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Superpower China after 12 years or lung cancer, smoking

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/19 11:51:26 Browse times: 311 Comment times: 0

Superpower China after 12 years or lung cancer, smoking(中国12年后或成肺癌第一大国,吸烟成主因)

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( Chinese 12-year or lung cancer after smoking into the main superpower _ | | | cell lung cancer smoking cancer news

November 17 is "international day of lung cancer". Data showed that malignant tumor of lung cancer is by far the highest rates of morbidity and mortality, and morbidity and mortality continues to rise quickly. What are the factors that can lead to lung cancer? How do we prevent it?

At present, lung cancer has become China's top cancer cause of death and morbidity and mortality continues to rise quickly. On November 16th China lung cancer in Beijing the North-South Summit pointed out that in the past 30 years, China's sharp rise in lung cancer and breast cancer mortality, rose and 465%, respectively. By 2025, lung cancer patients in China will reach 1 million, as the world's largest lung cancer.

 Lung cancer in the past 30 years by 465%

Peking Union Medical College Hospital, academician of adhering, in recent years, various types of cancer morbidity and mortality in our country marked an upward trend, the current male tumors with the highest morbidity and mortality rates for lung cancer, female breast cancer and lung cancer. Environment, lifestyle-related lung cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer mortality trends more pronounced rise in lung cancer and breast cancer the most, rising 465% and 96% respectively in the past 30 years.

Deputy Director and General Secretary of the Cancer Foundation of China Zhao Ping said, at present, lung cancer has replaced liver cancer to become top cancer cause of death in our country, accounting for 22.7% of the total cancer mortality and morbidity and mortality rates continued to rise rapidly. From 2000 to 2005, the estimated increase in incidence of lung cancer in China to 120,000 people, of whom, male lung cancer patients increased from per cent in 2000 to 2005, 330,000 people, female lung cancer patients during the same period increased from 120,000 to 170,000 people, "tobacco is the leading cause of lung cancer 40% cancer can be prevented."

  Increased incidence of lung cancer each year near 27%

Smoking is the primary risk factor for lung cancer. Survey data show that at present, male smoking rates are concentrated in the 25-44 year olds and 45-64 age groups. International study shows that smoking 10, reduce by half the risk of lung cancer than smokers. Middle-aged before quitting can reduce the risk of 90% over by the tobacco. For smokers, never too late to give up smoking at any time, of course, the sooner the better.

Experts said that at present China's annual growth in incidence of lung cancer 26.9% just died of lung cancer in Beijing in 1974-2003 rose 250%. If effective control measures are not taken in time, by 2025, lung cancer patients in China will reach 1 million, as the world's largest lung cancer.

 Smoking can lead to 13 kinds of cancer

If current smoking patterns do not change, control of smoking is not hard, it is estimated that by 2025, about 2 million people die each year from tobacco-related diseases, by the middle of this century, it is estimated that 3 million people die every year from tobacco-related diseases. Experts say there is clear evidence that smoking causes cancer 13, including cancer of the lung, larynx, mouth, esophagus, stomach, leukemia, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, cancer caused by passive smoking with lung cancer and leukaemia. Fellow of the Institute of Oncology of Peking Medical College Hospital, Cheng Shu-Jun recommended the establishment of a National Lung Cancer Prevention Center, responsible for national monitoring lung cancer incidence, harmonize national lung cancer prevention programs and related studies, and the establishment of a national lung cancer prevention demonstration sites and communities. To advance the prevention, prevention strategies of comprehensive prevention and control measures. At the same time, established starting from kindergartens, primary health education, including non smoking rooms.

Capital University of medical sciences Director of the lung cancer treatment center Yi suggested that among people over the age of 55 receive at least once in the chest CT examination rather than a chest x-ray screening, especially smoking Ultra 30, daily smoking Ultra 20 high-risk groups at least once a year to do a chest CT examination.

Section of this group, according to Xinhua News Agency, people's daily, so

 Give you a heads-up

"Three three" smokers don't effect that

Chinese anti-cancer Association professional Committee of lung cancer, pulmonary Oncology Director, Professor Wang said Tianjin tumor hospital, 10 times higher in smokers ' risk of lung cancer than smokers more than double. No smoking woman whose husband smoking and the risk of lung cancer will increase by 30%.

Start smoking earlier age, number of years smoking longer, increases with the amount of smoking, lung cancer risk is even greater. In particular the "three three" groups, smoking among the over 20 years, 20 years of age start smoking people smoke a day, more than 20 people, all people at high risk of lung cancer, other than needed to give up smoking as soon as possible, and should also be regular for lung cancer screening.

For non-high risk populations with no smoking history, to science to prevent lung cancer, except to be rejected, valued and active treatment of pulmonary chronic diseases, passive smoking to reduce indoor and outdoor air pollution, after home improvement to maintain ventilation in addition to regular medical screening should be conducted annually.

 Long-term exposure to kitchen smoke may also be suffering from lung cancer

Hangzhou Fuyang people Ms AW was 63 years old and have always been healthy. More than two months ago, she appears inexplicable coughs, prudence to the hospital had a more detailed examination, CT finds lung has a diameter of 1 cm to the left of the shadows, diagnosed with lung cancer. "She has no family history of lung cancer, smoking is no one at home, or decorate the House in recent years, it is estimated that exposure to kitchen smoke every day with her most. "A hospital of Hangzhou City Bureau Director Wang Limin said.

