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Agribusiness quietly replace the small-scale peasant economy: farm machinery large yearly profit of 700,000

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/20 8:46:36 Browse times: 243 Comment times: 0

Agribusiness quietly replace the small-scale peasant economy: farm machinery large yearly profit of 700,000

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Agribusiness quietly replace the small-scale peasant economy: farm machinery agricultural machinery | machines _ big year earned 700,000 | news

Agribusiness quietly replacing the small farm machinery large yearly profit of 700,000

"It is now summer harvest season, the villagers are easy, because facing loess to bear the long gone days of history. Now harvesters harvest straw to farmland machine pick up the straw, rice transplanter planting crops. Two or three people can manage thousands of acres of land. Some farmers have even not satisfied when the cereal, holding a dozen machines, turned into farm machinery large "

Every summer season, in addition to the fields outside of a busy, many migrant workers to return home to participate in summer in advance, so the station will also usher in a small peak. But it is understood that the railway station passenger volume this year to reduce a lot, because rural areas where summer harvest is now no longer rely on human harvest, but using mechanized tools. So what was our summer? Really don't need family pitched right? Financial journalists in the economy and a half hours of CCTV, gaoyou city, Jiangsu Province, a major grain-producing farm machinery sales were investigated.

Facing the bear has become history, mechanized production in loess "tree" good shelter

Gaoyou is a famous national advanced city for food production. It is now summer harvest season, the busiest time of point of sale of agricultural machinery.

Qu handsome here is a farm machinery maintenance officer, several days of work intensity, the 26-year old man was too much for some.

Gaoyou Shepherd, Shepherd limited Feng Qu handsome 4S store of agricultural machinery service personnel: a few days ago until 4 o'clock in the morning, more than 5 percentage points, basically very busy these days, farmers harvested basically during the day, they repair the machines in the evening, a little glitch go to have a look.

A few minutes ago, and handsome and I got a task, a village 20 miles away there is a harvester to be some glitches. Needed him right now to get there.

Canal cool: lodging is more a few days ago, I gave you to adjust the straps. This place had better not covered with straw, it is easy to fire.

Farmers mechanized production of the fields "good" shade

Fields in gaoyou, once face bear the traditional farming of the loess, vanished, replaced by large-scale mechanization. In gaoyou Mu Fung limited, the only sales agent of the harvester, for example, sales of 200 units in the first half, compared with last year, an increase of 25%, coupled with the peak of trans-regional operations of more than 500 units, and handsome 22 stores in which maintenance personnel when needed up to nearly 800 Harvester service. Busy nature also are inevitable.

Canal cool: cutter belt is a little loose to him tightly, and I cleared this up to him.

Faults may be small, but braved the hot sun at noon, in a short time, and handsome sweat. But this time, villagers stood in the shade in the village and waited. Waiting for the harvest day, for these older young people, is that they do not even want to live in the past.

Villager: I did a child machine, are people of wheat harvest, cut acres a day, arm aches. Later, thresher, who stood there and took off.

Villager: eight points, a person to try to one day also have to get up early, and two knives slowly cutting.

Now they only thing left to do is wait Harvester good wheat, then haul bags, or sell it.

Villager: (formerly) straws and bundles of wheat, and this cut took over sold, how fast machines, or machines is good.

Villager: no young, clean cut, cut and sold, was cut to sell ' s

Villager: dozens of times times times. (Formerly) one day to cut more than an acre of land, also dragged down. Now only a few days on end.

Wheat is using mechanical harvesting

Mechanized mass use means the machine if a failure occurs, such as Canal handsome maintenance man must get there in time. So for the Canal for handsome, summer is running these days are racing against time to get from one place to another place. He is a man dedicated to helping harvest wheat. For him, harvesters are his lucrative "capital". So the machine is out of order is the last thing they want to see. Watching other people's harvesting machines in the field kept roaring, the wheat grew worried. Drains the arrival of handsome, he seemed to see salvation.

