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Health Planning Commission officials

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Health Planning Commission officials(卫计委官员)

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Health Planning Commission officials: should be simplified as much as possible before they reproduce throughout the approval policy Health Planning Commission approval _ | second | | news

Beijing Super 60% "separate" family adjustment improve the reproductive policies in Sichuan to be desired to commence next year, family planning regulations health planning Commission –

Around the second approval should be as simple as possible

Investigations revealed that the Beijing qualifying single family home in 60%-70% birth of the second child. Beijing municipal population and family planning Commission said, will according to the law to start adjusting the perfect maternity policy. It was reported that at present, Sichuan, Liaoning, Hubei, has started to let go as many "stand-alone" preliminary argumentation and research work of the second child of the family.

National Planning Commission Deputy Director Wang Peian said the launch "stand-alone" second child policies, no timetable for unification of the country, from various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) according to the actual situation, and to establish concrete time, but around launch time appropriate interval is too long.

A number of experts said that "two kids alone" policy is expected to start at the end of the fastest, also supporting local government policy, otherwise it will lead to series of fertility problems. Health Planning Commission news publicity department official said yesterday, should be simplified as much as possible before they reproduce throughout the approval policies.

 Sichuan intends next year to fix the country planning Ordinance

Recently, the Sichuan Government Web site publicity province 2014 legislative projects, to openly solicit opinions from different sectors of society, including the Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations (revised). Sichuan provincial population and family planning Commission official said at present is to improve the active preparation of Sichuan provincial population and family planning regulations.

It is reported that in Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places related to population and family planning Commission also said, are currently under active preparations well get ready to start a new policy, or are working on the development of specific implementation plan, or as soon as possible in accordance with legal procedures, relevant measures study.

In some provinces in starting position

  Tianjin is a policy research demonstration

Hubei proceed prophase investigation and demonstration of policy, expected to be completed this year

Development of Guizhou has officially started, is now calculating of demographic data and other preparatory work

Shanghai will start again after six months to one year

Anhui will be the fastest implementation in 2014 alone second child policy

Jilin within half a year or a specific message

 Beijing placement

"Stand-alone" six or seven families wanted a second child

According to experts to Beijing's one-child birth preference surveys and projections, the city eligible for "stand-alone" 60% per cent wanted to birth of the second child of the family, around 1.3 children desire for giving birth.

Municipal population and family planning Commission, said, the city will start according to the law adjustment improve fertility policy. After the introduction of country-specific policies, will enhance the development of specific implementation plan, and

Beijing municipal population and family planning law organizations implement amendments to the Ordinance.

Implementation of the "two kids alone" policy, was born five years before this city's population is expected to be a certain increase. But steady decline after the peak, have a large effect on the city's overall population size. Therefore, the central policy consistent with the population's economic and social development in Beijing is.

Data from the municipal family planning Commission shows that long term low fertility in Beijing, 18 consecutive total fertility rate of around 1. While keeping the total population continues to grow, but weaker inertia, annual natural growth of the household about 80,000 people. The working-age population growth slowed, the population dependency ratio of 24.4%, the "demographic dividend" will gradually weaken. Population ageing at an accelerated pace, 2012 and older and elderly population reached 2.661 million people, accounting for 20.5% of the total population.

In addition, the "two kids alone" policy could lead to the implementation of the baby boom, Beijing maternity hospital said on the Eastern extension of a 16,000 square-foot maternity building, increasing maternity beds. Introduction of antenatal care package at the same time measures to ease pregnant women filing, check.

 Authoritative response should be simplified as much as possible before they reproduce throughout approval policy

Division of Health Planning Commission information campaign official says, about "two kids alone" policy next starts work, National Planning Commission called on all localities to conscientiously implement, start time determined in accordance with the situation on the ground, and you want to do a vetting before they reproduce.

A lot of people have questions that if let go "two kids alone" after, before applying for a "double-two kids alone" is approval procedures might be simplified?

The official said that the policy adjustments, should be simplified as much as possible before they reproduce throughout the approval process, taking into account the accreditation problem, research, to find a solution. Card handle the relevant procedures, and guarantee the execution of the policy.

Continuing health and family planning departments should raise awareness of the service, you cannot add trouble to the public. For example, you can use modern query tools, card clearance.

In addition, the reporter was informed that the National Planning Commission has been planning to establish a national population information query system, the idea is to include information such as demographic data and health data, but there is also a certain degree of difficulty, there is just brewing.

 Experts say policy ground needed matching rules

A number of experts said that "two kids alone" policy is expected to start at the end of the fastest, said Lu Jiehua, a Professor of sociology at Peking University, provinces in five years there will be about 2014 started "two kids alone" policy.

Professor, Institute of Nankai University, population development and original expression, policies from the present there are a lot of problems to launch the official start, in addition to amending the Ordinance, also need to develop a range of social and public policies, specific rules associated with them.

Original new told the legal evening news, such as adjusting birth policy incompatible with reproduction is illegal before birth, social maintenance fees payable, while others dragged without paying, so if next year's policy adjustment and the reproductive condition, social maintenance fee charge you? At the same time, in some regions, social compensation fees in instalments, has been paid in the early part of that policy adjustments, do not pay the portion of the need to pay, how to define the problem.

Currently there are 19 provinces canceled the second child spacing, but many insist, such as Beijing, spacing of not less than 4 years, or the woman no less than 28 years old. In other words, even if Beijing's "two kids alone" policy implementation, spacing, if any, is also to consider whether it meets the criteria.

Therefore, in actual implementation of local government may need to set a node, the node after birth "two kids alone", exempt from social compensation fee. But before you were born "two kids alone", you might want to follow until the local population and family planning regulations, counted as comeback kid, to pay social support expenditure.

However, for this part of the child, in accordance with what standard is imposed by the social compensation fee, to make this part of "stand-alone" families think is fair, acceptable, which required local governments according to local conditions properly around matching rules. This version of the article/reporter Wang TINGTING Li Jie Wang Shuo

Beijing now regeneration children "investment enterprises enter talent market," handling process

(Both spouses for the city of residence)

Note: If the party for the provinces of household registration, Hukou County Administrative Department of population and family planning issued by the parties to marriage certificate and seal

To the woman's domicile Street (), population and family planning Administration received from city and County population and family planning Commission's website or download the application and approval form for one-child, fill in your personal circumstances and the reasons for applying

Both archive unit (Village Council), respectively, under the one-child indicated on the application form for the applicant to nuptiality, fertility and seal

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Woman's domicile Street (), population and family planning administrative departments

Woman's domicile County population and family planning Administration approval

(Edit: SN028)November 21, 2013 Legal evening news(卫计委官员:各地应尽可能简化再生育审批政策|卫计委|二胎|审批_新闻资讯

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  专家说法 政策落地需出台细则配套






  不过,对这部分孩子按照什么标准征收社会抚养费,才能让这部分“单独”家庭觉得公平、可接受,这需要各地地方政府根据各地情况妥善的配套细则。本版文/记者 王婷婷 李洁 王硕










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