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Foreign media focus on Hunan Hengyang Armory explosion

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Foreign media focus on Hunan Hengyang Armory explosion

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Foreign media attention, Hengyang, Hunan Hengyang Armory Armory explosion | explosions _ news

  Reference news network on June 19, said foreign media, China's State media said, an armoury exploded in central China, killing 17 soldiers killed.

June 18, the associated press quoted Xinhua News Agency reported that the 17th afternoon blast occurred when officers and being the ammunition storage stack. The cause of the blast was under investigation.

Hengyang City in Hunan province, Central, a female police officer, the 18th confirmed the accident, saying that no people were injured in the explosion.

Reports of Chinese military action in general highly confidential, for similar accidents such as explosions, crash information controls are very strict. The explosion is defined as an accident.

According to the United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation, June 18, Chinese State media said an armoury in Hengyang City in Central Hunan province on 17th explosion, caused the death of 17 sailors. Xinhua News Agency says the explosion occurred in 16:45, at that time, the armoury officers and being the ammunition storage stack.

Reported that in early June, Chinese Navy's East China Sea fleet air force one aircraft in conducting the difficult tactical night regular training crash, crashed in the mountainous areas of southern Zhejiang Yiwu.

Reports said, PLA has 2.3 million soldiers, is the largest army in the world. Nearly 20 years ago, as China's defense expenditure has been growing significantly, hardware building, and the living conditions of soldiers of the Chinese army has been heavily modified. Nevertheless, to huge army consisting mainly of Chinese military equipment still advanced enough, supervision and lax.

"Related news" newspaper in Hong Kong: China's military logistics reform

Beijing, April 8, 8th Edition, according to the Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, on March 19, led by members of the Central Military Commission, General Zhao Keshi and security forces reform logistics policy system held its first meeting of the special marks kicked off a comprehensive logistics reform. After the establishment of the military deep reform group, was unveiled and put into operation by the first group. From the literal point of view, the project group responsibilities cover "logistics policy system and security forces", which is actually revealing the direction of reform.

Article excerpts are as follows:

After 1949, except for 1950 's brief "big eight" period, long-term maintenance General staff, the general political Department and the General Logistics Department of PLA's three-part structure. Until 1998, when in the original National Defense Committee on the basis of, and integration of the PLA general staff headquarters, the General after some of the functions of the formation of the General armament Department, is responsible for the development of weapons and equipment, form the pattern of today's four headquarters, subsequently gedajunqu, services and arms, combat troops also formed a four-door model.

However, with the convergence of services and arms work together to advance, drawback, charge separation after more and more obvious, Logistics Department is in charge of military supplies to protect, and armament departments are responsible for weapons and support, this fragmentation likely to cause security line, affect combat effectiveness, particularly more so in times of war.

Thus, Zhao Keshi-led reform of the special group on the "logistics reforms" is considered to be the Central Bank policymakers had decided to solve this problem. In fact, at the grass-roots forces, reform has sometimes.

From 2012 onwards, the CMC decided, army divisions and the Division the following forces to implement major reforms, merged to form the Ministry support of logistics and equipment, resulting in divisions, brigades formed a "headquarters, DPA, Department" new three-part. At the mission level set up to protect. The Nanjing military region, some forces in the field, such as exercise run after, loading the merged force emergency response time in half, greatly improve the efficiency of training, operational, and proves that a move in the right direction, and also provides references for further reforms.

At present, the only senior command levels included, large military districts and military headquarters of the army remain after Division, the Chief,, mounted unit. However, different from the grass-roots units, and General armament Department in addition to addition to its weaponry to protect the supply function, responsible for army equipment research, ordering, and directly under a large number of test sites, the security forces, scientific research institutes and control of conventional weapons, space weapons, nuclear weapons research and development.

For example, known outside of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and the Xichang satellite launch Center, owned by Beijing Aerospace city under the General armament, also manned space engineering headquarters by the General armament Department of the Minister. Thus, high-level, charge after reform, should not have the grass-roots level that directly, but according to different functions, or divestitures or restructuring or strengthening of reforms respectively.

But in any case, this military Commission set up after the project groups and security forces reform logistics policy system, indicate appropriate optimization and reorganization of high-level bodies, has entered a substantive stage of demonstration planned. Logistics reform in full advance, bottom, is imperative. (Ma Haoliang)

"Related news" foreign media: China's military reform or will further deepen

Foreign media say early following the April 18 senior army generals in the army newspaper issued a document to support the CPC Central Committee General Secretary and CMC Chairman after XI Jinping, 17 other deputies General 18th collective published bylined articles from more than one angle to the dream the dream of China, strong army, expressed support for XI Jinping, direction and leadership commitment.

According to Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, April 18, analysts said, the actions that he faces many severe challenges both at home and abroad, for his part, is it necessary to increase the loyalty of the army.

NI lexiong of military experts in Shanghai said: "China faces significant external pressure, especially in the East China Sea and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands sparked tensions, so the Chinese people's Liberation Army have to do with Japan self-defense forces may clash preparations. ”

Reports, writing in 18th in the Liberation Army daily of 17 senior officers is a military area command Deputy Commander, Assistant Director of the critically acclaimed, Chief of staff of Assistant Deputy Commander, they all have the rank of Rear Admiral or above. 36 senior generals prior published similar articles on March 7 and April 2, respectively.

