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Canton has investigation department level cadres ’ serious disciplinary problems this year and 38

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Canton has investigation department level cadres ’ serious disciplinary problems this year and 38

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Canton has investigation department level cadres ' serious disciplinary problems this year and 38 central second inspection | | clean _ news

  2013 second round of visits to regions and units--

  "If you get the" rectification "report card"

On June 18, Yunnan province to the public feedback on the central inspection teams moved on. At this point, 2013 second round the Central patrol, Jilin, Shanxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Anhui, Yunnan and other 6 provinces and the Ministry of land and resources, Ministry of Commerce, the Xinhua News Agency, the three gorges group and 4 units all produce a rectification "report cards".

Central second inspection work from late October until the end of December, in February of this year continue to feedback to the visits and inspections. In accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, the visits and party committees (leading party group) attaches great importance to visiting feedback and correction work, mainly responsible for carrying out duty of responsibility, deployment, personally supervise in person, personally fulfilling, strengthening responsibility, layers of conductive pressure itemizing grasp the implementation of rectification, rectification work is progressing steadily in an orderly fashion.

  Increase the intensity of punishment, exposed roll call by name

The patrol area and unit for clues about the case of the central inspection group feedback, examine processing. Meanwhile, further increase the intensity of violation cases and prosecuted, investigated a number of cases.

Guangdong Province is a province in terms of informed the investigating Department level cadres. Investigation Department level cadres ' serious disciplinary problems this year 38 people, including former Deputy Secretary-General of the provincial government, the provincial anti-smuggling Office former Director of coastal defence Luo Ou, former General Manager of Guangdong power grid Wu Zhouchun, province, Wang Kewei, former Deputy Director of the Office of science and technology, and so on.

Anhui Province investigation County at level above (containing County at level) leaders case 82 pieces, which city office level cadres case 5 pieces, including ' an economic and technological development zone Working Committee original Secretary, and CMC original Director Zhou Yao, province tourism original party Secretary, and original Secretary Hu Xuefan, chuzhou municipal original Secretary jiangshan, xuancheng city intermediate people's Court original Dean Yang Moulin, chuzhou Su Chu modern industry Park CMC original Director, and party Working Committee original Deputy Secretary Xing Gao.

Jilin province has 4 official investigation department level cadres, namely the tonghua municipal party Committee Assistant Deputy Secretary, Mayor Tian Yulin, formerly Executive Vice President of the party School of CPC SWUPL, provincial Academy of Premier and Party Secretary Yue Derong, Deputy Zhao Hongxing, Director of the provincial Department of Justice.

Ministry of land and resources Bureau-level cadres for 5 and 1 Deputy Bureau level cadres to give disciplinary punishment, and 2 of them are relieved from duties of the Bureau-level cadres, on 2 Department level cadres to give disciplinary punishment, and 1 of them being relieved from Office cadres of posts.

Hunan province has 15 departmental level cadres to initiate an investigation, including the provincial government Deputy Secretary General Liu Yuehui, Yueyang municipal Committee, Secretary of the political and Legislative Affairs Committee Han Jianguo, in the South, former Vice Chancellor of the University, the school of assets operation company Chairman Hu Tiehui, Valin, Vice General Manager Zheng Baiping.

Discipline inspection and supervision organs of Yunnan Province Department level cadres file 8 cases in the first quarter, an increase of 7, cadres at county level 51, an increase of 88.9%.

Shanxi province has not checked the number with the Department or Bureau level cadres openly, but revealed that disciplinary action the Department or Bureau level cadres increased 100%, dispose of number of cadres at county level rose 36.9%.

"They deal with cases of violation of, in a sense, brought dividends understandable inspections system reform. "The Deputy Secretary-General of the Center for studies of Chinese Academy of social sciences, China's independent Commission against corruption high says," in some places and units in the past for a variety of factors, afraid to investigate and deal with cases. Through innovative ways and means of inspection, to be more effective in urging them to take on the responsibility of uncorrupted and increase efforts to deal with corruption cases. ”

  Spirit of the eight rules, strong regulation "four winds" problem

Whether the spirit of the Central eight regulations and "four winds" is one of the central inspection group visits focus. For tour groups, pointed out that some cadres in violation with a number of homes, "cable card, receipt of ' red '", and so on, all visits and come up with a solution.