A survey has shown that, in a non-smoking female lung cancer patients, over 60% women chronically exposed to smoke in the kitchen, catering personnel 1 time times higher risk of lung cancer than normal.

"Home cooking habits of high temperature and stir a lot, as this dish tastes good, Ms has been doing dishes over the years. "Wang Limin said that when the oil temperature up to 270-280 times, oil mist condensate can cause cell damage, resulting in the occurrence of cancer.

Wang Limin suggest that the high temperatures fried recipes instead of steamed or boiled and mild way; in addition to intake of vitamin a, beta-carotene, more vegetables, fruits contain a source of rich food.

 In our province

I provincial cancer incidence of lung cancer patients with the highest

According to this newspaper and other media had reported that the cancer incidence of Shaanxi and the national level is not bad, ranking first continues to be lung cancer, lung cancer death rates are highest at the same time. High incidence of other cancers show geographical features, such as in northern Shaanxi Province, a high incidence of cancer, gastric cancer, it is about the lifestyle of the local residents. Traditionally, people used to eat pickled sauerkraut and drinking heavily in northern Shaanxi. In Shaanxi Province is prone to esophageal cancer, habits, such as eating more spicy with the local population.

XI, CDC data shows, 2012 Xian male incidence of malignant tumors for about 100,000 residents, about 100,000 women, men's cancer rate was 1.56 times times the cancer rates of women. But whether male or female, incidence of cancer in the lung cancer ranks first.

  New results

Develop cancer detection products

Tsinghua University announced yesterday, the school's College of life sciences, professor Luo Yongzhang research group found that for the first time in the international heat shock protein 90 Alpha is a new tumor markers, independent research and development of quantitative assay kit have passed clinical trial validation.

Tumor markers are reflecting a tumor occurring substance, content in tumor patients than healthy people. Nature of its existence or quantity can prompt tumor, has become a cancer diagnosis, prognosis and treatment guidelines important adjunct. It is understood that the heat-shock protein 90 in α-tumor markers with a wide spectrum of characteristics, liver cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and so many other tumor types of clinical trials will be completed in the near future. As can be verified, kits can also be applied in a variety of common tumors.

When compared with other means of cancer detection, tumor markers of more convenient and efficient, the cost is significantly reduced. Just take a drop of blood, enabling you to use this kit for detection of heat-shock protein 90 in plasma Alpha content. If exceeding the acceptable ranges, recommended adopting other means to further confirm, can make patients receive treatment as early as possible, thereby greatly improving the cure rate, or prolong survival. Does this mean we can achieve "a drop of blood found lung cancer"? Luo Yongzhang, which no single tumor markers check is unable to determine whether the person is suffering from cancer. In other words, "a drop of blood found lung cancer" argument does not hold water. But cannot be used to detect lung cancer, but has been diagnosed in patients with confirmed has great significance in terms of therapeutic effect.

 Should watch the following symptoms of lung cancer

Chronic smokers over 45 years old with fever and chronic lung inflammation with fever, the treatment ineffective against lung cancer among other things the possibility of

Cough may be mild cough or severe cough, sputum of varying amounts. Long-term cough if coughing properties change, such as frequency or irritating dry cough, be alert for lung cancer

Smoking males over 40 years of hemoptysis occurs once blood in sputum, blood, or small blood clots, lung cancer the possibility of considerable, it is also one of the early symptoms of lung cancer

Chest pain intermittently intense dull pain or not drilled in the chest pain may last for a few minutes to a few hours. Such as cancer and pleural invasion, the pain more intense, continuous and fixed

Finger clubbing is also known as drumstick, characterized by hypertrophy of the first joint of the finger, toe, projecting nails bent, often accompanied by pain

Arthritis is often associated with finger clubbing together. Walk for arthritis symptoms, elbow, knee, wrist, ankle and hand joints burning sensation of pain, activity disorder

November 18, 2013China business network-China business news )((中国12年后或成肺癌第一大国 吸烟成主因|肺癌|吸烟|癌症_新闻资讯














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  长期接触厨房油烟 也可患肺癌






  我省癌症患者 肺癌发病率最高









  发热 45岁以上烟民出现长期慢性肺部炎症伴发热,治疗效果不佳者尤其要警惕肺癌的可能性

  咳嗽 可能轻度干咳,也可能严重咳嗽,痰液多少不等。长期咳嗽的人一旦出现咳嗽性质改变,如频率改变或刺激性干咳,要警惕肺癌

  咯血 40岁以上的吸烟男性一旦出现痰中带血、血丝或小血凝块,肺癌的可能性相当大,这也是肺癌的早期症状之一

  胸痛 胸部间歇性不剧烈的钝痛或钻痛,可持续数分钟至数小时。如癌肿侵及胸膜,则疼痛较剧烈、持续和固定

  杵状指 亦称鼓槌指,表现为指、趾第一关节肥大,指甲突起变弯,常伴有疼痛

  关节炎 常与杵状指同时存在。表现为游走性关节炎症状,肘、膝、腕、踝、指掌关节烧灼样疼痛,活动障碍


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