Qu handsome: is this place is jammed. Is it.

Wheat: my dryness (urgent) died, sometimes up, sometimes give up.

Canal cool: look, look, this place is, you see, stuck, right, right, on this place

Wheat: and then there's this, it sometimes barking.

Canal cool: it's some alarm.

Wheat: no alarm, it sometimes is called.

Qu handsome: you see the master, it suggests that the low oil pressure.

Wheat: the old light.

Canal cool: the police would. ...

A series of questions, have eluded the old wheat. He said agricultural equipment upgrades and faster now, seemed a bit overwhelmed at the operation, can only be learned by doing. Check and repair nearly two hours later, late in the afternoon, this Harvester can finally start work. Qu handsome work still continues.

Mechanization popularization worn repairman was tired but happy on the field of hope

Now the summer harvest, villagers were not at all tired, and farm machinery station technician career is broken. Maintenance man Qu shuai said, now more and more farmers to contract land, farm machinery shop machines also sell more more, estimates he'll busy. So what was our summer? Do farmers make money? Reporters followed the Canal also has the economy and a half hours to a farmers are busy harvesting.

Canal cool: (on phone) Hello, Hello, master Chia, we went to Jing-Han.

Jia Shugao: I'm worried, there are about 260 acres of confiscated.

304 acres of land at home today, just receive 40 acres, Reaper and it broke, it makes Lao Jia is very anxious.

Jia Shugao: this unloaded the things they say is not down or what happened? The can't pull it out? They said more and more tightly?

Canal cool: this difficult point in this very place, reach for it a bit more difficult. Load is too large, when cutting back and forth, then the load is too large, then wring axis this place.

In addition to being repaired this dual-use of rice and wheat Harvester, old Jia was parked in front of a large Harvester. Jarvis said, the machines are two years that they have been purchased, it is easy to harvest.

Jia Shugao: idle a harvester, the younger son will go on big, older son will turn up. Now the eldest son does not come, but he (youngest son) one small Harvester, large machine out there, no one opened.

15 years ago, Jarvis had planned to go out to work with family from out of town came to higher parcel to farm. From the initial 50 acres, expanding to the current 300 mu of land, and purchase two harvesting machines and one large horsepower tractors. Jarvis said that in the past it was he couldn't think.

Jia Shugao: all machines now, before that time when there's no machine involved, when artificial lawn mower, cut number fields, the fields at that time difficult to get.

50 acres of land had let the whole family busy from year to year, and now species of 300 acres of land and also seems to be a breeze.

Jia Shugao: there are far more machines to sort, no machines to grow so much.

V open: farming was mechanized and now as we have two kinds of 300 acres of fields and two harvesters, no trouble at all, you do not have these machines, two people can't get 20 acres, they're not, now are relying on mechanization.

Jarvis said that as more and more machines, the home of the contracted land is growing, family income has increased dramatically.

The summer harvest season, every night is the peak farm machinery maintenance. Fixing the harvester jatt, and handsome to go down to a repair place. Jarvis, whose family, a long day, they finally have time to sit down and have dinner.

Jia Shugao: prepare for 400 acres, or 500 acres, it must also want to pack a little more.

The next morning, jatt and son early Reaper into the fixed fields. Surprisingly, appeared unexpectedly. Upstream of the village of rice seed early, without informing the Jarvis case, let the water go down, was stuck up in the lower reaches, all the water into the old ground.

Jia Shugao: Director, ' you've got a trip, I had all the water in the fields, under water and do not let you look, now the machine can't go in. At nine getting ready to bring in the wheat, the machine running here, all with water. Water (not received)

Jarvis was worried because maintenance the day before harvesting has been delayed for a long time, water needs in the field to dry for a few days now, completely dry, such as harvesting machines can work in the fields. Which at the moment are the rainy season, if it rains, in front of 30 acres of wheat fields are completely gone.

Jia Shugao: rain again took up, already below water, the machine can't go down, how to do Ah.

