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Hunan children breaches into a series of Jiang Yong cadres investigation

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/21 1:35:50 Browse times: 258 Comment times: 0

Hunan children breaches into a series of Jiang Yong cadres investigation(湖南江永干部子女违规入编调查)

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Jiang Yong cadres and child offending part into the investigation in Hunan: you cannot check and return children | Jiangyong County | | institution _ news

Xinhuanet, Hunan, Changsha November 20 (reporters Ding Wenjie and and and)-recently, Hunan's Jiangyong County leaders ' relatives of children "detour into" event-raising community concerns. 7 violations in addenda Jiangyong County investigate promptly check and return public institution "second generation", two in Yongzhou city in Hunan province-level discipline Inspection Commission also started the responsibility to investigate.

Across the country in recent years, "radish recruitment", "rocket promotions", and then to resume fraud "detour into" event, this post of welfare, "" hereditary practices more and more subtle, but for social fairness and justice is no doubt a very serious provocation.

  Preliminary investigations: there is resume fraud

Jiangyong County "detour into" event started by the network reports and media coverage. Reports said County leaders forged in the field for their children of Jiangyong County archives, and then to transfer it back to Jiangyong County administrative or working in public institutions in order to circumvent this should participate in the unified admission. Report also lists 6 serving the county names of leaders and their relatives.

On November 16, Jiangyong County propaganda Department in charge, Jiangyong County has sent a team of investigators to investigate the incident. The evening of 17th, Jiangyong County, told reporters, after verification, involving local leaders child relative mobility of 10 people, 3 met the workers in public institutions and recruitment rules are normal mobility. Huang, Nie Mou 7 people without other recruitment procedures, in violation of the provisional regulations on the open recruitment of staff in public institutions, personnel and organisations to produce prominent leading group for special treatment in the areas studies and Editorial Committee of the County, the County party Committee Standing Committee decision, check and return to above 7 people.

The Jiangyong County Commission for discipline Inspection Unit, 7 violation into the children of leading cadres of enterprises, resume fraud does exist. Party Liu, whose father is former Deputy County of Jiangyong County Government. In 2012, Liu entered the Jiangyong County Community Council, engaged in work-related relief management positions. Investigation team found through its archives, prior to the transfer of their works in Xintian County Bureau talents Exchange Centre, employment contracts, curriculum vitae, annual check in their files a full formal archival materials are readily available, but unit cannot be traced to its career preparation into the series in the original unit procedures, former unit does not even know of such a person.

Similar situations also occurred in Jiangyong County people's Congress the full-time member of Mo's daughter, moved from the Xintian County Health Bureau files show her daughter now Jiangyong County Health Bureau, but simply did not have the preparation to investigate her former unit. Not in the original work, resumes from where it comes, via a program allowing people to pass the transfer of personnel, it is funny.

  Violation: "acquaintance society", "reciprocal arrangements"

In recent years, the country repeatedly exposed irregularities in the people, "inbreeding", recruited from leading permission, carrots their modus operandi, "detour into" is constantly changing.

In fact, through the resume fraud "detour into" practices are not uncommon. Previously, Hunan province to investigate several cases of falsification of archives among civil servants.

Hunan a County two name sector led, to will children "arrangements" into province in a home civil servants units, first let its children candidates in this units work, in candidates expires Qian, two bit led respectively found the County County, and County Bureau, sector heads, forged fake civil servants, and fake members, and fake year-end examination, archives information, violation handle has civil servants registration, which one led of children even qualifications are is forged of. Through a series of fake, two children passed the family unit of the civil service "call into the investigation", shook themselves into a "civil servant". Until later in the "promotion by exception" in order one's criminal conspiracy was unmasked by the masses to report, by the relevant departments to investigate.

Some cadres told journalists with knowledge of, or the employment situation is the most serious, the county-level, because the County is basically "acquaintances society", many leaders ' children are only children, and did all he could to put children to work before the abdication had arranged. Relative to the large cities, the County "Heaven tall Emperor far away", "space". A few years ago, "culture" when Sung, leading cadres "arrangement" children, or even "rule".

  "Power sweep" under corruption: not just "check and return"

"The ' radish recruitment ', at least it was conducted in an open recruitment procedures, but resume fraud, ' bypass ', is an entirely despise the recruitment regulations are ' power sweep ' rule, subversion of Justice abuses. "The Chinese Chairman of the ethical culture society Fu Xuejian said.

Fu Xuejian told reporters that the leaders ' children are not related, but have access to a range of archival material, and can be used "fake profile" the successful transfer of personnel, not to rely solely on themselves or their parents will be able to do it, when it comes to unit power Alliance, indemnification, under the leadership of corruption and collusion. Therefore, such an event, be sure to thoroughly investigate, must not only "check and return".

Some Internet users reflect, Jiangyong County on account of the staff check and return in time to be sure, but only "to check and return" is not enough. According to the open recruitment of staff in public institutions of the provisional regulations on the 31st article "violates the present provisions in the recruitment of staff, once verified, employment contracts should be lifted, to check and return". While the interim provisions article 30th pointed out that the "forged or altered documents, evidence, or other improper means to acquire job qualifications" and "must be dealt with severely. To constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. ”

Hunan Normal University study says Wu Zhenwen, a Professor of administrative law, criminal law, if the parties forged in the false resume graduation certificate, seal, you broke the law, constituted a "crime of forging State documents", "crime of forging public institution's seal" can be handed over to justice, pursue their legal responsibilities. But if their seals and certificates are provided by the unit responsible for the, the related unit leaders constitute "abuse of power", shall be investigated for their responsibilities.

(Edit: SN077)November 20, 2013 The website(湖南江永干部子女违规入编调查:不能清退了事|江永县|子女|事业单位_新闻资讯



















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