Li Hua Yuan, Shanxi provincial cadre House community is exceeded, Shanxi provincial party Committee, said the central claim to make back in place, is intensifying its implementation. For exceeding the provincial cadre House, Jilin province, is the housing charges, set within the area of the part, the Changchun municipal housing policy implementation beyond the area of another, according to the provincial government imposed public houses sold super size the market price of housing.

Guangdong province to give and receive "red envelopes" problem of administration and put forward concrete measures, investigate and publicly in the media exposure of the Shantou Zheng Jiahan, former Deputy Director of the Standing Committee to accept "red envelope" bribes, gifts and other 5 typical cases.

In order to correct part of the exhibitions, forums, more luxurious, fiscal investment of major problems, the Commerce Department reported that at present, the exhibition Forum basic procedural events such as the opening and closing ceremonies were cancelled, cancelled performances, large receptions, are no longer issued gift; exit 7 on behalf of the Commerce Department-sponsored forum activities, reduction of 7 events, hosting or co-hosting.

Exceed the purchase from the visiting team bus issues, informed the Group of the three gorges, said group leaders before he left office, equipped with Audi's 2.8L official cars are switching to reception. Currently, the other leaders of the Group's official cars, according to SASAC central enterprise heads clear views of the interim provisions on the management of official vehicles continue to be used in meeting update and obsolete standards, strictly according to the standard. Meanwhile, the organization launched a group-wide corporate vehicle specific clearance.

  Strict party discipline, adhere to the correct political orientation

All visits and attaches great importance to compliance with the party's political discipline, sound system, strengthening education supervision and strict management, safeguard the centralism and unity of the party, the Central Government decrees.

Hunan provincial central inspection group feedback on the implementation of political discipline problems, the provincial party Committee in accordance with central requirements, dealt with Hengyang lawfully according to disrupt the elections. At present, terminate the 596 people (including match officials with the County deputies qualifications), 749 provincial, city and County (city, district) National People's Congress delegates in two batches to 466 people disciplinary punishment, the first batch of 409 people has issued a decision on a sanction given, involving departmental level cadres 18, Office cadres, 139. Provincial procuratorial investigation of 68 people, including 50 persons has been the conclusion of the investigation transferred to the prosecution.

Anhui province to strengthen the party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and cadres on political discipline, discipline supervision and inspection, resolutely correct a few places, minority cadres of disorganized, discipline problems.

According to some local and departmental leaders of Jilin province has to deal with, cope with thoughts on instructions that there was "not implemented" problems such as disease, further increase the intensity of the supervision work of the Party Committee, focused on building "supervision" and implement a system of "implementation leaders." Flexible use of unannounced visits of inspection work, the implementation does not implement "yellow alert" System.

Inspection teams put forward "some journalists and political discipline has slipped, violation of political discipline incidents" problem, the Xinhua News Agency 4 Bureau-level cadres ' training courses have been held, to total social sector unit, branch 271 people were concentrated such as leaders and team members in rotation. Theme educational activities carried out in the head office all the party members, leading cadres of political stances and ideals and faith, serious political discipline, discipline and propaganda discipline.

  To prevent "sick promoted" specification for selection and appointment

During the two sessions this year, fourth in the second round of inspections of the Central Xiang Zongxi told the media that the patrol leader, 10 inspection groups all identify staffing problems. Released from the rectification of it, "naked officials", cadre supernumerary overweight become the focus of rectification.

Guangdong was "naked officials" problem by the inspection group "name". Since then, Guangdong was quick to "naked officials" touch-and-management, post adjustment to the 866 cadres, which City Hall level 9, level 134, middle-level and below, 723. The province also increased "sick promoted" problem-and-accountability efforts, at present, the Organization Department of the provincial party Committee since 2013 are subject to disciplinary punishment process of selection and appointment of personnel to carry out investigations.