30 acres of 2700 kg of wheat, Jarvis looked at but not in hand, he can only stand on the sidelines and helplessly watched the water constantly immersed in their wheat fields.

But no matter how hard the heart, Jarvis and don't want to give up this easily 30 acres of wheat fields. He decided to go to neighboring farmers to discuss solutions.

Jia Shugao: you let me come down, let me get wheat anymore.

Despite Fu liberal persuasion, Jarvis and his wife, the farmer is not agreed.

The villagers: don't put Jarvis, I field with water, how kind Ah I planted rice.

Jia Shugao: well, hard to die. As you certainly do not know the feeling. There are about 260 acres of confiscated and now worried to death, others were sold starting species (rice), and we still stand out in the field. 900 pounds an acre, close to 30,000 dollars.

V enlightened: those who go other places charge, harvest fails anyway.

Jia Shugao: somewhere else received it, a walk.

Jia Shugao: there are also 32 acres, leaving the two smaller, others are more than 100 acres, there is 69 acres, there is 50 acres, also has a 97 acres.

Contract land for 15 years, such minor incidents although Jarvis feel some pity, but it did not stop him from farming enthusiasm.

Jia Shugao: If there are no more accidents are machinery, personnel, this Tin is really good.

An hour later, Jarvis the first car was tractor with nearly 4000 kg of wheat. He decided to sell the town ' s.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: how much money?

Jia Shugao: 4564.

Take summer first revenue, Jarvis was a lot of fun. Now wheat catty 1.18 dollars, he estimated could get 273,600 kg of wheat this year, earning more than 100,000 dollars. If the harvest, it is estimated that a year can earn about 300,000 dollars.

Jia Shugao: I'm ready to plant to 63, 64-year-olds like this, then sure that farming would be better, with mechanical, some people, farming must have good seed.

New machinery to bring the harvest

It is understood that, gaoyou city, Jiangsu Province, this year's summer harvest is a harvest year, averaged nearly 900 kg per MU, an increase of nearly 10%. After revenues when grain production has increased, some farmers began to have more ideas, they saw more money-making opportunities, from the evolution of the cereal into a major agricultural machinery.

Income ideas more cereal make up farm machinery large

Li Desheng, was unloading wheat with him was his son Li Mingjie. Last year, the father and son contracted 300 acres of land, and this year expanded to 800 acres. Mention why contracted so much land, Li Desheng undisguised happy.

Li Desheng: (wheat) has been sold to more than 1000 Yuan an acre of land, used to be hundreds of dollars, and the price is high, high yields, it is twofold, output or income, growing wheat have money now.

Last year, 300 acres of farmland to the father and son brought in 300,000 yuan of revenue, and this is not only to make money for a living. Back in 2008, Lee had purchased his first planting machine, several years later, father and son become the 10 high-speed transplanter, a large agricultural machinery of plant protection machine, transplanting the summer harvest season every year and they'll go out trans-regional operations.

Li Desheng: transplanters are the Kubota by I on the outside which are out there, there are machines in Zhejiang, this Kubota was bought last year.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: how much money when a buy?

Li Desheng: this is buy 50,002. Last year bought four.

Interviewer: now how many units?

Li Desheng: ten units.

Reporter: Why buy so many feature?

Li Desheng: anyway, making money on line, one machine can I earn 2000 or 3,000 yuan.

Reporter: one day?

Li Desheng: one day. 70 dollars an acre, plug in 40 acres of land was 2,800 dollars. If you want to plug into 50 acres of land, normally means you earn 3,000 yuan. Taste the sweetness, can earn money to buy more. One machine, earning 20,000 a year, I have four machines a year to 200,000, this meaning.

A high-speed transplanter can plug in at least 40 acres of land, 70 dollars per acre, and traditional manual planting, 150 dollars a day with his labor costs but only seven or eight minutes. Agricultural mechanization development of not only greatly increases the efficiency of agricultural production, like Li Desheng and his son, "cereal" turned into a "farm machinery large taxpayer".

