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Guangxi Yulin dog meat source survey: most dog sellers from the farm purchase

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Guangxi Yulin dog meat source survey: most dog sellers from the farm purchase

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Guangxi Yulin dog meat source survey: most dog sellers from farm acquisitions | Guangxi Yulin | dog food safety _ the dog meat section News

June 19 Reuters new media in Yulin, Guangxi, Xinhua (Xinhua, "China" journalist Zhang Zhoulai Pan Qiang Dan Ruchao) because of the so-called "summer Litchi dog Festival", in Yulin, Guangxi recently became the focus of public opinion. Dog meat source of Yulin city on the market, there are "stealing died poisoned" "without any quarantine" "professional kennels" and other ... ...

Summer Solstice Eve, Xinhua "China" journalists who conducted in-depth surveys on dog meat sources, Yulin, trying to understand the truth behind eating dog meat.

  External transporting dogs: how to protect the "bite of safety"?

According to major animal epidemic prevention headquarters, Yulin city, news, Yulin City usually consume dog meat more than more than 200 head, spend a day during the summer solstice around 2000. With the "live dog slaughter tens of thousands of" rumors of truth. Sources about eating dog, Yulin city authorities have pointed out that most came from other provinces, mostly in Hubei, Anhui, Shaanxi and other places, and a few from local; rarely from specialty farms, mostly dog sellers from a farmer to buy.

Because summer is coming, Dong, Yulin city, wholesale and retail grocer's meat stalls are gradually running out. Reporters on two consecutive days in the market, to those who have been slain good hairy dog skin Brown, on a roadside stalls selling dog meat price per Jin 19 Yuan, many diners to buy lunch and dinner meat during peak periods.

Two stalls in the Dong market, owners were produced from mengzi, Yunnan and Shanxi weinan quarantine certificate issued by the animal health supervision Department copy. Reporters saw one marked on the copy he purchased transportation, owner of 300 dogs from mengzi wenlanzhen hujiazhai village, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan province, mengzi seal of the city animal health inspection on June 15 that "animal quarantine in this instalment".

He told Xinhua on the phone, owner, from small local vendors on hand to buy the dog, the evening of June 15 before departure in mengzi city animal health inspection carried out by the quarantine and disinfection of vehicles photographed and the body of a dog, and. After an 11-hour long-distance transportation after arriving in Yulin, Yulin city animal health inspection departments checked their documents and to quarantine the dog in the car, found nothing abnormal was finally able to release, then dogs are sent to the restaurant stalls.

19th morning, reporters at guiping road, Yulin, a foreign dog slaughterhouses and saw several in uniform inspections of animal health supervision and law enforcement officers at the door. Slaughter and empty, a bunch of loaded dog cages piled up on the ground. Introduced near the masses, the slaughterhouses have no dogs have brought over a few days in a row.

On-site staff surnamed Pang told reporters that currently has 8, Yulin city, similar to the alien dog concentrated slaughterhouses, 3 group supervision and law enforcement personnel in the city every day to these inspections focus on checking foreign dogs there is no quarantine certificates. "If a dog is found without quarantine certificates and supplementary examination first, fill check by issuing quarantine certificates, but harmless treatment must be taken. ”

In order to further strengthen food safety supervision, prevention of potential risks, June 11-the 18th week, Yulin authority does not conform with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of agriculture for the high-speed road quanfan number of vehicles transporting live puppy, there are dogs more than 2000.

  Dogs from the local countryside for: dog and how to market it?

According to an incomplete statistic, within a total dog, Yulin city, currently total about 40yuwanzhi, most of the farm dogs. This reporter learned that, Yulin, the current market sales of dog meat comes from local farmers to cage-free dog, but for percentage come from the local dog, it is not stated. 19th morning, yuzhou district, Yulin city, da Tang Zhen Nan Liu Ling TOU village, wood and carried out field investigation.

"This dog was mainly a household backyard, no kennels. "Nanliu the villagers in the village of Huang Weiping told reporters that in the local countryside, kept the soil every dog. Some large pigs, chickens in order to guard, often raising more than 10 only Hyena, "one early morning, barking can be heard everywhere in the village. ”

An interview with reporter in the village of nanliu, each four hundred or five hundred meters you can see Coyotes wander. Huang Weiping said the dog's reproductive ability is very strong, growing up, keep guard, while others sell dog sellers.