Military commentators said Zhang Lifan, Chairman of the high-ranking position of such magnitude of allegiance, it was the first time since China's reform and opening in the late 1970 of the 20th century.

Zhang Lifan said: "version of an article published by the PLA to XI Jinping, boost the morale of PLA's middle-level officers and ordinary soldiers. ”

According to the Singapore Lianhe zaobao reported on April 19, 18th the CPC mouthpiece, the Liberation Army daily to study and implement the acquisition of the Chairman of the national defense and army building on important expositions on the new starting point to promote a strong military forces general titles of great practice, published 17 articles. Previously, also includes the PLA Air Force Commander and seven military region commander, Deputy Commander of the second artillery corps, the armed forces Commander, 18 senior PLA generals signed article, expressing his support.

Reported said, and previously of Chief collective signature articles different, 18th wrote of 17 bit senior generals is to each military Deputy Commander, and critically acclaimed director Assistant, and Chief of Assistant, Deputy generals mainly, including Beijing military Deputy Political Commissar and Department Director Cheng Tong a, and Shenyang military Deputy Commander Wang Xixin, and Jinan military Deputy Commander June, and Lanzhou military Deputy Political Commissar Miao Hua, and general political Department Director Assistant Cen Xu, and Chief of Assistant Chen, and air force Deputy Commander Zhang Jianping, and Navy East fleet commander Su supporting,.

Reported that the top generals from different perspectives, XI Jinping, a series of demands on the army building, focusing on expression of people's Liberation Army's determination to support the XI Jinping, instruction and leadership, and vowed to follow requirements of advance army reform process and the rule of law, build up the people's Liberation Army into "able to fight, win" a modern army.

Zhang Lifan said: "version of an article published by the PLA to XI Jinping, boost the morale of PLA's middle-level officers and ordinary soldiers. ”

According to the Singapore Lianhe zaobao reported on April 19, 18th the CPC mouthpiece, the Liberation Army daily to study and implement the acquisition of the Chairman of the national defense and army building on important expositions on the new starting point to promote a strong military forces general titles of great practice, published 17 articles. Previously, also includes the PLA Air Force Commander and seven military region commander, Deputy Commander of the second artillery corps, the armed forces Commander, 18 senior PLA generals signed article, expressing his support.

Reported said, and previously of Chief collective signature articles different, 18th wrote of 17 bit senior generals is to each military Deputy Commander, and critically acclaimed director Assistant, and Chief of Assistant, Deputy generals mainly, including Beijing military Deputy Political Commissar and Department Director Cheng Tong a, and Shenyang military Deputy Commander Wang Xixin, and Jinan military Deputy Commander June, and Lanzhou military Deputy Political Commissar Miao Hua, and general political Department Director Assistant Cen Xu, and Chief of Assistant Chen, and air force Deputy Commander Zhang Jianping, and Navy East fleet commander Su supporting,.

Reported that the top generals from different perspectives, XI Jinping, a series of demands on the army building, focusing on expression of people's Liberation Army's determination to support the XI Jinping, instruction and leadership, and vowed to follow requirements of advance army reform process and the rule of law, build up the people's Liberation Army into "able to fight, win" a modern army.

Cheng Tongyi wrote: "Mr XI China dreams strong army of them important, as the spirit banner of contemporary China's development and progress, and demonstrates the strong sense of affinity, charisma and drive, is to lead the men thought and action guide for spiritual growth and the power source. ”

Chen pointed out that XI Jinping on deepening the reform of national defense and the army made a series of important expositions, "points out the direction for planning and promoting reform, provides a fundamental follow."

Reported that analysis of foreign media quoted political observers pointed out that continuous devotion to the Chinese military is a "unified, standardized, unified devotion" idea is for a big cushion, predicts the army into overdrive to fight corruption.

Reports also said that there is speculation that continuous devotion to the Chinese military and the military next to deepen reform. XI Jinping, foreign media since taking the helm, faced many challenges at home and abroad, there is an urgent need to PLA "completely changed" changes. He spent nearly a year has powerful anti-corruption in the military, mass education activities to strengthen the army's ideological and work style construction.

"Related news" foreign media: XI Jinping, pushing the defense and army reform

Reuters March 15, citing the official Xinhua News Agency reported that XI Jinping hosted the Central Military Commission, deepening the reform of national defense and the army's first plenary session of the leading group, this is the first time state media refer to this group.

In addition to the leadership of the newly established Central National Security Committee, he also served as economic reform and the similar bodies in charge of cybersecurity.

During the meeting, XI Jinping stressed the "advance reforms around the strong military goals."

Reported this month, China announced the largest military spending increase in three years, this is Beijing, no intention to change its strong signal of more resolute attitude in Asia, especially in the disputed waters.

2014 defence budget is XI Jinping, defense budget released last year after serving as President for the first time, and this time, expenditure growth seemed to indicate that he wants to build a strong and vibrant China.