Mingjie Li: it's money that we, we eat depends on it. I must take care of it.

800 acres of land, plus ten Taiwan transplanter, a plant protection machine, father and son a clear division of labor. Lao Li is responsible for farming, son Mingjie Li in charge of agricultural machinery. Few people could see the 29-year old man was already a farm machinery service experienced "veteran".

Mingjie Li: my 2010 Zhejiang planting, boss over there at that time saw me, he said, he said I started to come, how to farm the land like a driving transplanter people? NET NET in those years for nothing, feels like this few years old a lot.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: you?

Mingjie Li: Yes, it was dark, I am white, I do not farm.

After graduating from school, went to a factory in Changzhou Mingjie Li direct. In 2008, then his monthly salary is 3000 dollars. That year, works in Changzhou, he suddenly receives a phone call from his father.

Mean out there are also tens of thousands of dollars, to cost something of its own, the young man outside is also expensive and I earn very little money, he said either and come back to it.

Although Mingjie Li promised his father's proposal, returned to his hometown, farm, farm machinery service together with his father. But at first, in his mind, is not particularly agree with his father's arrangement.

Mingjie Li: at the beginning of may not like, say, at four o'clock in the morning to get up at that time, to family farmers, when there is not much, and start planting, at four o'clock, it was still dark.

Dusk, a day like this, Li Mingjie who is accustomed to city life, walked barefoot in the back on a ridge of dirt to find parents confront feelings, but it is not an easy thing.

Mingjie Li: to be a bit different, and there is no imagination, imagined at that time didn't seem so hard, then coming back, day day basking in the Sun on a hot day, so tired, and sometimes, driving transplanter sometimes sleepy.

Mingjie Li that cannot be reassuring to do farm work, was only 25 years old, the age of, he is not willing to bind ourselves to the land, could have had fashion, enjoy a modern life he, by their own hands is not easily transplanter, straw returning machine into the field. Tangled, passive, one month, troubles, upset, let him taste the bitterness, and paid the price.

Fields of joy and harvest

Mingjie Li: reversing of when hit bad has, then feels pretty distressed of, that when just is busy, bad has a Taiwan, scheduling is trouble of, family farmers will find you talk of, like family about good has tomorrow to to he plug of, planting machine bad has, to maintenance a two days, family farmers is worried of, he daily are came, compared trouble.

As they say, busy season, you miss it for a while, which you season after season. Hard, troublesome, emergencies, the father insisted, Mingjie Li began to understand his father's good intentions. He found that mechanization had to each villager's life, no machinery, every aspect of agricultural production difficult. Mingjie Li decided to feel at ease with my father practicing their "farm the dream." He soon learned to drive high-speed transplanter, father and son began transplanting mechanization of their field of vision, steering gear, tractor so that a wider range of fields of plant protection.

Li Mingjie: 180,000. This joint venture was the first in my family, I like to buy people not machines.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: why?

Mingjie Li: I feel that no matter what is ultimately less popular. This is certainly, rates higher.

Reporter: County should not have such a machine, right?

Mingjie Li: the County did not, on this one.

Plant protection machines are responsible for working on application to the crops, killing machine. This plant protection machine was bought by Lee father and son spent more than 180,000, although the price is not cheap, but the cost is different from the traditional artificial plant 1 time. Traditional artificial plant with an average of $ 15 per acre, and this plant protection machine need only 6 to 8 dollars, in addition to artificial plant protection area up to 30 acres per day, uses plant protection machine can reach 500 acres per day.

The end of June, this plant protection machine can come in handy.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: when you're sitting on top of that what do you think?

Mingjie Li: always a little pride. Farming is mechanistic, artificial good alone, such as weeding, artificial that is too difficult, that three or four people can also do many days, when at noon, to rest, very troublesome thing, feel very convenient after mechanization, hundreds of acres a day is enough.

Mingjie Li's confidence comes from his use of modern agricultural equipment skill and master, which he has far to go in front of his father.

