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Hunan government investigation by jumping from the boss: caused by rapidly expanding liabilities exceeding 500 million

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/21 1:35:53 Browse times: 317 Comment times: 0

Hunan government investigation by jumping from the boss: caused by rapidly expanding liabilities exceeding 500 million(湖南老板政府跳楼调查:快速扩张致负债超5亿)

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Hunan government investigation by jumping from the boss: rapid expansion caused by King boss liabilities exceeding 500 million Hunan | | |-test cheating _ news

On November 12, Wang Jianzhong, Chairman of Xiangtan, aged 60, hang Dong group, choose from Xiangtan, took his own life by jumping from the Government. On the ground, the billionaire has many auras, as deputies, parties, etc. His departure raised speculation of society.

In the subsequent official briefing, characterized the incident as a non-criminal cases and seized Wang Zhong jumped. Incident investigation team disclosed, according to an initial check checked Wang Chung-corporate debt more than 548 million Yuan, with lending up to more than 230 million Yuan.

About seized Wang Chung jumped to his cause, according to an analysis, based on the enterprise's rapid expansion under huge debts, and its company headquarters for six months to operate industrial projects turned commercial sites have not been approved, or become a straw that broke the camel's back.

A few days ago, hang Dong group consisting of the Xiangtan Yuhu District Government-led "11·12 event" steering group assigned to hang Dong group. 19th evening, Deputy Guo Jianping, head of the group told the legal weekly reporter said in an interview, the group will first address the employee wage arrears problem, this Friday (22nd) will come up with a specific solution, did not rule out bankruptcy may hang Dong group.

 Starting from scratch to create bamboo Kingdom

As with most private entrepreneurs, seized Wang Chung is starting from scratch.

Has 3 brothers seized Wang Zhong, father died when his age, to take care of their families seized Wang Chung-junior high school without graduating but dropped out.

An accidental opportunity, seized Wang Chung-ready to start her own business, he found at that time in its infancy the cutting board to the market. Subsequently, the King checked cheat myself at home, shuffling up and began processing Ironwood cutting boards. In 1997, ancient pond in Xiangtan City, happens to be a sheep (geographical names), a foundry was badly managed close, seized Wang Chung-decisive leased the factory, transforming family-run workshops to factory mode.

Year, test of loyalty from the army displaced brother the King issued a cooperation offer, companies are starting to hit the bamboo cutting board. In order to determine the name of the company and seized Wang Chung presented his vision: I hope the company can last forever so long, the production of cutting boards can be as hard as a shield, calling it "hang Dong". In 1998, seized Wang Chung-incorporated "Heng Dong bamboo products factory in Xiangtan City."

Initial stages of entrepreneurship have gone through hardships. Checked Wang Zhong-er-introduction, plant only 35 people, mostly from rural areas around, as the boss of the test of loyalty personally to the King, driving a tractor out of business every day, their loading unloading, the candle at both ends. Almost six months later, the company started on the right track, but encountered technical problems. Round chopping boards outside the contract rea happens to break, to break such a storm, the brothers late night drive in a steel factory to ask account specialists. Spring bamboo cutting boards after moisture is easy to mold, for which Wang found cheating on my second brother, drove to bamboo-rich mats in yiyang city at night secretly learn.

Problems solved, the "constant shield" ushered in a period of rapid development. In 1999, seized Wang Chung-opened branch in xiangxiang rental venues back home. At this point, the ancient Tong sheep company and xiangxiang branch of chopping block sales reached about $ 200,000 a year and employs more than 1000 people.

After 2000, according to the market demand, seized Wang Chung-round bamboo cutting board instead of square. Hang Dong company continued to expand, seized Wang Chung-in two batches to purchase plots of the Xiangtan Yuhu District of the second ring road, hang Dong Group Headquarters Office and production sites. In late 2001, was put into production new premises. In 2004, xiangxiang and sheep pool two factories all moved. In August 2005, hang Dong hang Dong Group incorporated bamboo product factory in Xiangtan City, committed to the comprehensive development of bamboo, some bamboo handicraft exports. The next few years, hang Dong group in succession in chengbu County, Shaoyang, Hunan Huaihua hongjiang offers two processing plants.

Hang Dong group headquarters of the Xiangtan Yuhu District II link has become the industrial and trade zone, hot. Wong checked allegiance to the Kingdom of bamboo dream he hopes will change growth forest products business in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan logistics bases, even in the development of real estate projects.

More than 10 years of development, the then little-known small workshop has become a total assets of more than $ 640 million worth of bamboo products development marketing group. In 2010, hang Dong group through the identification of national agricultural industrialization leading enterprise.