He also urged military leaders to accelerate China's only aircraft carrier combat. In addition to the aircraft carrier, China is also developing a series of high-tech weapons, including weapons systems of the stealth fighter and can shoot down satellites.

The voice website reported on March 15, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President and CMC Chairman XI on March 15 to deepening the reform of national defense and the army head of the leading group of the Central Military Commission presided over the first plenary session of the group identity. Earlier, XI has served as the Central deepen reform work leading group, Central National Security Council and head of the Central leading group for network security and information technology.

"Related news" China's military will advance anti-corruption reform stepped up equipment ordering, monitoring

Beijing, January 17 electric according to China army network reporter channel reported, Communist Politburo members, and CMC Deputy President Xu qiliang 16th in army discipline check workshop Shang stressed, to seriously implement Central Commission for discipline inspection three times plenary and XI President important speaks spirit, firmly grasp strong army target, insisted strictly rule party, and strictly army, and strictly rule officer, strict discipline, are wind punishing rot, put army party clean government and anti-corruption work improve to new level.

Member of the Central Military Commission, Director Zhang Yang presided over the meeting.

Xu qiliang said that Mr XI an important speech at the plenary meeting of the Central Commission for discipline inspection three times, reflects the party and the party's intense suffering and history, and shows the strict discipline and harsh punishment and rot, of maintaining the party's advanced nature purity determination is the strengthening of party building and another programmatic document of the fight against corruption. Party committees and discipline Inspection Commission to Mr XI studying and implementing the important speech as a major political task and seeking unity of thinking and action, into advancing the construction of concepts and concrete steps to combat corruption. From the CPC Central Committee, Chairman of the learning strategies of governance in deepening awareness of the status of a clean government, from the CPC Central Committee, Mr XI's determination to fight corruption anti-corruption efforts of strengthening the fight against corruption in the will and motivation, from the CPC Central Committee, Chairman of the learning expectations of love and special requirements of the military established a higher standard, and with a strong determination, courage to strengthen the clean.

Xu qiliang stressed that with a strong spirit and a high level of discipline, pays special attention to Chairman of the Central Commission for discipline inspection three plenary meetings in particular bought important speech implementation. Will continue to punish corruption, prevention of corruption, firmly maintaining military discipline. Most stressing party spirit, discipline, discipline inspection and supervision departments at all levels should be the most disciplined and maintain party discipline as a vocation, grasping party principles, ideals and beliefs of the "lifeline" and grab the discipline this "bottom line". Anti-corruption institutional mechanisms to actively promote military reform and innovation, deepen the anti-corruption research on major issues under the new situation, grasp the characteristics and laws, innovative methods, enhancing the effectiveness of work time-specific.

Xu qiliang said, should focus on achieving a strong military goals, disciplinary inspection and supervision function into full play. Adhere to the absolute leadership of the party over the army, as a top priority, and urged all levels to uphold and implement the fundamental principle and system of the party commands the gun to ensure smooth Decree orders. Insisted put timely effective of discipline monitored throughout strong army XING army full process, urged party committees at all levels firmly implement strong army target strategy thought, check whether has and strong army requirements phase adapted of thinking concept, whether has in new beginning Shang led forces across development of mission served as, check fighting standard tree have prison not prison, and guideline correct not correct, and work style real not real, on party gives of mission task do didn't do responsibility. To discipline inspection and supervision into preparations for military struggle, saw the party through training wind, wind through the construction zone training, strengthen combat readiness, equipment ordering, such as supervision of engineering construction. Adhere to the regulation and supervision be put into education practice of the mass line of the party, and constantly deepen the work style construction.

Xu qiliang stressed that to strengthen organizational leadership, open up new prospect of clean government and anti-corruption work in the army. Party committees at all levels should earnestly shoulder the responsibility, Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries to be a good first person, party leaders must take the lead in observance of discipline, good clean government by example. Commission for discipline inspection at all levels must carry out its oversight responsibilities and due diligence for real shoutu. Insist on inspections and disciplinary fit together, with a good patrol the anti-corruption "weapon", give full play to the petition, finance, audit, legal and other means of advantages and functions to form active grab, participatory, concerted efforts at all levels and departments. We must strengthen our supervision team ideas, organization, capabilities, work style, with iron discipline to build a loyal, reliable, service people, integrity, discipline and impartial witness team.

Zhang Yang presided over the meeting, noted that Mr XI attaches great importance to upholding integrity and combating corruption, and made a series of decisions and important discussion, new requirements put forward many new ideas and new perspectives conclusions, we provide fundamental guidance and follow it. To insist on Mr XI, and the Central Bank decision indicates the unity of action, high standards in deployed new year anti-corruption work, in a spirit of reform and innovation to advance the military further development of anti-corruption.

The four General Headquarters/departments, major units stationed in Beijing, the armed police force and the General Office of the Central Military Commission attended the meeting. (Reporters An Puzhong, Zhang)

(Original title: foreign media attention to Hengyang Armory explosion)

(Edit: SN098)10:13 June 19, 2014 Reference news

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