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Shaanxi is another “the Emperor mausoleum“ experts: Cenotaph

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/19 11:51:02 Browse times: 292 Comment times: 0

Shaanxi is another “the Emperor mausoleum“ experts: Cenotaph(陕西现另一座“隋炀帝陵”,专家:或为衣冠冢)

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( Shaanxi is another "Emperor's mausoleum," experts: or Cenotaph | | | Cenotaph in Shaanxi Province as Emperor Ling _ news

Western us (by jingzehao) on November 16, the State Bureau of cultural relics official announced, tombs of sui and Tang dynasties in HANJIANG district of Yangzhou city xihu Township for a double burial tomb of the Emperor and Empress of hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang. Shaanxi also has "the Emperor mausoleum", what is this then?

Yangzhou this tomb was discovered early this year. Earlier, the town of Jiangsu Yangzhou HANJIANG district Huai SI, Wugong Kung Fu and luoning County Henan Luoyang East of the town of xianyang of Shaanxi song and each has an "Emperor" mausoleum, so friends have jokingly referred to this as "Yang four eating."

  Shaanxi has an "Emperor Ling"

In 618, Emperor yangdi in jiangdu (present-day Yangzhou), was formed by the dead by Ministry of culture and, according to the record, Emperor died don't even have a decent coffins had to use on the bed, was hastily buried within the Palace, and then buried the change to "Wu". To tanggaozuwude for five years, according to the Imperial ceremonial move graveyard to another place to "Ray Tong." Arhats sigh of Tang dynasty emperor yangdi integrity in one's later years are in jeopardy, has written a poem "into Guo Guo Deng bridge ship, Red Willow every day every year. Emperor Wang Ren-Chen Ye, bolei Tong several fields. ”

But villagers in Wugong martial arts town, popular with another way of saying--after the establishment of the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin had in the life of tanggaozuliyuan, the emperor Yang Guang of the Sui dynasty Tomb was moved to his father Yang Jian Tai Ling ling.

When Yang Guang's coffin is going to arrive in Sui dynasty when Tai Ling, just move a step further, carrying the coffin of the pole is broken, then the storm and even bulldozed a pre-selected grave. Li Shimin guess it may be Yang Guang Yang Jian would it allow the felling of the son are buried in front of him, and orders came the Yuan, Mason Lee wind took a grave, buried Yang Guang. All of the soldiers, one a 2-acre pile up a large mound.

By coincidence, two villages in the vicinity – Luo Jiabao and villages of Luoyang, respectively "move Fort drive" and "off the village of smelt metals" harmonics.

  BI Yuan made a mistake or xiaoyao

Shanxi Governor of Qing dynasty Qianlong bi Yuan was a frenzy of "heritage enthusiasts", before nearly all the imperial tombs in Guanzhong region, has his tablet to mark the tomb of set.

Martial arts of this "Emperor mausoleum" is no exception, according to Luo Xincheng memories of living near the tomb of 65 years old, in the North of the tomb of Yang Guang had a 2 meter high stele, and writes "the Emperor mausoleum" 4 words, and as large as a washbasin, is the official title of a bi Yuan.

"Bi Yuan was a scholar, his research Emperor mausoleum in Shaanxi Province, to protect the Tomb made a great contribution. "Shaanxi Normal University study in sui and Tang dynasties history professor Du Wenyu said, however, he admits that, because at that time no archaeological, bi Yuan according to historical records and legends Emperor mausoleum is located, State stone" as much right and wrong ".

Du Wenyu told reporters that currently the Tomb excavation of Yangzhou, now should be the Emperor's tomb is located, this is most likely bi Yuan, Shaanxi province made a mistake.

"Someone died their tombs as much in history, this situation is not unusual. "Du Wenyu explained. Culture and formed by the death of emperor Yu, Li Yuan has occupied Guanzhong and Yongli Yang You Emperor, did not rule out that after his death, a Cenotaph to give expression to one's grief, after all, that time has not perished in Sui dynasty, Sui dynasty still nominally an "overlord".

Mausoleum now stands before a cultural relics protection monument, letter to "Emperor's mausoleum," four Chinese characters, it is understood that this monument was established in 1983, and as early as 1957, the Tomb has been included in the second batch of key cultural relic protection units in Shaanxi Province's sequence.

However, according to the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of archaeology experts, this "Emperor Ling" and no archaeological drilling, so I cannot confirm who owns, while more than 10 years ago when the Wugong County Edition, has also been found that this "Emperor mausoleum" actually should be a Memorial tomb of the Emperor of the Tang dynasty. (Don Memorial of external fixator across, Emperor Zhongzong of Tang Mr Alan Linning, fourth son, after the death of zhongzong were Wei Huanghou Yongli Emperor, Li long JI after broken. )

November 18, 2013WESTNET )((陕西现另一座“隋炀帝陵” 专家:或为衣冠冢|隋炀帝陵|陕西|衣冠冢_新闻资讯

  西部网讯(记者 敬泽昊)11月16日,国家文物局正式对外公布,位于扬州邗江区西湖镇的隋唐墓葬为隋炀帝和皇后萧氏的合葬墓。而陕西也有座 “隋炀帝陵”,这是怎么回事呢?







  又是毕沅搞错了 或为衣冠冢









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