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When the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway construction to avoid the Ming imperial tombs in Anhui Province spent 230 million

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/19 11:55:17 Browse times: 363 Comment times: 0

When the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway construction to avoid the Ming imperial tombs in Anhui Province spent 230 million(京沪高铁修建时为避开安徽明皇陵多花2.3亿)

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When the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway construction to avoid the Ming imperial tombs in Anhui Province spent 230 million high-speed | | | engineering on Beijing-Shanghai _ news


Video: caught recalled trains return to Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail is operated to adjust

The newspaper News (Xinhua Jiang Taixu intern Don red) in the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway was built, to turn away from the Ming imperial tombs, spend more than 230 million Yuan, building nearly 6 km bridge, tunnel dug 285 meters. A few days ago, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway section between Xuzhou and Shanghai General Designer, iron in the fourth survey and Design Institute (the iron four) Wang Yuze, Chief Engineer, Huazhong University of science and ICOMOS-Wuhan "engineering · cultural · feature" international academic symposium on public disclosure of this set of data.

Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway linking Beijing and Shanghai, 1318-kilometre and mileage built is currently the world's longest high-speed railway started in April 2008, commissioned in June 2011. Design of the high-speed rail between Xuzhou and Shanghai from four homes in Chinese iron featuring.

Wang Yuze is the Chief Architect of this section of the railway, he disclosed that the Ming imperial tombs located about 7 km southwest of city of Bengbu, fengyang, Anhui Province, Zhu Yuanzhang built by the buried remains of Zhu Yuan-Zhang's parents and sister-in-law, nephew. Imperial tombs for South to oblong, axis on both sides of the construction of many sacrifices, protection, shelter construction, form a spectacular imperial tombs complex. In 1982 was promulgated by the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection units.

Beijing-Shanghai Gao Tieyuan line programme, across the North of the Ming imperial tombs, penetrated local government in 2000 under the Heritage Act delineated around the sphere of control of the perimeter. Iron four homes for environmental impact assessment of projects, found by the original construction plan, may affect the scenic historical style, atmosphere and environment for destruction of cultural relics.

Iron IV decided to change the design to detour to avoid the Ming imperial tombs. They were supplemented on the basis of investigation and seek the views of the cultural relics Department, carried out extensive technical economic comparison, ultimately selected programmes in the bypass South of the Ming imperial tombs. Ming imperial tombs built new lines from the control of 500 meters, the need to cross rivers and reservoirs, construction of bridge length increased 5,931-meter tunnel increased 285 m, main cost increase of about 230.78 million dollars.

Iron four environmental engineering design and Research Department Chief Engineer Huang Dun told reporters yesterday: at present, China has built and operated high-speed rail network has reached more than 10,000 kilometers, of which 60% per cent of circuit design was done by the hospital. For nearly 10 years, when they line siting and design, bypass any Ming imperial tombs of civilization up to dozens of sites of cultural relics.

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(Xinhua Jiang Taixu interns until the finishing of the Tang dynasty)

(Edit: SN091)

November 18, 2013 Chinese nets and Changjiang daily newspaper




视频:实拍京沪高铁召回列车回归 运行图调整

  本报讯(记者蒋太旭 实习生唐姗姗) 京沪高铁在修建过程中,为避让明皇陵,多花了2.3亿元,多建了近6公里的桥梁,多挖了285米隧道。日前,京沪高铁徐州至上海段总设计师、中铁第四勘察设计院(简称铁四院)王玉泽总工程师,在华中科技大学ICOMOS—Wuhan“工程·文化·景观”国际学术研讨会上,公开披露了这组数据。
















  (记者蒋太旭 实习生唐姗姗整理)





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