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Li keqiang visits Greece will sign multiple bilateral agreements

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Li keqiang visits Greece will sign multiple bilateral agreements

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Li keqiang visits Greece will sign more bilateral agreement | Li keqiang visits Greece | bilateral agreement _ news

Jinghua times should Greece Prime Minister Antonis Samaras invited Premier Li keqiang 19th local time this afternoon by special plane at the Athens International Airport at the start of Greece for an official visit. Mrs Cheng Hong Li keqiang arrived by the same plane.

Samaras and his wife went to the airport to greet Li and his wife, and held a Grand welcome ceremony. A marching band played the Greek national anthem. Li reviewed a guard of honour, accompanied by Samaras.

Li keqiang said Greece has a long history and splendid culture, the two countries enjoy profound traditional friendship. Over the past 42 years, bilateral relations have made considerable progress, both sides firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns. I look forward to the visit to consolidate political mutual trust between the two countries, opening up new prospects for practical cooperation in various fields and promote Sino-Greek exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, promote greater development of bilateral relations.

Chinese Ambassador to Greece Ambassador Zou Xiaoli also went to the airport to greet him.

During the visit, Li will work with Greece's President, Prime Minister, Parliament Speaker, as well as local leaders held meetings and talks, attended the Forum on Sino-Greek maritime cooperation and give a speech, Greek shipping and cultural cooperation projects in the survey.

Li keqiang, was successfully concluded on the United Kingdom's official visit and attending the British Prime Minister arrived in Athens after a meeting of the year. He left London, United Kingdom senior government officials and Chinese Ambassador to United Kingdom Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the airport to see them off.

 -An interview with

Piraeus Sino-Greek cooperation model

Li's official visit to Greece before Greece Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Venizelos said in a written interview with Xinhua, the visit in a "very lucky" moments, it is bound to inject new momentum into the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.

Venizelos said that during the visit, the two countries will sign several bilateral agreements, access to a series of concrete results will promote the growing partnership, "which is destined to new impetus for our comprehensive strategic partnership. ”

He said that at present, the Piraeus port has become a model of cooperation in Greek. Management of the COSCO Group, the port is one of the fastest growing port in Europe. Bilateral cooperation in the field of maritime transport huge – more than half of China's imported crude oil and other raw materials imported by Greece cargo shipping.

Venizelos said that Chinese companies in Greece's operations is in a difficult period for Greece economic confidence also gave thousands of high quality Greece providing jobs. Chinese companies in Greece's success to investors in other countries played a very good role model. In his view, the ties in investment, infrastructure construction, transportation, business and other areas have great potential for cooperation.

Now Greece is chairing the EU Presidency. Referring to Greece, as the host country in order to promote EU-China relations of the role played by, Venizelos said that the average daily trade volume of more than 1 billion euros of EU and China, "Greece within the European Union itself as China's ' ambassadors ', very broad space for bilateral economic cooperation. "He said that Greece will continue at EU level to strengthen cooperation with China to reduce barriers to cooperation between the two sides, so as to play a really great investment potential.


Huawei Wanda have vied for the UK welcome the new round of investment boom

This week, one of the most exciting international financial big event comes as Sino-British trade: total more than $ 30 billion in dozens of Government and commercial agreements, finance, science and technology, education, energy, infrastructure construction and other fields. This means that the two countries ushered in a new round of investment boom, not only conducive to both sides, but also to promote EU-China investment cooperation.

Increasingly more strength strong of China enterprise will investment United Kingdom as its pioneering international market of springboard, communications supplier Huawei already put United Kingdom as its globalization strategy layout in the most important of market; Beijing construction group participation total investment 650 million pounds (about collection 1.1 billion dollars) of Manchester Airport commercial project; China real estate commercial headquarters base started 1 billion pounds (about collection 1.7 billion dollars) London Royal Terminal transformation plans; million up Group spent 1 billion pounds purchased United Kingdom yacht company and in London built luxury hotels.

In the eyes of foreign investors, compared with other developed countries, with more than 400 year tradition of free trade of the United Kingdom by the high degree of openness of the most attractive. Global accounting firm Ernst and published reports show that 2013 United Kingdom is attracting foreign direct investment than any other country in Europe.

Indeed, United Kingdom domestic China in Thames Water company, has stakes in major infrastructure projects such as Heathrow is also fearful voice, welcomed but is still the mainstream. United Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne says that Chinese investment in critical infrastructure is great opportunity rather than a threat. Lord Zhan Chengxin, Chairman of the China-Britain Business Association said that as a mark of London black cab manufacturer now as China has, suggesting that "between Britain and China, anything is possible."

