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Lottery scheme for electric vehicles in Beijing before the end of publishing

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/19 11:48:03 Browse times: 287 Comment times: 0

Lottery scheme for electric vehicles in Beijing before the end of publishing(北京电动汽车摇号办法月底前发布)

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Lottery before the month released | Beijing Beijing electric vehicle motor | | a lottery _ news

The Beijing News (by staff reporter Guo Chao) in accordance with the programme of vehicle emission in Beijing next year, indicators of more stringent motor vehicle control measures will be implemented. Earlier, the traffic Department said the new vehicle configuration indicator approach will be made public this month, but in November, more than half, the relevant departments have not seen. It was revealed that the current programme as planned, but details are still controversial.

"Long rocker does not enjoy preferential treatment," surviving controversy

The Beijing 2013-2017 motor vehicle emission pollution control work programme after the release of decomposing a task table, starting from next year, Beijing motor vehicle determines the total increments to 150,000 vehicles a year, including rate has increased the proportion of new energy cars, from the initial 20,000 units gradually increased each year to 60,000 vehicles a year.

Head of the Beijing Municipal traffic Commission has said that vehicle configuration of indicators is currently collaboration with multi-sectoral developed approaches and policy initiatives of the departments Research and demonstration and popularization of new energy cars. Specific implementation plan will be announced in late November, 2014. But more than half of this month, the transport sector has not yet announced a new "Lottery".

Press conference call related to traffic Department, said that according to the plan, is currently awaiting the final programme of the municipal government. According to people familiar with the situation say, municipal government held an Executive meeting late last month to discuss a new "Lottery method", which still has multiple focus did not reach a consensus on issues, including whether to give long a lottery without buyers with preferential policies, increasing its success rate; new energy vehicles using a lottery platform configuration, and so on.

New energy vehicles to be purchased separate "shake"

For individuals to buy electric cars to go shake problem, the Beijing municipal science and Technology Commission to relevant sources, according to the design of the science and Technology Commission and the Beijing Municipal Communications Commission, new energy vehicles will separate into a lottery system, which means that new energy vehicles and other motor vehicles not to join a lottery, but the purchase of cars also need for separate indicators through a lottery. According to Beijing's plans for the next 4 years, annual net increase of 150,000 units for motor vehicles, increasing in phases of the new energy vehicles.

"Electric vehicles will have a limit of total over the next four years to increase, if so many cars, said electric vehicles will be able to feel free to develop. "The sources said, a lottery system is defined in new energy vehicles is a pure electric vehicle, not including gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles or other power structures, currently under evaluation, consumers will not buy pure electric cars too much, not electric vehicles first, but hard to find in any situation. New energy vehicles, "Lottery" approach will be introduced along with the number of motor vehicle regulation policies, not published separately, according to the plan, published before the end of this month.

Motor vehicles targets for the next four configurations

2017 (60,000 new energy vehicle indicators)

2016 a (60,000 new energy vehicle indicators)

2015 (which targets 30,000 new energy vehicles)

2014 (which targets 20,000 of new energy vehicles)


New vehicle configuration indicator changes in approach? Some CPPCC members and University experts gave their views.

1 long wave can not be tilted?

Policy does not exist in the new lottery, 3 years without shaking, Chen was already laments: "is elusive for life will be with the car. "Implementing car shakes starting from Beijing, Chen in the first wave of registration, and he thought that buying a car soon can come true. But in three years, the distance of his dream that a lottery, most recently in March of this year, colleagues found Chen when the query name, but double-check that, and this is just an empty man with joy. That indicators will continue to shrink in the coming year a lottery, he lost heart.

CPPCC members in Beijing, Beijing Hua Leibang Group CEO Shi Xiangyang proposed, should be taken into account in the new lottery policy to that segment of the population's interests.

Lottery buyers probably 3 years are not fulfilling a wish, and the new policy changes affecting the interest of that segment of the population, should consider giving these people some preferential policies, such as allowing approval of priority, such as increasing the success rate. But what kind of concrete concessions, arguments which require further investigation.

2 can the family unit a lottery?

Member of the National Committee of the CPPCC, said Meng anming, academician, Tsinghua University Professor, currently a lottery policy appear to be fair and equal opportunity, but there's a lot of families have two cars or to participate in a lottery and bought third car shake and many car-free households, lottery two years empty-handed.