Cadres of the central inspection group supernumerary overweight problems, Jilin Province adopted concurrently relieved from duty, Exchange in ways that one-time provincial party Committee and provincial government and the provincial people's Congress and the CPPCC, ultra fit all 10 Deputy Secretary-General, provincial departments and provincial overweight 6 cadres in colleges and universities and cities (States) super match 13 Vice Secretary-General of the digestive tract.

Inspection group has pointed out that Vice provincial leaders of Jilin province have individual violations served as Chairman of financial institutions. In this regard, Jilin reported that leadership positions in financial institutions, former deputy provincial-level cadres have 3 people. Among them, 1 man violation is processed from individuals; 2 other leaders expressed their full support of the Central and provincial party Committee decided, has resigned from the part-time positions in the enterprise.

Anhui Province, strictly investigate candidates clearance, further regulating the work of selecting and appointing cadres in the "motion", "determine the subject" two key points, and conscientiously implement the "masses is not high", "naked officials" provisions of 6 kinds of persons shall not be included as subject. Study and formulation of implementing rules for the matters related to the personal checks to verify the report, expressly ascertained and risked to report matters, implementation of "one-vote veto" this year to perform spot checks to verify not less than 10%.

Into the problem of violations of the central inspection group, Hunan province reported that at present, investigating and handling into 18 cases of violations, accountability and 126. Among them, the Department level cadres and 5 counties (cities, districts) of Wei, Secretary of the County (city, district) long 12.

"Deeply hated were rampant on the selection and appointment of the masses of party members, if this wind, the exhausted party credit. This round of reform, is problem-oriented visits and units, the problems existing on the selection and appointment of serious reorganization, embodies the courage and determination of strictly administering the party and help to enhance the credibility of the party, will play a positive role. "High said. (Reporter Wang Xinmin He Tao)

Commentary: improving the inspection results using this key

Found the problem is deterring, corrective action implementation is the key.

According to requirements, inspections in the second round last year in 10 districts and units, has recently made public feedback on the central inspection teams moved on.

Central Government attach great importance to visits and the rectification work, emphasizing the inspections found problems, timely feedback to the patrol area and party committees (leading party group), urged the implementation of responsibility, conscientiously corrected.

To ensure that the corrective action to achieve tangible results, Central, including moved on to the public on a range of important initiatives, requested the inspection party to be able to solve the problem in a timely manner, promptly implement improvements, beginning within two or three months, so that the cadres and the masses to see and touch.

From this round of visits and open manner, and visits to corrective action achieved initial results. Noteworthy is that compared with the first round, second inspection object reorganizes the rhythm quickly-this round of inspections public had moved on about 1.5 months faster than the first round. In addition, the open case of "dry goods" more weight--focusing on data and facts for investigation of violating personnel called upon to inform the name of the most exposure.

Effectiveness of corrective action achieved, there were visits and party committees (leading party group) the main responsibility for implementation. Implementation of rectification work, visits and the party committees (leading party group) earnestly shouldering responsibility for the honest, mainly responsible for shouldering the responsibility, would issue corrective action as a major political task, highlight issues surrounding the inspection group feedback, one a corrective, a stage to a stage farther forward. Meanwhile, some loopholes and weak links, through deepening reform, building up business, form a comprehensive effect.

At present, the breeding ground of corruption still exists, anti-corruption situation remains severe and complicated, patrol work can only be strengthened and not weakened. Each party must adhere to accountability, hard work on the problem was identified, in the use of outcomes and seek practical results, new achievements in upholding integrity and combating corruption, in response to community concern, winning the aspirations of the party. (He Tao)

(Original title: the second round of inspections corrective disclosures in a number of cases were investigated and dealt with)

(Edit: SN098)

08:36 June 19, 2014 The Central Commission for discipline inspection and Ministry of supervision site

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