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Li explained China’s ocean view: build a sea of peace and cooperation and harmonious

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Li explained China’s ocean view: build a sea of peace and cooperation and harmonious

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Li explained China's ocean view: build a sea of peace and cooperation and harmonious | | Li keqiang Greece _ news

Xinhuanet, Athens, June 20-Premier Li keqiang 20th morning local time in Athens with Greece's Prime Minister Antonis Samaras attended the Sino-Greek cooperation forum and issued a report entitled the ocean under the sea of peaceful cooperation to build a harmonious presentation. Full text of the speech is as follows:

  To build a sea of peace and cooperation and harmonious

  --Speech at the Forum on Sino-Greek maritime cooperation

  (June 20, 2014, Athens)

  People's Republic of China Premier Li keqiang

Today, China and Greece, a country that is located in the Western Pacific and one in the Eastern Mediterranean country on the North Shore, Greek maritime cooperation in jointly organized the Forum, this is the first time in the history of bilateral exchanges, has a very rich connotations and have special significance.

China and Greece are both close to the sea and the ancient country, with its rich maritime history. More than 2,500 years ago, when China's spring and Autumn period Qi Jing left navigation in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea records, ancient Greece city Athens, merchant shipping around the Eastern Mediterranean coast. Aegean Sea gave birth to the greatest of the ancient Greece civilization, making Greece one inclusive, optimistic spirit and intellectual courage of's character. Greece also created the advanced navigation technology, promotes the development of marine culture.

In the course of the development of Chinese civilization also left the sea, is the sea as the main link, we exchange with other countries, echoing the ancient maritime silk route and the overland Silk Road North and South. More than 600 years ago, Chinese Navigator Zheng He led large fleets, brought Chinese culture to the South-East Asia, West Asia and Africa's East Coast. In the late 1970 of the 20th century, the great cause of China's opening up, coastal cities opening up, China once again into the world by sea.

Oceans are closely related to human development. After the world entered the age of sail, with the discovery of the new world and the opening of new routes, goods, capital, and labor to break through geographical restrictions, and gradually form a global trade network. Evolving maritime traffic, provided strong support for economic globalization and trade liberalization. Development and utilization of ocean space and marine resources, has become the vital underpinning of coastal States. Of course, marine added well-being of humankind, also brings many challenges. Both the maintenance of maritime security, or the protection of the marine ecosystem, the task is very difficult. We are willing to work together with other countries, through the development of marine programs to promote economic development, deepening international cooperation and promoting world peace, and strive to build a sea of peace, cooperation and harmony.

--Contribute to a sea of peace. History repeatedly shows that people, and down to the sea, their backs to the sea and bad, carried out for the development of the marine cooperation States development war but over the ocean, then bring disasters to mankind. After the second world war, particularly since the conclusion of the United Nations Convention, the international community in the framework of the United Nations, and gradually establish and improve a new global maritime order. China is party to the Convention, has made positive efforts to uphold the purposes and principles of the Convention. We will unswervingly take the road of peaceful development, firmly opposed to maritime supremacy, is committed to respecting historical facts and on the basis of international law, resolved through direct dialogue between the parties negotiating bilateral maritime disputes and disputes. For the maintenance of peace and order on the sea, we will firmly support to activities that damage peace and order on the sea, we will firmly oppose. Resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity of China and is committed to maintaining peace and order in the region. We would like to strengthen communication and cooperation with related countries, improve bilateral and multilateral mechanisms and jointly safeguard freedom of navigation at sea and channel security to crack down on piracy, terrorism at sea, marine disaster, building a peaceful maritime order.

--Jointly build a sea of cooperation. Marine 70% of the Earth, bearing the hopes of world economic development and win-win cooperation. At present, many routes across oceans, connecting continents constitute the global economy's major thoroughfare, marine carries the most active part in international trade. In coastal cities and population distribution in the world, most distribution of developed cities on the coast, most of the economic activity is concentrated on the coast, more than half of the volume of foreign trade relies on ocean shipping, about half of oil transported by sea. China is willing to work together with the ocean State, constructing marine partnership and jointly build a sea access, development of marine economies, exploitation of marine resources, to probe the mysterious ocean, make a contribution to expanding international cooperation in marine.

--Contribute to a harmonious sea. Oceans are the common wealth of all mankind, should be built green homes. Mankind has entered the 21st century marine is no barrier cut off all contact and, increasingly, of openness and inclusiveness, exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations bridges and ties. People come up to the open ocean, it will have a broad mind. Haina rivers is one of the essence of Chinese culture and heritage, embodies the virtues of tolerance towards this ancient Greece what philosopher said "harmony will promote justice, beauty and kindness" achieves. Sea road of unity is the harmony between man and nature. States should adhere to in the ocean at the same time, be kind to marine ecology and protection of the marine environment of the ocean will never become human habitat, can be attributed to a better home, and can rely on.