He suggested, should be based on the number of family-owned car, categorizes a lottery, "priority should be for those who just need a car do not have families. ”

Meng anming think, related functions sector can provides: on has two car car of family, prohibited its any members again participation minivan shake,, and for has a car car, also wanted to again shake, of family, in shake, Shi can gives its slightly low some of shake, probability, as 10%, for no car of just needed family, in shake, Shi is special gives its slightly high some of shake, probability, as 30%. As to how the screening the number of family-owned car, and how to give the family a different Lottery probabilities, technically can find, is not difficult.

3 Lottery and the parking hook you?

Earlier reports said, the City Department of transportation has proposed, to be perfect vehicle parking in the city, "a car-a number" database to make possession (purchase or lease) of parking apply as cars Lottery one of the eligibility criteria.

United States 3E senior advisory expert Xu Kangming, a transport systems consultancy believes that the formal spaces as the basic premise of buying a car is foreign in some big cities a measure to control the growth of cars, but this measure is suitable for China's national conditions, needs to be carefully studied. From Beijing's perspective, explore the feasibility of spaces to restrict car purchase is necessary.

Xu Kangming said this measure will apply to special care to avoid false proof of parking, as well as selling phenomenon occurs, "before the implementation of this measure, requires large amounts of data and supporting policies, institutional research, and personally I think implementation is unlikely in the short term. ”

4 additional suburban plates work?

"Traffic information back to me is, are showing interest as well to city leaders reflected. "CPPCC members, Professor of China University of petroleum, Beijing Zhang Qiangbin call" this ", referring to his proposal on the creation of suburban license plate.

Zhang Qiangbin believed that Beijing was named air pollution, traffic congestion and other urban ills, sources on the uneven distribution of the population, he proposes the creation of suburban license plates that do not participate in a lottery, as long as Beijing residents, may voluntarily free applications. If the total authorities worry about being able to control a car, obtain licences on the outskirts of the crowd can be set a certain threshold, such as the need of continuous tax in Beijing for many years. How to define suburbs, or further discussion. But the key point is that if people are willing to get the license plate on the outskirts, to pay won't drive to six rings or rings (limited to conditions established by the authorities) to pay.

Zhang Qiangbin admits, are willing to bear the costs of suburban license plate shall not enter the city center the public not much, unless a series of supporting policies to support medical care, educational resources, and stick to it, just like New York, Tokyo and other major cities, the suburbs can attract more voluntarily moved to downtown businesses and the public.


Resource allocation such measures should be public announcements

Mo Jihong, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of social sciences law believes that Beijing's upcoming new vehicle index configuration options, this is an administrative measure involving the allocation of public resources, prior to implementation, should be developed through more transparent as well as publicity, consultation process.

In 2010, Beijing announced a lottery policy, Government Web sites announced several views ease the congestion, after more than a week for comments, and related departments also announced the public feedback. Mo Jihong said that this is a consultation process before the implementation of administrative measures, in accordance with the administrative licensing law, policies similar to the more significant public interest, should solicit public opinions, or through public announcements, Jina or through other channels the views and suggestions of the people, which is conducive to the effective implementation of public policies.

Authorities may take into account the measures more sensitive, advance publicity will affect policy development, so without this program. Administrative permit law are not clearly defined between Yes and no, what administrative action needs the publicity, so it's hard to say whether the practice is problematic. However, departments may also seek the views of NPC deputies in advance, or to achieve the purpose of publicity through the media. "Several times before this press conference to disclose information, it can be considered a public. ”

Manuscript writing of this group/Beijing News reporter Chao Guo Xu Luyang

(Original title: new energy vehicles intended to separate a lottery)

(Edit: SN098)November 18, 2013 The Beijing News(北京电动汽车摇号办法月底前发布|北京|机动车|摇号_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 (记者郭超)按照北京市机动车排放污染工作方案,明年将会实施更为严格的机动车指标调控措施。此前,交通部门表示,新的机动车配置指标办法将于本月向社会公布,但11月过半,相关部门仍未见动静。据透露,目前方案仍按计划推进,但具体细节还存争议。









  2017年 15万个(其中新能源汽车指标6万个)

  2016年 15万个(其中新能源汽车指标6万个)

  2015年 15万个(其中新能源汽车指标3万个)

  2014年 15万个(其中新能源汽车指标2万个)



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  本组稿件采写/新京报记者 郭超 许路阳



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