Mingjie Li: I think we can, no problem, there is this confidence, we can finish, maybe might even do better than he does.

This morning, Li Mingjie called two straw machine, gathered yesterday to 80 acres of wheat and wheat straw. Yiqian, end of each harvest, the straw in the field often become a burden, or have a burning, or finding a car sent to the Recycle place now rests on the field can most directly after straw return to soil improves the fertility of the soil. Li Mingjie told a high-powered machine Rotary tilling depth can reach 15 to 20 cm, mixing levels more evenly, evenness is higher, for the next rice planting more favorable.

Li Desheng: just call me, told me he meant that, after the 23rd to help him planting, I've talked to him about the, I guarantee after the 23rd over.

Of the economy and a half hours of the reporter: now you do this transplanting machine this person an appointment?

Li Desheng: certainly more people are booking.

Reporter: have an appointment until what time?

Li Desheng: late June, because that is my friend, my friend, usually didn't even have time to help him plug.

Find a friend and occasional acquaintance, can make an appointment to a father and son for high-speed transplanter, Mingjie Li found a new farmer's pride. Work schedule is set down by the end of June, busy work in Wanxian, the two men would take rice transplanter for trans-regional operation in Zhejiang province.

Li Desheng: normal like last year's 300,000 dollars a year could earn, last year, will be less, features 600 acres this year.

Reporter: this year is expected to earn money?

Li Desheng: expects, and probably hundreds of thousands of year, six hundred thousand or seven hundred thousand should be no problem. Son is responsible for the machine, I am responsible for farming this year going, if there is a field to a two hundred or three hundred acres of land, guaranteed 1000 acres of land.

This evening, busy day comes back from the fields of Lao Li suddenly serious blows the bearded. He also had an appointment, he prepares to leave trans-regional operations of cooperatives for dinner in the evening, head.

Li Desheng: is talk about trans-regional work experience.

In baoying, there are all kinds of agricultural service cooperatives, large and small. Harvest from transplanting, drill machine, machine, tractor, grain drying, agricultural service cooperatives full involvement. Weeks to win Pan-Shui Qingfeng trans-regional work cooperatives which now has 169 large agricultural machinery. At busy times of year, the cooperative's members carry large, high-speed rice transplanter and other busy people in all parts of the harvester. In the hangar of the agricultural cooperatives, we see the traditional step-type transplanters.

Mechanization has become not open around the topic of agricultural development, the development of agricultural mechanization, labor cost, not only helpful in rural areas is not busy, peasant farming is no longer so hard.

Baoying County of Jiangsu Province Wang Qilong, the agricultural authority: as of right now we're also doing a census, 1800 of our County now has a high-powered tractors, combines 1600, transplanter, 2900, grain drying capacity of close to 4000 tons. To date, our County has total power of agricultural machinery 480,000-kilowatt paddy production mechanization level reached about 90%, our people enjoy the fruits of development of agricultural mechanization.

Wang Qilong, Jiangsu Province, baoying County agricultural machinery administration, he tells us, baoying County a total of 860,000 acres of land, summer time at least half a month before and after the now widespread use of mechanized, summer time in just 5 days.

Wang Qilong: one that reduced the degree of working farmers, second we thought that farmers ' income has increased.

"For half an hour to observe"

Harvester, transplanters, plant protection machines, Rotary tiller, a wide variety of farm machinery is being turned on its head in rural areas of production. While we were still worried farmers in town, who when to farm, large scale management has quietly replaced the small-scale peasant economy in the age of the farm. With land increasingly took hold. Growing number of migrant workers are returning home to entrepreneurship, more and more businessmen returning home to become farmers. And as the concentration of land, professional major transition to a family farm, they accumulated as a professional farmers, ranchers must have awareness of science and technology, market awareness and management capacity, can better withstand the agricultural risks, and that is the prerequisite for the development of modern agriculture.

(Edit: SN063) 22:00 June 19, 2014

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