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Beijing-Guangzhou line passenger train carriages occurred off-line,

Writer: qq Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/6/19 4:45:53 Browse times: 195 Comment times: 0

Beijing-Guangzhou line passenger train carriages occurred off-line,

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Beijing-Guangzhou railway passenger train carriages took place off line | unraveling _ Beijing-Guangzhou line | carriage news

    "What's new: the car passengers had been evacuated to other train" after the Beijing-Guangzhou line T171 train compartments of the train line, reporters get in touch with distress train compartments of a passenger, the passenger said, mainly 7 and 8th compartments of the train line, 8th is more serious. But fortunately there are only four or five passengers had minor scrapes. At present, the railway sector has organized train passengers to change buses to evacuate and has been distributing food to passengers. (Reporters Zhang)

    "Passenger trains for the Beijing-Guangzhou line caused landslides T171 time 1 vehicle line" June 19 at 5 o'clock in the morning, under the influence of continuous heavy rain, the Beijing-Guangzhou line between Sha and Takahashi sudden landslides, causing the T171 from Nanchang to Guangzhou East 12th after passenger train vehicles being dropped, 5 passengers were minor scrapes, no other casualties. Guangzhou Railway Group has launched emergency plans and rescue is under way. (Guangzhou daily reporter Zhang)

    10:33 June 19, 2014

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