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Domestic robot “God first“ achieving mind control

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Domestic robot “God first“ achieving mind control

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Domestic robot "God first" achieving mind control _ | | ideas for homemade robot control news

Staff writer, Tianjin, June 14 (reporters Zhang Guo and and Jin Ying)-a paralyzed teenager in the brain with the help of mechanical exoskeletons, as this year's Brazil World Cup kickoff, this wonderful technology is in fact not far away from the people.

Today, Tianjin University and Tianjin Municipal People's Hospital released a jointly developed artificial neural rehabilitation robot systems "God first", it was the world's first computer for the whole body of stroke rehabilitation "pure mind" artificial neural system. With appearances at the World Cup brain compared to mechanical exoskeleton, "God first" can truly achieve coupled synchronization with the muscular activity of the cerebral cortex, are free to move, unity of thought.

Conference site, a hemiplegic patient through this system can "direct" himself was unable to move the body to complete the action. Project lead author, Professor of Tianjin University Institute of precision instrument mingdong said, is because the central nervous system or peripheral nerve damage in patients with stroke, brain cannot send the right commands or instructions cannot be transferred to the peripheral nerves. This system is not only correct, fast decode brain signals, "restoring" the central nervous system, Bionic also built a complete "artificial neural pathways" connected body damage the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. It requires the first experience of EEG data, subsequent asynchronous by EEG "brain-computer interface" technology to simulate the central nervous pathways and decodes experience ideas of motion information, can drive multiple levels of neuromuscular electrical stimulation technology analog peripheral nerve pathways, stimulating the paralyzed limb to produce the corresponding action.

Non-invasive EEG sensor module, the system consists of imaginary movement detection module, moving intention recognition module, interface module instruction encoding, stimuli that conditioning, stimulus current output module part 6. Experience need to be fitted with electrodes for EEG sensors worn on the head and install electrodes in the diseased limb muscles. Among them, the "brain-computer interfaces" can be read non-invasive EEG information, eliminating the need for chips implanted in the brain or spinal cord, it can accurately read people's thoughts.

According to the exclusion introduced, brain-controlled mechanical exoskeleton is the use of passive mechanical traction, non-active contraction of muscle activation. "God first" is using neuromuscular electrical stimulation to simulate the electrical stimulation of the nerve impulse causes a muscle voluntarily contracting, leading bone and joint results in independent action, consistent with the principles of human voluntary movement. This point is important for patients in their "God first" is not only able to complete the action, but also to speed up the healing process. Tianjin City, Director of the Tianjin Municipal People's Hospital, Department of rehabilitation, says Du Jingang, Director of the Institute of rehabilitation medicine, in rehabilitation medicine, this is a major breakthrough.

(Edit: SN067)05:21 on June 15, 2014 China Youth daily

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