum's guests. Locals gave tickets to the new Museum's first Li keqiang expressed respect for Chinese guests.

China's former Envoy to Greece Ambassador Du Qiwen told news agency reporters, as ancient Greece representative of civilization, the Museum is the place to host invited guests will. Heraklion archaeological museum is a world renowned Museum of Crete's famous attractions, the Museum's history can be traced back to 1883, the Museum has large collections associated with the Minoan civilization, Crete, showing more than 7,000 years of history. Crete is Greece the birthplace of history and culture, one of the Minoan civilization is Greece civilization, an important contribution to European civilization.

China and Greece are countries with ancient civilizations, have a brilliant history and culture, has made a special contribution to human civilization, respectively, have influenced the world of the philosopher Confucius and Aristotle, are conveyed to the descendants of ancient wisdom and influence. Although the two countries are far apart geographically, but the close ties the two countries of civilization, wisdom, and philosophy.

Li said in a speech in front of the Museum of ancient and modern civilizations are the crystallization of human wisdom, cultural exchange is an important basis for interaction from country to country. China and Greece is a country with great civilizations, in civilized ideas there are many similarities between the two countries, in particular, are peace-loving, cherished peace and safeguard peace. Meanwhile, the Eastern and Western civilizations have their own characteristics, and reflect the richness of human civilizations and cultural diversity.

Du said last year, Greece's Prime Minister has visited China, and Li keqiang, one year later to visit Greece, leaders of the two countries are concerned about the development of relations between the two countries. In recent years the two sides interact more frequently with friendly exchanges in various fields and bring bilateral relations to a new stage. Greece as the cradle of European civilization, has an important place in the European Union, China and Greece, as two major ancient civilizations between East and West, has been hard hit by the war, and also share a common philosophy of development and the value of peace.

Samaras also said that China and Greece have their roots in the rich soil of civilization, ancient civilization will be closely linked with and built bridge of exchanges and cooperation between East and West. Greece will always be friends of the Chinese people. Premier Li keqiang's fruitful visit, Sino-Greek cooperation in Greece's development. Greece looks forward to working with China to mutually-beneficial and win-win cooperation between become broader and better benefit the two peoples.

China institutes of contemporary international relations, Feng Zhongping, Director of the Institute of Europe in an interview with news service reporters, said XI Jinping, China's President in March this year during his visit to Europe, put forward together to build a China-EU partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilized four. Greece is representative of Western civilization, is also the cradle of European civilization, in the establishment of China-EU dialogue and mutual learning among civilizations can play a positive role. Li keqiang visits the cradle of European civilization, cultural exchanges and mutual learning bridge, helped lead the compatibility and interoperability of civilization, will also help push forward China-EU relations.

Li keqiang visits Greece during the two countries issued a joint statement, and signed many cooperation, including the establishment of cultural centers agreement documents, bilateral exchanges and cooperation in politics, economy, trade, culture and other fields face a more ample space. Li keqiang said Greek Cypriots to strengthen cultural exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, will be conducive to the all-round cooperation between the two countries. China will work with Greece for their tireless efforts to tap the huge potential for cooperation, so that Sino-Greek cooperation in Europe, in the world bursts out into a more brilliant luster.

Said Feng Zhongping, cultural exchange is vital. With China as the representative of the Oriental civilization and to Greece as a representative of Western civilization needs to learn from each other, which helps China and Greece to strengthen understanding and mutual learning between citizens, would make the ancient civilization full of new life and vitality. (End)

(Original title: Li keqiang visited Greece museums of cultural exchanges and mutual learning bridge)

(Edit: SN064)09:15 on June 22, 2014 China News Network

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