 -England itinerary

1 United Kingdom think-tank speech

Solve the feeding and clothing 1.3 billion people is the maximum tolerance development

Premier Li keqiang 18th local time this morning at the residence of the Lord Mayor of London for the United Kingdom's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the International Institute for strategic studies think-tank in two published, entitled development of a better world to build inclusive, speech.

Li said, realizing inclusive development is common all over the world. China put its own 1.3 billion people's food and clothing and to live and work in progressive realization of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization as the main content of the modern, the inclusive development would be the largest in human history. China will promote to people of new towns, promote the coordinated development of integrated urban-rural, regional and will take a new road to industrialization, promote green and low carbon development, relying on the innovation of endogenous growth through quality and efficiency upgrades, to promote sustainable economic development. China will bound advance reform, through further decentralization, implementation structural reform, achieved full played market configuration resources of decisive role and better played Government role organic combines, inspired civil investment potential, mobilization market subject and millions people of enthusiasm and creativity; while advance new a round opening, focus on expanded services and inland along side open, for foreign investors provides more favourable of development environment, makes China better to into world, also for world inclusive development made important contribution.

Li stressed that the Chinese people love peace. China's achievements in the past more than 30 years of development benefits from a peaceful and stable external environment. Path of peaceful development has brought enormous dividends to the Chinese people, and also between countries can achieve win-win, win. History proves that war is a failure of human wisdom, peace is fruit of reflection misery. China will unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development, pursue a win-win strategy of opening up, the "being a good neighbor and partner" around policies, is willing to work with other countries in the world are committed to creating a lasting peaceful international environment. But for stirring up trouble and harm the peace, China must take strong measures to stop in order to maintain world peace, stability and a peaceful environment.

  2 attended and addressed the Forum on Sino-British financial

Opening up of the financial industry will further expand

Premier Li keqiang 18th morning local time in London, attended and addressed the Forum on Sino-British financial.

Li said that in recent years, Sino-British financial cooperation becoming increasingly close, fast forward, was a highlight of bilateral cooperation. London has become one of Asia's most important offshore markets. This time we announced the creation of renminbi clearing bank in London, currency and sterling transactions directly, improve market infrastructure, reduce transaction costs and exchange rate risks, and to promote better development of bilateral investment and trade.

Li pointed out that China will deepen reform and opening up, guided by market principles, adapt to development needs, eliminating unreasonable barriers for domestic and international financial and economic cooperation and development to provide the necessary basic services. We are speeding up the interest rate market-oriented reform, widening of the Yuan's floating range, relaxing the entry of private capital into the financial sector, including financial services, opening up will be further expanded.

Li stressed that Sino-British financial services complement each other, facing new opportunities of cooperation. Hoped that the two sides in the spirit of "open, mutually beneficial and pragmatic cooperation," the spirit, further strengthen communication, promote bilateral financial cooperation to a new level, a strong impetus for Sino-British comprehensive strategic partnership.

The same day, Li's wife Cheng Hong was invited to visit United Kingdom University of Oxford, and symposiums with some teachers.

3 meeting with Chairman of the 48 group Club and "young icebreakers" represents the youth of the two countries should inherit and carry forward the "ice-breaking" spiritual meeting Premier Li keqiang, 18th in the afternoon local time in London United Kingdom Chairman of the 48 group Club, Perry of "young icebreakers" stands for, and exchanged views with them.

Li keqiang, 48 groups to break down the barriers for more than 60 years ago, Sino-British trade routes opened up appreciation for the courage. He said that under the efforts of generation after generation of the Sino-British friendly and new development in Sino-British relations. Young people of the two countries should inherit and carry forward the "ice-breaking", to continue to actively promote the pragmatic cooperation in areas such as growth, reform and innovation, enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two people, especially young people.

Perry and "young icebreakers" expressed that China-Britain cooperation the two countries have a broad space. The 48 group Club is dedicated to promoting China-Britain relations, promote international social cognition on China for the mission. "Young icebreakers" is willing to strengthen exchanges with Chinese young people, contribute to advancing China-Britain friendship.

48 group Club was founded in 1954 by a group of break Western embargo on China, known as the "ice-breaker" United Kingdom business people build, long-term commitment to friendship and cooperation with China. In May 2008, the Club was founded "young icebreakers" Organization, absorbed United Kingdom youth participation, enhance their understanding to China, and the United Kingdom of the old generation of politicians to support.

This version of the manuscript, according to Xinhua News Agency

02:49 on June 20, 2014 Beijing times

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