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Shanghai in October, new-home prices rose for the first time the country’s first

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/19 11:51:14 Browse times: 381 Comment times: 0

Shanghai in October, new-home prices rose for the first time the country’s first(上海10月新房价格同比涨幅首次全国第一)

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( October House prices rose for the first time the number of Shanghai | up | | new house prices in the price _ news

Evening news reported Zhang Jun you

"Hu's seven" quick introduction today, there seems to be a very good explanation of why. This morning, the Bureau in October, prices in 70 cities in new residential sales statistics show that in 70 cities, prices rose there are 69 cities, Shanghai rose 21.4%, for the first time become the country's highest. Worth noting is that in 144 square meters of new residential buildings, Shanghai also rose 21.7% to become the country's first.

Industry analysts, in Shanghai in October to improve housing stock prices rose rapidly, as its price rose in the country's first major cause, it also makes Government was determined to improve project control once again.

  Property market regulation and power all over already visible

In October for the real estate market, the control frequency, and this has also been reflected in the index today. Senior Statistician of the NBS City Division Liu Jianwei said that on the whole, preliminary estimates, 70 cities in newly built commercial housing prices compared with an average gain of 0.7%, than the average figures for the September gains narrowed 0.2%.

City view, first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, figures for the newly built commercial housing price increase than in September have narrowed. 4 tier cities newly built commercial housing prices compared with an average gain of 0.9%, than the average figures for the September gains narrowed 0.5%. Seen from the highest rise quarter on quarter comparison, 70 cities, October figures for the price of newly-built commercial residential high rises to 1.3%, up quarter on quarter rise than in September narrowed 0.6%. And Shanghai from September the chain rose 1.6%-October rose cent, upward trend eased.

"The October rates rise quarter on quarter to narrow, and further strengthening of regulatory policy related in some cities. "Interpretation of Liu Jianwei said. In its view, the chain gains narrowed in part because developers keep an eye on "ten gold, nine silver," the traditional sales season, is pushing a new project, increases in market supply, and to some extent eased the pressure of price rises. The other hand, some cities on the part of the project also further tightened the approval conditions of sale prices, house prices rise quarter on quarter have been contained.

At the same time, 70 cities in newly-built commercial housing prices rose with a relatively low base of comparison in the same month of last year have a certain relationship. Preliminary estimates, last October, prices in 70 cities in newly built commercial residential up to 1.1%. In addition, changes in prices between cities still varies, per cent inflation is higher, are still mainly concentrated in first-tier cities and a two or three tier cities, the majority of urban housing prices rose overall smooth. In addition, Liu Jianwei stressed that determine secular trends in the price also take into account changes in the fixed base index. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities in recent months this year despite the newly-built commercial housing prices rose more in the year, but from a 2010 price-fixed base index of 100, each of the three years have averaged at around 7% per cent.

  New homes in Shanghai rose 21.4%

New homes rose 21.4%, making Shanghai the first to ascend the country's first. Seen from the classification project, whether it is in September compared with a year ago as compared to October, 144 square improvement availability rises are still evident, in particular, remains more than 20% per cent, ranked first in the country. In the industry's view, is the main reason prices climb in Shanghai.

From strategy consulting research data show that 2013-October, commodity houses sold in Shanghai area has exceeded 10 million square meters mark, 10.52 million square meters, is expected to contract 12 million square meters. Which, January-October merchandise residential main just needed (area 100 square following, total 2 million within) sold area accounted for city proportion for 26.54%, improved type needs (area in 100-180 square Zhijian, total in 2.005 billion Zhijian) sold area accounted for city proportion reached 25.45%, 2013 years Qian October improved type needs in total increased based Shang, overall accounted for city sold area proportion also more 2012 throughout 24.23% rose 1.22%. "Qi Sheng's case, led to the overall price rise. "Zhang Hongwei, Director, strategic research Advisory Board analyze.

Shanghai real estate researcher Yan Yuejin said summing up Shanghai, Shanghai more closely controlled at the per cent quarter on quarter, rose a relatively stronger among the 70 cities in the first place. This also makes it necessary for government departments to curb regulation, in Shanghai, "Shanghai's seven" under the policy, some purchasers of the home ownership schemes had been interrupted, including two mortgage payments, buyers purchase seniority in the field to meet, increased home ownership costs. This will further undermine part of raising prices of disturbance factors and change the rise in house prices is expected in the future.

Hongwei ZHANG, Director of China Strategic Advisory Research Department also noted that the two mortgage downpayments perform not less than 70% policy may be for part of the population, especially for the first time to improve this population have an impact, leading to this part of the demand reset. Judging from the end of this period, high-end real estate sales or will be affected.

(Original title: Shanghai new homes rose for the first time the country first)

(Edit: SN086)November 18, 2013Evening news )((上海10月新房价格同比涨幅首次全国第一|涨幅|房价|新房价格_新闻资讯

  晚报记者 张骏斓 报道





  分城市看,北京、上海、广州、深圳等一线城市新建商品住宅价格环比涨幅比9月份均有所收窄。 4个一线城市新建商品住宅价格环比平均涨幅为0.9%,比9月份的环比平均涨幅收窄0.5个百分点。从环比最高涨幅比较看,70个大中城市中,10月份新建商品住宅价格环比最高涨幅为1.3%,比9月份的环比最高涨幅收窄0.6个百分点。而上海也从9月份的环比上涨1.6%下降至10月的环比上涨0.8%,上涨趋势有所缓解。

  “10月份房价环比涨幅收窄,与部分城市进一步强化调控政策有关。 ”刘建伟解读道。在其看来,环比涨幅收窄一方面是由于开发商看好“金九银十”这一传统销售旺季,力推新项目,市场供应量增加,一定程度上房价上涨的压力有所缓解。另一方面,一些城市对部分项目也进一步严格了房价的销售审批条件,房价环比涨幅受到了抑制。




  来自同策咨询研究部数据显示,2013年1-10月,上海商品住宅成交面积已经突破1000万平方米大关,达到1052万平方米,预计全年成交1200万平方米左右。其中,1-10月商品住宅主力刚需 (面积100平方米以下,总价200万以内)成交面积占全市比例为26.54%,改善型需求(面积在100-180平方米之间,总价在200-500万之间)成交面积占全市比例达到25.45%,2013年前10月改善型需求在总量增加基础上,总体占全市成交面积比例也较2012年全年24.23%上升1.22%。 “量价齐升的情况下,导致了整体房价攀升。 ”同策研究咨询部总监张宏伟分析道。





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