 Suicide note did not publicly jumping motive a mystery

15th afternoon, Xiangtan City Public Security Bureau Yue Tong branch seized Wang Chung released at the scene of a suicide note for extraction of the children, mobile phones and original survey information. 16th King of test of loyalty relative to the public security departments seized Wang Chung committed suicide after the findings are approved, suicide note, cell phone and other items police seized Wang Zhong returned to their relatives.

Contents of the suicide note, it became the focus of speculation. Is, however, regrettable, families for the tight-lipped, while Guo Jianping, hang Dong Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the group, told reporters, "not seen (note). ”

20th at noon, this reporter once again call seized Wang Zhong's daughter Wang Juan, at a press conference, opening when referring to matters relating to note them in their "relatives may not be empty" to be rejected.

According to Xinhua, hang Dong group capital chain tension, more debts, seized Wang Chung-himself under great mental pressure. Within half a year prior to jumping, he has been seeking to hang Dong group owned 108 acres of industrial land rezoned land for commercial service, wanted to use the land, "transgender" bring value-added benefits to maintain their liquidity.

Wei 14th acknowledged in an interview with a reporter, hang dong on the liquidity of the group is in trouble. Seized Wang Chung-the second brother also said that compared to the wages due to the employee, hang Dong group in Changsha "run spring village" working costs and is due to be reimbursed some of the loans were step by step insisted seized Wang Zhong.

Liu Wei in an interview revealed that in 2008, the constant shield as construction investment covers more than 600 acres of run-Spring Hill, but constant shield does not own the property in the land, cannot serve as a collateral for bank loans.

When multiple superimposed together, hang Dong group all bets are bets on Group Headquarters on the plot. Liu Wei said in media interviews in the field, in April this year, hang Dong groups trying to gain ownership group 108 acres of industrial land converted to commercial use, the group moved to the industrial area. This is in order to get more money, hang Dong group currently has 200 million yuan in a number of bank debt. Although the main bamboo products sell very well, 47 million dollars revenue last year, but this alone could not meet the interest payments, to borrow money from other banks to fill. But the Bank's total lending have tightened, hang Dong from the banks can now borrow less money than before. "Because we don't have enough collateral. "Wei explained, has to borrow money mortgage a lot over the years.

Commercial land values higher than industrial land value, the Group nature of land conversion applications can pass, you can get higher assessment rates from banks, Liu said.

According to press reports, some investors are also intended to cooperate with the hang Dong group, but only if "must see the Government's formal approval of this plot."

On November 6, the Xiangtan Government to 2013 Planning Committee considered a pioneering industrial park planning and "constant shield" adjust report plots, and publicity. Surprising is that seized Wang Zhong had jumped to his death after 5 days. As of press time, family members and officials are not disclosing checked Wang Chung jumped to direct.

  Group officials did not rule out bankruptcy

19th, Wei said in an interview, seized Wang Chung jumped off the same day, he was procurement of yiyang bamboo machinery and equipment, and just got off the phone with my boss, no exceptions have been found.

Wang Jianzhong Guo Jianping expressed the same view with more living experience, "flurry of sights and he is (way), not low, depressed (signs). ”

Guo Jianping superhero alter ego is Chairman of the Xiangtan Yuhu District of industry and commerce, the General Chamber of Commerce. In his view, hang Dong group into such a situation, because the stalls spread is larger and management philosophy and experience a certain degree of disparity. His analysis, seized Wang Chung-usually there is little time to learn modern management in major decision-making blunders, as well as lack of professional staff to take care of their business.

As a typical family business, not a hang Dong, Chairman of the group, seems to be lost to oblivion. After the incident, and seized Wang Chung-hang Dong group reported family emergency call to the local government, saying the group "debt amount is very big implications" for assistance from the local government.

Recently, the Xiangtan Yuhu District Government, led by fiscal, Tsunenobu, civil affairs, education, society and other related departments of hang Dong group "11·12 event" Steering Group stationed in hang Dong group. Guo Jianping said the 19th, representatives of government departments, families and group management were consulted. First priority is to address the employee wage arrears problem, whose programme will be this Friday (22nd) in place.

Hang Dong group where to go? Wei said that "two roads, bankruptcy and liquidation. "Guo Jianping said that for now, enterprise markets and debt situation is not optimistic, is a situation of insolvency, bankruptcy may also on its own initiative.

(Edit: SN091)November 20, 2013 Legal weekly(湖南老板政府跳楼调查:快速扩张致负债超5亿|湖南|老板|王检忠_新闻资讯

  11月12日, 60岁的湘潭恒盾集团董事长王检忠,选择从湘潭市政府跳楼结束了自己的生命。在当地,这位亿万富翁拥有众多光环,如人大代表、党代表等。他的离去引发了社会诸多猜测。

































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