China and Greece bilateral friendship dates from the sea, and beyond the sea. Over the past 42 years, and mutual understanding deepened political mutual trust has been strengthened. Especially when their difficulty sharing weal and woe and helping each other. Greece three times to help the massive withdrawal from overseas. 13,000 Chinese a smooth withdrawal from Libya, has been deeply engraved in the hearts of Chinese people. Dang Greece sovereign debt crises, China did not hesitate to provide the support. China has always been a European bonds, especially good friend Greece Treasury responsible, long-term investors. Adversity, and the two peoples to become attached to the sea of friendship has stood the test time and weather, and deserves cherish. During this visit, we see that in Greece the hard work of the people, the shadow is gradually dissipating sovereign-debt crisis, structural reforms have made new progress, all Greece marked increase in confidence in the Economic Outlook. China Greece is pleased with the achievements made, and will continue to take cooperative measures to support the country's economic recovery.

China and Greece's traditional friendship based on our idea has many similarities, Greece in terms of harmony, justice and fairness, is empathy. Samaras just now mentioned China's Lao Zi, Confucius. Chinese people are very familiar with your first name, like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Greece many fairy tales a household name in China. An ancient Chinese legend for Greece who relish. I heard that Greece has a saying, "a Greece man's bones may be hiding a Chinese, a Chinese man's bones probably hides a Greece man. "It conveys a very worthy of our valued emotion, Sino-Greek friendship is unbreakable.

This is my first visit to southern European countries, Prime Minister of the Government of China, on the choice of Greece. We have not only conducted in-depth exchanges, but also to promote pragmatic cooperation. Yesterday, I had in-depth talks with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, and reached broad consensus. Two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on oceans, decided in 2015 for the Greek seas in years, set up a Sino-Greek intergovernmental Commission on maritime cooperation, strengthening the marine science and technology, environmental protection, disaster prevention and reduction, and pragmatic cooperation in maritime law enforcement and other areas.

This morning, I looked along with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras of Piraeus, where China's COSCO Group enterprises have carried out fruitful cooperation with your company. It should be noted that is, from the coastal areas of China through the Suez Canal by the Eastern Mediterranean reached than in Hong Kong, is the shortest shipping from China to Europe. Hong Kong has a very strategic location, trade between China and EU scale, the EU is now China's largest trading partner, bulk goods with every, 80% of them transported by sea. If we compare to China than it was in the construction of this route is good, it becomes a China-Europe trade is very important and a big route, as Samaras said, Hong Kong will become China's important gateway to Europe. Sino-Greek cooperation Hong Kong, also makes than Hong Kong in Europe and the world's most competitive ports.

We are planning around development of ship repair, shipbuilding, and than it was in the beginning a gradual transformation from Greece railway lines leading to the heart of Europe. It not only benefits the two countries and Central Europe, and is also conducive to the prosperity of Europe, achieving balanced and sustainable growth. We are willing to work together with the Greek Cypriot side, become the highlight of bilateral cooperation than it was in the building. Today's Forum is not late, but to actually do something towards fruition.

Meanwhile, the Sino-Greek cooperation to further promote the shipping industry. Greece is the first big world shipbuilding capacity, China is the world's superpower ships manufacturing and import and export of goods, but also Greece ship owners ' most important shipbuilding base. Cooperation is extended to shipping as a leader of the whole industrial chain, covering many aspects of industry and services. Including design, marketing, transportation, logistics, warehousing, finance, insurance and many other areas, bilateral cooperation in these fields have an advantage, we need to open up.

They also want to expand trade and investment cooperation. Greece's olive oil, wine, marble, and other commodities and processed products enjoy high reputation in the world. We will optimize the trade structure, increase imports from Greek, welcoming Greece companies selling products to China. China also wishes to expand its presence in the Greek Cypriot investment encourages domestic enterprises to cooperate with Greece in various ways, in areas such as airports, railways, roads, water and electricity, and continuously expand mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties. Nearly 100 million outbound Chinese visitors last year, if you have 1% to Greece, was 1 million passengers, expansion of China and Greece, tourism, cultural cooperation has great potential.

Sino-Greek cooperation is an integral part of China-EU relations. Greece is an important member of the European Union, is one of China's friendly and cooperative partnership in the European Union. Now Greece during its EU Presidency. China is willing to cooperate with Greece to promote the implementation of the EU 2020 strategy for cooperation plan, China deepen maritime cooperation, to develop the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, building peace, growth, reform and four partners play an active role in civilization.

Enlightenment of peoples knew how to live in the seaside sea. Sea ebb, one of the country's economic development will also surge, building a modern civilization also requires us to have the courage to ride the ocean. All rivers run into sea to sea, countries should also be compatible with one another, carry out dialogue, Exchange and mutual learning. Meanwhile, China and Greece are countries with ancient civilizations and wisdom. We want to walk hand in hand in the next voyage, with sea-like bosom and timeless wisdom, ancient Chinese civilization and Greece civilization bloomed age of glory, to shape the deeply rooted tradition and the future of modern marine special contribution to civilization!

06:47 on June 21, 2014 Xinhua NET

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