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Be lifted, had never heard of country property

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/19 11:28:37 Browse times: 232 Comment times: 0

Be lifted, had never heard of country property(从未听过国家要解禁小产权房)

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Ministry of housing experts: be lifted, had never heard of country houses with limited property rights | | property | lifted _ the Department of housing news

Land transfer

Reporter of Nan Ren Xianbo yesterday to attend the "urbanization of central partnership" Forum housing and urban-rural construction in Guangzhou science and Technology Committee Deputy Director Li Bingren in said in an interview with reporters, all resource allocation work should be accomplished within the market, so should the rural construction land. Said he had never heard of the country has lifted limited property rights claims.

 All resource allocation should be accomplished within the market

The "central partnership of urbanization" Guangzhou, the theme of the Forum is set to "EU-China dialogue and sustainable urban development", government officials and entrepreneurs from China and the European Union and social organizations on behalf of more than 200 people attended the Forum. Representatives from both sides around the "rural construction land use" and "public policy" topic to brainstorm.

Ministry of housing and urban-rural development, former Chief Economist, Li Bingren, Vice Director of the Commission on Science and technology, said at the meeting that China's urbanization, primarily to address issues of rural construction land and the Equalization of public service.

Beginning in 2008, rural construction land approach was piloted in Guangdong. Land transfer forms have a stake in, lease, 5 basic forms of subcontracting, transfers and swaps. After the meeting, a real estate consulting company official told the South reporter, such as parts of Guangzhou urban, rural construction land is successfully translated into urban construction land, but there are rural land into State-owned construction land through the Government, to form a premium "scissors".

On this point, Li Bingren believes that farmers depend on the rural construction land. Urbanization work carried out, the most fundamental is to protect farmers ' rights and interests, the more crucial is how to guarantee the property rights of farmers. On this topic previously made by the experts of the rural construction land approaches or practices can take farmers ' land for construction joint-stock. "The land issue is a serious problem", Li Bingren believes that cannot easily judge which approach is better. But he stressed that 18 adopted by the decision of the third plenary session, put forward a new demand, closely around the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources to deepen economic restructuring, "this is the market economy. All resource allocation, should be accomplished within the market. "

  So that more civil society organizations and businesses to participate in public policy

Other than rural land for construction, and how to make urban public services? "We now have is the first problem to be addressed is the question of the role of. "Bai Yue, Vice President of the investment group at Fan Lin believes that movement to new towns must redefine the functions of the Government. France rebuild public policy (r p) Chairman piaier·baobi presented the European experience: in the past, EU Member States will assigned a sector responsible for some, let alone a sector responsibility, a sense is exclusive of duties and obligations assumed; now advocating is multiple levels, multiple departments to cooperate, sharing, and non-exclusive.

Piaier·baobi their research involves 8 areas of basic public services, including water, electricity, sanitation, waste management, public transport and broadband services, children and the elderly, medical waste, and so on. In his view, the public service needs to be done is to get more social organizations and enterprises to participate, such as PPP cooperation. To powered for cases, France of powered decision-making not only by powered sector to decided, but multi-party participation type of decision-making, power needs party will provides power demand, and in different of regional has what of needs, has more big of needs wait, Government collection related information Hou will for more level of analysis and assessment, introduced for reasonable of resources ratio, makes full can enjoy to public service.

(Original title: "be lifted, had never heard of country property House")

(Edit: SN048)November 18, 2013 The Southern Metropolis daily(住建部专家:从未听过国家要解禁小产权房|住建部|小产权房|解禁_新闻资讯


  南都讯 记者任先博 昨日,前来参加“中欧城镇化伙伴关系”广州论坛的住房和城乡建设部科学技术委员会常务副主任李秉仁在接受记者采访时表示,所有资源配置工作,都应该是在市场下完成,农村建设用地流转工作也应如此。他还表示从未听过国家有要解禁小产权房的说法。







  除农村建设用地外,如何做好城市公共服务?“我们目前要解决的是第一个问题是角色的问题。”百悦投资集团副总裁樊林会上认为,新型的城镇化的运动,必须要重新界定政府的职能。法国重建公众政策(R A P)主席皮埃尔·鲍比介绍了欧洲经验:过去来说欧盟成员国会把某一项职责分给某个部门,让某个部门单独承担责任,一定意义上是排他性的责任和义务的承担;现在提倡的是多个层面、多个部门进行合作,是分担性的,而非排他性的。




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