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Universities require students to make million-dollar graduation Banquet, the school denied

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/19 4:51:52 Browse times: 258 Comment times: 0

Universities require students to make million-dollar graduation Banquet, the school denied

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Universities require students to make million-dollar teacher appreciation banquet the school denies | million teacher appreciation banquet _ news

People's daily, XI ' an, June 19 (LI) recently, some Internet users in Shaanxi Province Department of education Web site message reflected: "the Shaanxi University of technology there is a traditional ' teacher appreciation banquet ', each class would be invited. Instructor asked us to treat the standard table spent more than 10,000 yuan, or diploma threat. We dial down the poverty in the country each year grants are made on the students ' hands are not, most of them aside for teacher appreciation banquet every year a lot of class, and spoken many times, are said to be traditional. ”

According to assigned by the Education Office of Shanxi province, Shaanxi Institute of technology conducted an investigation on the matter, and on June 18, responded as follows:

Confirmed by Shaanxi University of technology survey: this reflects materially misrepresent that Shaanxi Institute of technology without this tradition, there are no million-dollar dinner, nor diplomas held hostage students teacher appreciation banquet. Individual students may graduate of the school dinners, but school has explicitly demanded that the secondary school leaders, teachers are not allowed to accept the invitation to participate in the student's graduation dinner. If there are violations, please contact us at 0916-2641855 to reflect, Shaanxi Institute of technology will be severely punished.

For this event, the reporter interviewed by 2013 graduated from Shaanxi University of Ms Xue, Xue says in my class before graduation graduation dinner was held, attended by all his classmates and teachers, but there is no "teacher appreciation Banquet" argument, and all expenses are derived from Ban Feili out. "The table is absolutely not of 10,000 yuan, then made five or six tables, about all that's thousands of dollars, is what happens this year, I don't know. "Xue said.

(Edit: SN098)12:04 June 19, 2014 People's daily online

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