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Guangzhou second-hand House transaction storm down, real estate agent harvest pale

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Guangzhou second-hand House transaction storm down, real estate agent harvest pale

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Guangzhou second-hand House transaction and violently knock down real estate agent dismal harvest | real estate agents | Guangzhou second-hand House _ news

Yangcheng evening news reporter Zhang aili

Housing market has moderated mediation of cold: from lower commissions, go to, to save money by reducing electrical contractor port ... ... There are intermediaries that "worst yet to come"

Turn light housing estate agents catch cold. As more and more join the ranks of sale of new flats, Guangzhou second-hand House transactions slump. Yangcheng evening news reporter visited recently learned that Guangzhou second-hand units, recently traded down some time ago, almost 40%, and that this decline continues. Trading volumes have fallen sharply, leading to many real estate agents to a State of serious imbalance in its profit and loss. Worth noting is that because of the hard times, parts of the country in the near future there is mediation the issue of fees and e-commerce partners soufun burst into dispute.

  In recent months doing losing business

Real estate agents made last year, this year's dismal harvest. "Two months without a single sale and purchase transactions, leasing business now too. "Located in Xingang West Road, the yangcheng evening news reporter as an intermediate owner, hoping things will get better in the short term, not only to go bust. "Up to 5 months or so. ”

"From May to now, we have only completed a single transaction, but also because the owner needed to go abroad, accomplished on low transaction price of 200,000 yuan, or ' duck '. "The head of Huangpu Dadao intermediary Miss Sun said.

Compared with the urban medium, suburban number intermediary's life more difficult. "The secondary property market now too difficult to do business, there are two employees at the end of last month to resign, now we only have one person to do housing, others went to a. "As an intermediary in dongpu says today is too poor and fierce peer competition, in order to solicit some mediation initiative commissions from 3 down to 1.5 points, a number intermediary commissions and even down to 1 point.

Agents said their turnover than in April dropped by almost half in the near future. "Assuming no major changes in policy, you can be sure of is, the future will be much intermediaries will have to close. "Decheng a store official said:" in other words, when the worst is still to come. ”

The secondary property market volumes plunged, leading to serious imbalances in number intermediary company profit and loss. Number intermediary in yangcheng evening news reporter, said, in recent months are at a loss to do business! "The amounts of money last year, has been this year, this economic downturn of markets ' burned ' by nearly half. "Located in wuyang Metro mediation official said.

  Trading volumes fell by almost 40%

The bleak figures support transactions in the property market. Statistics released by the Ministry of land and Housing Administration Bureau in Guangzhou showed that in May of this year the city's former District 10 (excluding zengcheng, conghua) second-hand residential registration number 4722, down 36.6%, Super 40% region the largest decline.

In fact, not only of the secondary property market transactions fell sharply. Data show that as of June 11, housing in Beijing during the year as a whole contracted 40026, with 2013 88718 set by 54.9% in the same period, to a 2009 low, creating a comprehensive network to sign all-time.

Shanghai, Shenzhen and the situation is much the same. Data show that Shenzhen May decline in exports volume hit 46.2% before. Shanghai May, housing turnover is only 13900, far below the breakeven point real estate agents.

  Relevant reports

  Mediation off the shelf e-commerce listings

Hard to keep the property much intermediaries face a reckoning, some relevant intermediary started real estate business--soufun "Cannon", saying their port charges to rise year by year, and package upgrade in the way spots, so its operating costs rose sharply. In order to resist, many area agencies off the shelf as a Union in all houses of soufun. On May 28, Hangzhou 9 agency soufun, after all the houses under the Alliance form, Beijing, Dalian, Chongqing and other places also have "broke out" a similar action. On June 11, the Qingdao 50 real estate agents also form a coalition announced suspension of cooperation with the soufun, 160,000 suites from soufun port off the shelves.

Suffered much intermediaries boycott, house-hunting began to seek countermeasures. On June 12, soufun Announces "partner support program." Starting from June, its second-hand housing group's full line of products based on the existing discounts then playing 60 percent until the end of the year, real estate agency is designed to help tide over the current difficulties.

Yangcheng evening news reporter learned that these houses under the mediation of the boycott, as at present, Guangzhou is yet to come, but there is some intermediary told reporters, because soufun port charges were too high, bleak plus transactions, part of the port has been closed.

Guangzhou Branch soufun General Manager Xie Gan in yangcheng evening news reporter interview, also acknowledged number intermediary broker reduces the number of service ports, but this phenomenon is not serious.

Soufun through port package upgrades for the intermediary to reflect the way spots the problem, Xie Gan is not convinced. Xie Gan said: "soufun, prices are such that number intermediary brokerage firms in order to gain more market share, increase spending on opening more ports, so the cost will go up. ”

For Agency soufun PC ports and wireless overlap port charge as a complaint, Xie Gan explained that for all e-commerce, wireless service, are very important in a business, any business needs financial support. "But we now recognize that both overlap in their charges, so it stops the wireless port charges. "Xie Gan said.

(Original title: new house prices housing transactions caused by violence frustrates the Agency nearly a month to eat duck egg)

(Edit: SN010)05:23 June 19, 2014 Yangcheng evening

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