Mu ling TOU have a live puppy temporary collection point, the reporter saw within three or four houses was not broad, there are about 40 live dogs, because of the hot weather, most of the dog spit tongue. Unnamed collection point the boss is preparing the dog sent to slaughter. He told reporters: "the dogs were collected from the surrounding countryside, it was door-to-door delivery of goods, there is no sick dogs and a dead dog. ”

Aquatic Bureau of animal husbandry and veterinary staff, Yulin city, said Wei Wanli, but did someone steal a dog, but not dog meat is a major source of Yulin, dog sellers are locals, foreigners stealing a dog is hard to escape from the village, it's happened once stealing things from the dog was killed.

In accordance with the animal quarantine declaration system, for acquisitions such as the Mu ling TOU, Yulin city, handed out inspection and quarantine authorities have already been informed and provided to inspection before slaughter, once detected irregularities to law enforcement.

Reporters learned from the departments concerned, Yulin is the high incidence of rabies in China, every year there are hundreds of causes was bitten to death by event occurs. Beginning in 2012, and annually to the city, Yulin city, County and township levels, issued more than 200,000 Toufen rabies vaccines to prevent rabies emergency.

Chen Yulin, Deputy Director of the food and Drug Administration argue analysis, Yulin is a big city with 6 million or 7 million people, huge numbers of farmers self-sustaining dog increases the risk of rabies, plus dog in estrus zap people in the summer, while farmers were bitten by the lack of awareness of self-protection, lead to high incidence of rabies. "So far, high incidence of rabies and not directly related to eating dog meat, and Yulin practices of dog meat is cooked cooked, rabies is generally above 60 degrees Celsius was killed. ”

  Part of regulatory needs and improve laws and regulations

Survey from the reporter, Yulin City Government in recent months has organized food safety enforcement powers further to increase the source of production, circulation, meat markets and other key aspects of supervision.

But it is undeniable that, due to the diversification of the sources of live dogs, current regulatory work still faced many challenges. Like many food stalls there are specific dog from rural manufacturers, in large part, this is more difficult to regulate. In addition, live except for alien transported to Yulin is currently focused on the high-speed road, a few centralised slaughtering of inspection points, are there any other unregulated channels into the Yulin, the situation is not very clear.

In the interview, Yulin City regulators were reflected current dog food safety in our country there are gaps or to implement related laws and regulations are not in place, resulting in grassroots law-enforcement problem, one of the biggest problems is the dog only the Agriculture Department a few years ago the quarantine requirements, however links are not related inspection and quarantine procedures, leading to lack of law enforcement.

"Slaughter and quarantine procedures are not, there are regulatory problems in our enforcement process. Regulations are not perfect is not perfect, has been haunting us. "Surging Chen said. According to reports, begun to take alternative, Yulin city, with reference to pig slaughtering quarantine rules to quarantine the dog slaughter.

In addition, according to the Department of agriculture requires the dog to "by quarantine, a dog a license", but eventually evolved into "a vehicle a license", many people fear may pose a disease risk. Yulin, a major animal epidemic prevention Headquarters Office Deputy Director Chen ching believes that transported many of the live dogs from other provinces did not meet the requirements stipulated by the Ministry of agriculture, transportation and quarantine. "But we believe that these are the dogs after the quarantine, just not in accordance with the provisions of the Department of Agriculture quarantine certificates issued by the way, but has been issued quarantine certificates are valid. ”

Part of plant quarantine work has been substandard, Yulin city, are related by higher authorities and the relevant aspects of the communication, some staff have been dealing with. Yulin city relevant departments said that efforts in supervising the sources will continue to increase in the future, strict enforcement of the Ministry of agriculture, transportation and quarantine requirements, does not meet the relevant requirements of the transport of live dogs will be handled according to laws and regulations. Catering link will be the market circulation and strengthen supervision and inspection in accordance with the relevant requirements, efforts to establish the sound cable card ticket system and related account, ensuring the quality and safety of meat products.

(Edit: SN067)23:03 June 19, 2014 Xinhua NET

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