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Hunan labor camp staff received full jiejiao

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/21 1:35:56 Browse times: 376 Comment times: 0

Hunan labor camp staff received full jiejiao(湖南劳教所收教人员全部解教)

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Hunan labor camp staff received full Hunan _ | jiejiao | reeducation | addiction news

On November 18, the front of the re-education through Labour Bureau of Hunan province, detoxification, re-education through Labour Bureau and Hunan province authority on both sides of the sign hung at the gate, respectively. "All detention students in Hunan have all been in transition. "This was the news reporters from RTL Bureau in Hunan province. As the Central Government formally announced the abolition of the system of reeducation through labor, this regime in China for nearly 60 years, is about to leave the stage of history.

Would abolish the reeducation-through-labour system, but the camp does exist, their fate still no final answer. Judging from the signs present, camp destiny might have two: become an addiction, or a prison. Little known is that transformation of labor camps have a low profile.

RTL gradually disappeared from history

"Yes, has stopped early from reeducation-through-labour approval. "Telephone interview with reporters, a labour camp in Hunan province clearly expressed, the camp only a few left RTL participants, by the end of may all jiejiao.

This means that, from now on, the people of this camp also does not have detention again.

In fact, in the "abolition of re-education through labour system", before deciding on the introduction, reform on labor camp has been in the air.

Central politics and law work Conference, held on January 7 this year, reform of reeducation-through-labour system, is considered to be camp "set transition" opportunity.

According to the Hunan provincial re-education through Labour Bureau official said, the reform of reeducation-through-labour system in Hunan province at the forefront of the national, "Tang Hui", the new approval will no longer reeducation-through-labour students in Hunan province, the original detention students has finished progressively digested.

Xingsha reeducation, staff profiles, the original because the person who has been a detention earlier this year have all been jiejiao.

On November 18, the reporter went to Longbridge camp visit, look around, only rows of dorms and spacious sports ground, has no prisoners of sight.

From camp to rehab

At noon on November 18, several young people in orange vests walking in xingsha reeducation, they assemble, lunch box in hand walked toward the dining room. Staff, xingsha reeducation in the correction of existing objects are drug addicts. RTL objects, drug addicts daily "homework" is to accept the teachings of correctional officers.

In front of xingsha reeducation, "Changsha xingsha reeducation-through-labor management" and "Changsha xingsha quarantine rehab" together side-by-side, labor camps and rehab has become the one place.

Re-education through labour and compulsory detoxification sites is managed by the Department of Justice, throughout the camp and compulsive addiction tends to be an institution, two brands. In Hunan province, for example, front of the re-education through Labour Bureau of Hunan province, also hung up on brand of drug administration of Hunan province.

Hunan, a camp leader told reporters, the rehabilitation work began two years ago, has long been a team two-Board structure, reeducation-through-labour students admitted at the same time, drug addicts rehabilitation work has been started. "Drug training is a permanent fixed content currently admitted mainly compulsory isolated drug rehabilitation personnel, so the transition to seems to be a foregone conclusion, according to all available, otherwise it is not clear. ”

But many years ago, this is not the case, Rehab Board was followed up. Changde city labor camp "organised changde RTL Web" news that the changde city labor camp in April 2009 with the Hunan provincial drug administration approved, extra fuel in changde City Chinese quarantine Rehab makes the Lake, carry out compulsory isolation rehabilitation work functions, mainly responsible for quarantine in Northwest Hunan province admitted to drug addicts. These activities are called "secondary listing".

Current news, labor camps across the country transformed into rehab, has become something of a trend. In May or June this year, Qinhuangdao, Shandong zaozhuang city, Chaoyang District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, Liaoning, a number of the original have not hoisted the brand of reeducation compulsory detoxification, a ceremony was held, reeducation begin receiving compulsory isolation addicts and main function of will be gradually turning in compulsory detoxification settings.

In addition to addiction treatment, there are a handful of labor camp transformed into a prison, currently open only in Daxing Tuanhe labor camp.

Follow for correctional officers

Abolition of the system of re-education through labour, of course, won a round of applause. But the question is: detention, prison officials go from here? Some object on reeducation-through-labour camp in help social integration has also taken a series of measures.

Relative to the detention, correctional staff placement is more difficult. Currently involved in the detention staff and compulsory drug treatment correctional officers fall into two systems: the former management of the judicial system, which belongs to public security and systems management. Well-known lawyer Pu Zhiqiang said that due to the current treatment and reeducation-through-labour belong to two different sets of management system, detention after repeal, Rehab are managed by public security organs, can all be transferred to the administration of justice administration, formed police Narcotics Division, pattern of judicial administrative organs with drug addiction.

With regard to personnel arrangements, Pu Zhiqiang said, you can follow the rehab into drug police, or follow the prisons to prisons with police.

Shaanxi a labor camp official said that currently, the detention police source previously dominated by forces displaced soldiers, now dominated by college students; formerly guarded the management model, it is education.

In order to adapt to the new changes, changes in the camp itself, some details have emerged, and has initiated the training of corrections correctional officers.

A labor camp in Liaoning province used to be upper and lower bunk beds, for fear of drug users are delusional and broke, is now off the shop has replaced more than half an inch high.

In February of this year, Jiangsu Province established the 2013-2015, the province's detention and treatment system of the education and training of civilian police planning. The plan mentioned that Jiangsu Province re-education through labour (drug treatment) started mass drug treatment training, plans to train civilian police over more than 500 passengers. First week at work the day after spring, the Council issued a Declaration on the province's detention and treatment system in 2013-circular on training for drug rehabilitation treatment.

This document on training for drug rehabilitation treatment there are 5 forms: one is a delegate of Yangzhou University medical school training and the second is follower practices within the system, the third is the detailed transposition exercise from the provinces, four systems attachment Guide, banban training is five units. Purpose is to "improve the ability of police drug management appliance business, cultivating a large number of drug management appliance business professionals."

According to the xiaoxiang morning post, the Oriental Morning Post and other D090

(Original title: camp quietly "turned" to your staff all jiejiao)

(Edit: SN063)November 20, 2013 Beijing evening news(湖南劳教所收教人员全部解教|劳教所|戒毒所|湖南_新闻资讯































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