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Li keqiang to the United Kingdom think-tank speech

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Li keqiang to the United Kingdom think-tank speech

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Li keqiang to the United Kingdom think-tank speech | Li keqiang visits United Kingdom _ news

Xinhuanet, London, June 18 (reporters Chen Erhou and and Jin Wei)-18th Premier Li keqiang local time this morning at the residence of the Lord Mayor of London for the United Kingdom's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the International Institute for strategic studies think-tank in two published, entitled development of a better world to build inclusive, speech.

Li said, realizing inclusive development is common all over the world. China put its own 1.3 billion people's food and clothing and to live and work in progressive realization of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization as the main content of the modern, the inclusive development would be the largest in human history. China will promote to people of new towns, promote the coordinated development of integrated urban-rural, regional and will take a new road to industrialization, promote green and low carbon development, relying on the innovation of endogenous growth through quality and efficiency upgrades, to promote sustainable economic development. China will bound advance reform, through further decentralization, implementation structural reform, achieved full played market configuration resources of decisive role and better played Government role organic combines, inspired civil investment potential, mobilization market subject and millions people of enthusiasm and creativity; while advance new a round opening, focus on expanded services and inland along side open, for foreign investors provides more favourable of development environment, makes China better to into world, also for world inclusive development made important contribution.

Li stressed that the Chinese people love peace. China's achievements in the past more than 30 years of development benefits from a peaceful and stable external environment. Path of peaceful development has brought enormous dividends to the Chinese people, and also between countries can achieve win-win, win. History proves that war is a failure of human wisdom, peace is fruit of reflection misery. China will unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development, pursue a win-win strategy of opening up, the "being a good neighbor and partner" around policies, is willing to work with other countries in the world are committed to creating a lasting peaceful international environment. But for stirring up trouble and harm the peace, China must take strong measures to stop in order to maintain world peace, stability and a peaceful environment.

Li noted that both developed and developing countries is to promote the development of the world economy, "twin engines". Inclusive development to achieve mutual benefit developed and developing countries, should be rebuilding the global economy after the financial crisis around the world order of tasks and responsibilities. All countries should continue to carry forward the spirit of solidarity, carry out reform and innovation, strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, elimination of protectionist barriers, promoting the establishment of a fair and competitive market order, expand common interests, share the benefits of globalization.

Li keqiang said at last, in the face of developments in the ever-changing world, China and the United Kingdom, the Orient and the Occident, between developing and developed countries should seize the opportunity to strengthen strategic cooperation, promote mutual growth, sharing innovative experiences, and to build an inclusive development of a better world.

Former Mayor of the city of London speech by Bai Erya, IISS Director Chipman. They said the United Kingdom is China's reliable cooperation partner and long-term, stable investment destination to develop good bilateral relations will benefit both sides, but also conducive to the world. Prime Minister Li keqiang's visit United Kingdom fruitful, which will strongly promote UK-China relations. United Kingdom high attention to China's reform and development, a think-tank, and appreciates China's efforts to safeguard world peace and promote common development and hoped that China would play a greater role in international affairs.

Li also answered the questions of the participants. Niblett, the Royal Institute of International Affairs Director chaired the q.

United Kingdom the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the International Institute for strategic studies is an internationally renowned think-tanks. The two agencies jointly organizing lectures for the first time. More than 300 experts and scholars to attend the activity. They responded to his speech with a long and warm applause.

(Edit: SN098)03:36 June 19, 2014 Xinhua NET

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