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Mao Ze-Dong’s bodyguard remains 55 years after he visited the President burst into tears

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/19 11:48:05 Browse times: 261 Comment times: 0

Mao Ze-Dong’s bodyguard remains 55 years after he visited the President burst into tears(毛泽东警卫员55年后瞻仰主席遗体失声痛哭)

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Mao Ze-Dong's bodyguard remains 55 years after he visited the President burst into tears (photo) | | | guard of Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall _ news

Looking forward for 55 years, gave Mao Zedong as a 5-year guard Bong Xiao finally went to Beijing to honour the wishes of Chairman Mao. The morning of November 17, Beijing's Tiananmen Square, blue skies, accompanied by instructions of filial piety and family, came to Tiananmen Square, the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall to pay their respects at the southern end of Chairman Mao, wishes to achieve for years.

  1000 km "charity relay"

Covering more than 1000 kilometres from Xinhua to Beijing, in order to help on instructions from the old years old meet to remember tour, starting from October this year, Xinhua County and South Lake Hospital in Changsha discovered that on instructions from veteran after going to Beijing, help people with love and unit cohesion, and funded the old and on instructions from the memory of the trip.

On November 12, on instructions from the old line from Hsin Bong when you depart home town home, town Government take into account the poor road conditions, off-roader as they traveled to the County. Xinhua train station after arriving in Changsha, Changsha, ground transportation between South Lake Hospital car, and serve always do a thorough physical examination. November 16 afternoon on instructions from old after arriving in Beijing, loving person in the local voluntary organizations to meet and arrange hotel near Tiananmen Square to which vehicle will serve the old residence.

  Memorial opened a "green channel"

November 17 at 6 in the morning, and accompanied by old loving his family who came to Tiananmen Square. I have been instructed by staring at the five-starred red flag fluttering under clear blue skies, wilt was passionate and moving. "Tiananmen Square is greater than 50 years ago, Chang was also widened to be pretty. "On instructions from the old emotions.

The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall tourists queued up for tours of many, often to stand in line for 1 hour. Staff a few days ago after coming to Beijing to see Chairman Mao of the instructions are known, specially arranged for the green channel, and old to rapidly enter the Memorial. Memorial Hall Central placed 3 meters high white marble statue of Chairman Mao menorial Hall, and old was thrilled, first sent a third bouquet of chrysanthemums, and toast to a standard military salute.

Zhanyangting placement of Chairman Mao's body in a Crystal coffin, dressed in a grey Mao suit, covered with a red flag. After more than 50 years to see Chairman Mao, serve old couldn't hold, "Chairman Mao", cried to speak. Guards seeing this very moving around, holding serve older, advised him to calm the emotions. , But it was comforting, and old gradually stabilizing mood, Chairman Mao's body made three bow, and saluted a military salute, and accompanied the family to leave.


Mao Zedong worked as a security guard, and the second is rooted in rural

Was reported by the newspaper on December 9 last year gave Mao Zedong's serve when 5 guards in their hometown of filial piety in half a century, toiled to keep military secrets, secluded mountain, have been eager to go to shaoshan, in your lifetime see Chairman Mao in Beijing, has aroused strong repercussions in the country. Our faith in veteran won the respect of many readers, highly concerned about the loudi municipal party Committee and municipal government. On December 18 last year, the attention and help, on instructions from the old "shaoshan dream" finally take place. This newspaper have been published this year reported that full attention on instructions from the old memory of the trip to Beijing from Xinhua, more caring people will join the ranks to help him to make their dreams come true.

Three Hunan huasheng reporters Zhen Rong

November 18, 2013 Fashion online(毛泽东警卫员55年后瞻仰主席遗体失声痛哭(图)|毛主席|警卫|纪念堂_新闻资讯












  ■三湘华声全媒体记者 甄荣


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